Examples of CompilationProblem

Examples of org.drools.commons.jci.problems.CompilationProblem

                                                                this.packageBuilder.getRootClassLoader() );

        //this will sort out the errors based on what class/file they happened in
        if ( result.getErrors().length > 0 ) {
            for ( int i = 0; i < result.getErrors().length; i++ ) {
                final CompilationProblem err = result.getErrors()[i];
                final ErrorHandler handler = (ErrorHandler) this.errorHandlers.get( err.getFileName() );
                if ( handler instanceof RuleErrorHandler ) {
                    final RuleErrorHandler rh = (RuleErrorHandler) handler;
                handler.addError( err );
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Examples of org.drools.commons.jci.problems.CompilationProblem

            if (pReader.isAvailable(sourceFile)) {           
                compilationUnits[i] = new CompilationUnit(pReader, sourceFile);
            } else {
                // log.error("source not found " + sourceFile);

                final CompilationProblem problem = new CompilationProblem() {

                    public int getEndColumn() {
                        return 0;

                    public int getEndLine() {
                        return 0;

                    public String getFileName() {
                        return sourceFile;

                    public String getMessage() {
                        return "Source " + sourceFile + " could not be found";

                    public int getStartColumn() {
                        return 0;

                    public int getStartLine() {
                        return 0;

                    public boolean isError() {
                        return true;
                    public String toString() {
                        return getMessage();

                if (problemHandler != null) {

        if (problems.size() > 0) {
            final CompilationProblem[] result = new CompilationProblem[problems.size()];
            return new org.drools.commons.jci.compilers.CompilationResult(result);
        final IErrorHandlingPolicy policy = DefaultErrorHandlingPolicies.proceedWithAllProblems();
        final IProblemFactory problemFactory = new DefaultProblemFactory(Locale.getDefault());
        final INameEnvironment nameEnvironment = new INameEnvironment() {

            public NameEnvironmentAnswer findType( final char[][] pCompoundTypeName ) {
                final StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
                for (int i = 0; i < pCompoundTypeName.length; i++) {
                    if (i != 0) {

                //log.debug("finding compoundTypeName=" + result.toString());

                return findType(result.toString());

            public NameEnvironmentAnswer findType( final char[] pTypeName, final char[][] pPackageName ) {
                final StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
                for (int i = 0; i < pPackageName.length; i++) {
//                log.debug("finding typeName=" + new String(typeName) + " packageName=" + result.toString());

                return findType(result.toString());

            private NameEnvironmentAnswer findType( final String pClazzName ) {
                if (isPackage(pClazzName)) {
                    return null;
                final String resourceName = ClassUtils.convertClassToResourcePath(pClazzName);
                final byte[] clazzBytes = pStore.read( resourceName );
                if (clazzBytes != null) {
                    final char[] fileName = pClazzName.toCharArray();
                    try {
                        final ClassFileReader classFileReader = new ClassFileReader(clazzBytes, fileName, true);
                        return new NameEnvironmentAnswer(classFileReader, null);
                    } catch (final ClassFormatException e) {
                        throw new RuntimeException( "ClassFormatException in loading class '" + fileName + "' with JCI." );
                InputStream is = null;
                ByteArrayOutputStream baos = null;
                try {
                    is = pClassLoader.getResourceAsStream(resourceName);
                    if (is == null) {
                        return null;
                    final byte[] buffer = new byte[8192];
                    baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(buffer.length);
                    int count;
                        while ((count = is.read(buffer, 0, buffer.length)) > 0) {
                            baos.write(buffer, 0, count);
                        final char[] fileName = pClazzName.toCharArray();
                        final ClassFileReader classFileReader = new ClassFileReader(baos.toByteArray(), fileName, true);
                        return new NameEnvironmentAnswer(classFileReader, null);
                } catch ( final IOException e ) {
                    throw new RuntimeException( "could not read class",
                                                e );
                } catch ( final ClassFormatException e ) {
                    throw new RuntimeException( "wrong class format",
                                                e );
                } finally {
                    try {
                        if (baos != null ) {
                    } catch ( final IOException oe ) {
                        throw new RuntimeException( "could not close output stream",
                                                    oe );
                    try {
                        if ( is != null ) {
                    } catch ( final IOException ie ) {
                        throw new RuntimeException( "could not close input stream",
                                                    ie );

