In typical usage, the user working in a Java code editor issues a code assist command. This command results in a call to ICodeAssist.codeComplete(position, completionRequestor)
passing the current position in the source code. The code assist engine analyzes the code in the buffer, determines what kind of Java language construct is at that position, and proposes ways to complete that construct. These proposals are instances of the class CompletionProposal
. These proposals, perhaps after sorting and filtering, are presented to the user to make a choice.
The proposal is as follows: insert the {@linkplain #getCompletion() completion string} into thesource file buffer, replacing the characters between {@linkplain #getReplaceStart() the start}and {@linkplain #getReplaceEnd() end}. The string can be arbitrary; for example, it might include not only the name of a method but a set of parentheses. Moreover, the source range may include source positions before or after the source position where ICodeAssist.codeComplete
was invoked. The rest of the information associated with the proposal is to provide context that may help a user to choose from among competing proposals.
The completion engine creates instances of this class; it is not intended to be instantiated or subclassed by clients.
@see ICodeAssist#codeComplete(int,CompletionRequestor) @since 3.0 In typical usage, the user working in a Java code editor issues a code assist command. This command results in a call to ICodeAssist.codeComplete(position, completionRequestor)
passing the current position in the source code. The code assist engine analyzes the code in the buffer, determines what kind of Java language construct is at that position, and proposes ways to complete that construct. These proposals are instances of the class CompletionProposal
. These proposals, perhaps after sorting and filtering, are presented to the user to make a choice.
The proposal is as follows: insert the {@linkplain #getCompletion() completion string} into thesource file buffer, replacing the characters between {@linkplain #getReplaceStart() the start}and {@linkplain #getReplaceEnd() end}. The string can be arbitrary; for example, it might include not only the name of a method but a set of parentheses. Moreover, the source range may include source positions before or after the source position where ICodeAssist.codeComplete
was invoked. The rest of the information associated with the proposal is to provide context that may help a user to choose from among competing proposals.
The completion engine creates instances of this class.
@see ICodeAssist#codeComplete(int,CompletionRequestor) @since 3.0 @noinstantiate This class is not intended to be instantiated by clients. @noextend This class is not intended to be subclassed by clients.ICompletionProposal