            private boolean isPackage( final String pClazzName ) {
                InputStream is = null;
                try {
                    is = pClassLoader.getResourceAsStream(ClassUtils.convertClassToResourcePath(pClazzName));
                    if (is != null) {
                        return false;
                    // FIXME: this should not be tied to the extension
                    final String source = pClazzName.replace('.', '/') + ".java";
                    if (pReader.isAvailable(source)) {
                        return false;
                    return true;
                } finally {
                    if ( is != null ) {
                        try {
                        } catch ( IOException e ) {
                            throw new RuntimeException( "Unable to close stream for resource: " + pClazzName );

            public boolean isPackage( char[][] parentPackageName, char[] pPackageName ) {
                final StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
                if (parentPackageName != null) {
                    for (int i = 0; i < parentPackageName.length; i++) {
                        if (i != 0) {
//                log.debug("isPackage parentPackageName=" + result.toString() + " packageName=" + new String(packageName));
                if (parentPackageName != null && parentPackageName.length > 0) {
                return isPackage(result.toString());

            public void cleanup() {

        final ICompilerRequestor compilerRequestor = new ICompilerRequestor() {
            public void acceptResult( final CompilationResult pResult ) {
                if (pResult.hasProblems()) {
                    final IProblem[] iproblems = pResult.getProblems();
                    for (int i = 0; i < iproblems.length; i++) {
                        final IProblem iproblem = iproblems[i];
                        final CompilationProblem problem = new EclipseCompilationProblem(iproblem);
                        if (problemHandler != null) {
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Examples of org.drools.commons.jci.problems.CompilationProblem

                                                                this.packageBuilder.getRootClassLoader() );

        //this will sort out the errors based on what class/file they happened in
        if ( result.getErrors().length > 0 ) {
            for ( int i = 0; i < result.getErrors().length; i++ ) {
                final CompilationProblem err = result.getErrors()[i];
                final ErrorHandler handler = (ErrorHandler) this.errorHandlers.get( err.getFileName() );
                if ( handler instanceof RuleErrorHandler ) {
                    final RuleErrorHandler rh = (RuleErrorHandler) handler;
                handler.addError( err );
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Examples of org.drools.commons.jci.problems.CompilationProblem

                                                                this.packageBuilder.getRootClassLoader() );

        //this will sort out the errors based on what class/file they happened in
        if ( result.getErrors().length > 0 ) {
            for ( int i = 0; i < result.getErrors().length; i++ ) {
                final CompilationProblem err = result.getErrors()[i];
                final ErrorHandler handler = (ErrorHandler) this.errorHandlers.get( err.getFileName() );
                if ( handler instanceof RuleErrorHandler ) {
                    final RuleErrorHandler rh = (RuleErrorHandler) handler;
                handler.addError( err );
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Examples of org.drools.commons.jci.problems.CompilationProblem

            if (pReader.isAvailable(sourceFile)) {
                compilationUnits[i] = new CompilationUnit(pReader, sourceFile);
            } else {
                // log.error("source not found " + sourceFile);

                final CompilationProblem problem = new CompilationProblem() {

                    public int getEndColumn() {
                        return 0;

                    public int getEndLine() {
                        return 0;

                    public String getFileName() {
                        return sourceFile;

                    public String getMessage() {
                        return "Source " + sourceFile + " could not be found";

                    public int getStartColumn() {
                        return 0;

                    public int getStartLine() {
                        return 0;

                    public boolean isError() {
                        return true;
                    public String toString() {
                        return getMessage();

                if (problemHandler != null) {

        if (problems.size() > 0) {
            final CompilationProblem[] result = new CompilationProblem[problems.size()];
            return new org.drools.commons.jci.compilers.CompilationResult(result);
        final IErrorHandlingPolicy policy = DefaultErrorHandlingPolicies.proceedWithAllProblems();
        final IProblemFactory problemFactory = new DefaultProblemFactory(Locale.getDefault());
        final INameEnvironment nameEnvironment = new INameEnvironment() {

            public NameEnvironmentAnswer findType( final char[][] pCompoundTypeName ) {
                final StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
                for (int i = 0; i < pCompoundTypeName.length; i++) {
                    if (i != 0) {

                //log.debug("finding compoundTypeName=" + result.toString());

                return findType(result.toString());

            public NameEnvironmentAnswer findType( final char[] pTypeName, final char[][] pPackageName ) {
                final StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
                for (int i = 0; i < pPackageName.length; i++) {
//                log.debug("finding typeName=" + new String(typeName) + " packageName=" + result.toString());

                return findType(result.toString());

            private NameEnvironmentAnswer findType( final String pClazzName ) {
                if (isPackage(pClazzName)) {
                    return null;
                final String resourceName = ClassUtils.convertClassToResourcePath(pClazzName);
                final byte[] clazzBytes = pStore.read( resourceName );
                if (clazzBytes != null) {
                    final char[] fileName = pClazzName.toCharArray();
                    try {
                        final ClassFileReader classFileReader = new ClassFileReader(clazzBytes, fileName, true);
                        return new NameEnvironmentAnswer(classFileReader, null);
                    } catch (final ClassFormatException e) {
                        throw new RuntimeException( "ClassFormatException in loading class '" + fileName + "' with JCI." );
                InputStream is = null;
                ByteArrayOutputStream baos = null;
                try {
                    is = pClassLoader.getResourceAsStream(resourceName);
                    if (is == null) {
                        return null;
                    final byte[] buffer = new byte[8192];
                    baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(buffer.length);
                    int count;
                        while ((count = is.read(buffer, 0, buffer.length)) > 0) {
                            baos.write(buffer, 0, count);
                        final char[] fileName = pClazzName.toCharArray();
                        final ClassFileReader classFileReader = new ClassFileReader(baos.toByteArray(), fileName, true);
                        return new NameEnvironmentAnswer(classFileReader, null);
                } catch ( final IOException e ) {
                    throw new RuntimeException( "could not read class",
                                                e );
                } catch ( final ClassFormatException e ) {
                    throw new RuntimeException( "wrong class format",
                                                e );
                } finally {
                    try {
                        if (baos != null ) {
                    } catch ( final IOException oe ) {
                        throw new RuntimeException( "could not close output stream",
                                                    oe );
                    try {
                        if ( is != null ) {
                    } catch ( final IOException ie ) {
                        throw new RuntimeException( "could not close input stream",
                                                    ie );

            private boolean isPackage( final String pClazzName ) {
                InputStream is = null;
                try {
                    is = pClassLoader.getResourceAsStream(ClassUtils.convertClassToResourcePath(pClazzName));
                    if (is != null) {
                        return false;
                    // FIXME: this should not be tied to the extension
                    final String source = pClazzName.replace('.', '/') + ".java";
                    if (pReader.isAvailable(source)) {
                        return false;
                    return true;
                } finally {
                    if ( is != null ) {
                        try {
                        } catch ( IOException e ) {
                            throw new RuntimeException( "Unable to close stream for resource: " + pClazzName );

            public boolean isPackage( char[][] parentPackageName, char[] pPackageName ) {
                final StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
                if (parentPackageName != null) {
                    for (int i = 0; i < parentPackageName.length; i++) {
                        if (i != 0) {
//                log.debug("isPackage parentPackageName=" + result.toString() + " packageName=" + new String(packageName));
                if (parentPackageName != null && parentPackageName.length > 0) {
                return isPackage(result.toString());

            public void cleanup() {

        final ICompilerRequestor compilerRequestor = new ICompilerRequestor() {
            public void acceptResult( final CompilationResult pResult ) {
                if (pResult.hasProblems()) {
                    final IProblem[] iproblems = pResult.getProblems();
                    for (int i = 0; i < iproblems.length; i++) {
                        final IProblem iproblem = iproblems[i];
                        final CompilationProblem problem = new EclipseCompilationProblem(iproblem);
                        if (problemHandler != null) {
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Examples of org.drools.commons.jci.problems.CompilationProblem

                                                                this.packageBuilder.getRootClassLoader() );

        //this will sort out the errors based on what class/file they happened in
        if ( result.getErrors().length > 0 ) {
            for ( int i = 0; i < result.getErrors().length; i++ ) {
                final CompilationProblem err = result.getErrors()[i];
                final ErrorHandler handler = this.errorHandlers.get( err.getFileName() );
                handler.addError( err );

            final Collection errors = this.errorHandlers.values();
            for (Object error : errors) {
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Examples of org.drools.commons.jci.problems.CompilationProblem

                scanner = new Scanner(resourceNameFromClass, reader);
                final Java.CompilationUnit unit = new Parser(scanner).parseCompilationUnit();
                final UnitCompiler uc = new UnitCompiler(unit, this);
                uc.setCompileErrorHandler(new ErrorHandler() {
                    public void handleError(final String pMessage, final Location pOptionalLocation) throws CompileException {
                        final CompilationProblem problem = new JaninoCompilationProblem(pOptionalLocation, pMessage, true);
                        if (problemHandler != null) {
                uc.setWarningHandler(new WarningHandler() {
                    public void handleWarning(final String pHandle, final String pMessage, final Location pOptionalLocation) {
                        final CompilationProblem problem = new JaninoCompilationProblem(pOptionalLocation, pMessage, false);
                        if (problemHandler != null) {
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Examples of org.drools.commons.jci.problems.CompilationProblem

            if ( pReader.isAvailable( sourceFile ) ) {
                compilationUnits[i] = new CompilationUnit( pReader,
                                                           sourceFile );
            } else {

                final CompilationProblem problem = new CompilationProblem() {

                    public int getEndColumn() {
                        return 0;

                    public int getEndLine() {
                        return 0;

                    public String getFileName() {
                        return sourceFile;

                    public String getMessage() {
                        return "Source " + sourceFile + " could not be found";

                    public int getStartColumn() {
                        return 0;

                    public int getStartLine() {
                        return 0;

                    public boolean isError() {
                        return true;

                    public String toString() {
                        return getMessage();

                if ( this.problemHandler != null ) {
                    this.problemHandler.handle( problem );

                problems.add( problem );

        if ( problems.size() > 0 ) {
            final CompilationProblem[] result = new CompilationProblem[problems.size()];
            problems.toArray( result );
            return new org.drools.commons.jci.compilers.CompilationResult( result );

        final IErrorHandlingPolicy policy = DefaultErrorHandlingPolicies.proceedWithAllProblems();
        final IProblemFactory problemFactory = new DefaultProblemFactory( Locale.getDefault() );
        final INameEnvironment nameEnvironment = new INameEnvironment() {

            public NameEnvironmentAnswer findType(final char[][] pCompoundTypeName) {
                final StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer();
                for ( int i = 0; i < pCompoundTypeName.length; i++ ) {
                    if ( i != 0 ) {
                        result.append( '.' );
                    result.append( pCompoundTypeName[i] );

                //log.debug("finding compoundTypeName=" + result.toString());

                return findType( result.toString() );

            public NameEnvironmentAnswer findType(final char[] pTypeName,
                                                  final char[][] pPackageName) {
                final StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer();
                for ( int i = 0; i < pPackageName.length; i++ ) {
                    result.append( pPackageName[i] );
                    result.append( '.' );

                //                log.debug("finding typeName=" + new String(typeName) + " packageName=" + result.toString());

                result.append( pTypeName );
                return findType( result.toString() );

            private NameEnvironmentAnswer findType(final String pClazzName) {

                if ( isPackage( pClazzName ) ) {
                    return null;

                final String resourceName = ClassUtils.convertClassToResourcePath( pClazzName );

                final byte[] clazzBytes = pStore.read( pClazzName );
                if ( clazzBytes != null ) {

                    final char[] fileName = pClazzName.toCharArray();
                    try {
                        final ClassFileReader classFileReader = new ClassFileReader( clazzBytes,
                                                                                     true );
                        return new NameEnvironmentAnswer( classFileReader,
                                                          null );
                    } catch ( final ClassFormatException e ) {
                        throw new RuntimeException( "ClassFormatException in loading class '" + fileName + "' with JCI." );

                final InputStream is = pClassLoader.getResourceAsStream( resourceName );
                if ( is == null ) {
                    return null;

                final byte[] buffer = new byte[8192];
                final ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream( buffer.length );
                int count;
                try {
                    while ( (count = is.read( buffer,
                                              buffer.length )) > 0 ) {
                        baos.write( buffer,
                                    count );
                    final char[] fileName = pClazzName.toCharArray();
                    final ClassFileReader classFileReader = new ClassFileReader( baos.toByteArray(),
                                                                                 true );
                    return new NameEnvironmentAnswer( classFileReader,
                                                      null );
                } catch ( final IOException e ) {
                    throw new RuntimeException( "could not read class",
                                                e );
                } catch ( final ClassFormatException e ) {
                    throw new RuntimeException( "wrong class format",
                                                e );
                } finally {
                    try {
                    } catch ( final IOException oe ) {
                        throw new RuntimeException( "could not close output stream",
                                                    oe );
                    try {
                    } catch ( final IOException ie ) {
                        throw new RuntimeException( "could not close input stream",
                                                    ie );

            private boolean isPackage(final String pClazzName) {

                final InputStream is = pClassLoader.getResourceAsStream( ClassUtils.convertClassToResourcePath( pClazzName ) );
                if ( is != null ) {
                    return false;

                // FIXME: this should not be tied to the extension
                final String source = pClazzName.replace( '.',
                                                          '/' ) + ".java";
                if ( pReader.isAvailable( source ) ) {
                    return false;

                return true;

            public boolean isPackage(char[][] parentPackageName,
                                     char[] pPackageName) {
                final StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer();
                if ( parentPackageName != null ) {
                    for ( int i = 0; i < parentPackageName.length; i++ ) {
                        if ( i != 0 ) {
                            result.append( '.' );
                        result.append( parentPackageName[i] );

                //                log.debug("isPackage parentPackageName=" + result.toString() + " packageName=" + new String(packageName));

                if ( parentPackageName != null && parentPackageName.length > 0 ) {
                    result.append( '.' );
                result.append( pPackageName );
                return isPackage( result.toString() );

            public void cleanup() {

        final ICompilerRequestor compilerRequestor = new ICompilerRequestor() {
            public void acceptResult(final CompilationResult pResult) {
                if ( pResult.hasProblems() ) {
                    final IProblem[] iproblems = pResult.getProblems();
                    for ( int i = 0; i < iproblems.length; i++ ) {
                        final IProblem iproblem = iproblems[i];
                        final CompilationProblem problem = new EclipseCompilationProblem( iproblem );
                        if ( EclipseJavaCompiler.this.problemHandler != null ) {
                            EclipseJavaCompiler.this.problemHandler.handle( problem );
                        problems.add( problem );
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Examples of org.drools.commons.jci.problems.CompilationProblem

    public CompilationResult( final CompilationProblem[] pProblems ) {
        final Collection errorsColl = new ArrayList();
        final Collection warningsColl = new ArrayList();

        for (int i = 0; i < pProblems.length; i++) {
            final CompilationProblem problem = pProblems[i];
            if (problem.isError()) {
            } else {
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Examples of org.drools.commons.jci.problems.CompilationProblem

                                                                this.pkg.getPackageCompilationData().getClassLoader() );

        //this will sort out the errors based on what class/file they happened in
        if ( result.getErrors().length > 0 ) {
            for ( int i = 0; i < result.getErrors().length; i++ ) {
                final CompilationProblem err = result.getErrors()[i];
//                System.out.println("Line: "+err.getStartLine());
//                LineMappings maps = this.pkg.getPackageCompilationData().getLineMappings( err.getFileName().replace( '/', '.' ).substring( 0, err.getFileName().length() - 5 ) );
//                int line = err.getStartLine() + maps.getStartLine() - maps.getOffset() -1;
//                System.out.println("Map:  "+line);
                final ErrorHandler handler = (ErrorHandler) this.errorHandlers.get( err.getFileName() );
                if ( handler instanceof RuleErrorHandler ) {
                    final RuleErrorHandler rh = (RuleErrorHandler) handler;
                handler.addError( err );
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