Examples of CommonBinding

Examples of org.jboss.ws.core.CommonBinding

         boolean oneway = false;
         EndpointInvocation sepInv = null;
         OperationMetaData opMetaData = null;
         CommonBinding binding = bindingProvider.getCommonBinding();

         if (binding instanceof CommonSOAPBinding)
         // call the request handler chain
         boolean handlersPass = callRequestHandlerChain(sepMetaData, handlerType[0]);

         // Unbind the request message
         if (handlersPass)
            // Get the operation meta data from the SOAP message
            opMetaData = getDispatchDestination(sepMetaData, reqMessage);
            oneway = opMetaData.isOneWay();

             * From JAX-WS 10.2.1 - "7. If the node does not understand how to process
             * the message, then neither handlers nor the endpoint
             * are invoked and instead the binding generates a SOAP must
             * understand exception"
             * Therefore, this must precede the ENDPOINT chain; however, The PRE
             * chain still must happen first since the message may be encrypted, in which
             * case the operation is still not known. Without knowing the operation, it
             * is not possible to determine what headers are understood by the endpoint.
            if (binding instanceof CommonSOAPBinding)

            // Unbind the request message
            sepInv = binding.unbindRequestMessage(opMetaData, reqMessage);

         handlersPass = handlersPass && callRequestHandlerChain(sepMetaData, handlerType[1]);
         handlersPass = handlersPass && callRequestHandlerChain(sepMetaData, handlerType[2]);

         if (handlersPass)
            msgContext.put(CommonMessageContext.ALLOW_EXPAND_TO_DOM, Boolean.TRUE);
               // Check if protocol handlers modified the payload
               if (msgContext.isModified())
                  log.debug("Handler modified payload, unbind message again");
                  reqMessage = msgContext.getMessageAbstraction();
                  sepInv = binding.unbindRequestMessage(opMetaData, reqMessage);
               //JBWS-2969:check if the RPC/Lit input paramter is null
               if (opMetaData.getEndpointMetaData().getType() != EndpointMetaData.Type.JAXRPC
                     && opMetaData.isRPCLiteral() && sepInv.getRequestParamNames() != null)
                  for (QName qname : sepInv.getRequestParamNames())
                     ParameterMetaData paramMetaData = opMetaData.getParameter(qname);
                     if ((paramMetaData.getMode().equals(ParameterMode.IN) || paramMetaData.getMode().equals(ParameterMode.INOUT)) && sepInv.getRequestParamValue(qname) == null)
                        throw new WebServiceException("The RPC/Literal Operation [" + opMetaData.getQName()
                              + "] parameters can not be null");
               // Invoke an instance of the SEI implementation bean
               Invocation inv = setupInvocation(endpoint, sepInv, invContext);
               InvocationHandler invHandler = endpoint.getInvocationHandler();
                  invHandler.invoke(endpoint, inv);
               catch (InvocationTargetException th)
                  //Unwrap the throwable raised by the service endpoint implementation
                  Throwable targetEx = th.getTargetException();
                  throw (targetEx instanceof Exception ? (Exception)targetEx : new UndeclaredThrowableException(targetEx));
                  // JBWS-2486
                  if (endpoint.getAttachment(Object.class) == null)
                     endpoint.addAttachment(Object.class, inv.getInvocationContext().getTargetBean());

               // Handler processing might have replaced the endpoint invocation
               sepInv = inv.getInvocationContext().getAttachment(EndpointInvocation.class);

            // Reverse the message direction
            msgContext = processPivotInternal(msgContext, direction);

            // Set the required outbound context properties
            // Bind the response message
            MessageAbstraction resMessage = binding.bindResponseMessage(opMetaData, sepInv);
            // Reverse the message direction without calling the endpoint
            MessageAbstraction resMessage = msgContext.getMessageAbstraction();
            msgContext = processPivotInternal(msgContext, direction);

         if (oneway == false)
            // call the  response handler chain, removing the fault type entry will not call handleFault for that chain
            handlersPass = callResponseHandlerChain(sepMetaData, handlerType[2]);
            faultType[2] = null;
            handlersPass = handlersPass && callResponseHandlerChain(sepMetaData, handlerType[1]);
            faultType[1] = null;
            handlersPass = handlersPass && callResponseHandlerChain(sepMetaData, handlerType[0]);
            faultType[0] = null;
      catch (Exception ex)
         // Reverse the message direction
         processPivotInternal(msgContext, direction);
         CommonBinding binding = bindingProvider.getCommonBinding();
            MessageContextAssociation.peekMessageContext().put("Exception", ex);

            // call the fault handler chain
            boolean handlersPass = true;
            if (faultType[2] != null)
               handlersPass = handlersPass && callFaultHandlerChain(sepMetaData, faultType[2], ex);
            if (faultType[1] != null)
               handlersPass = handlersPass && callFaultHandlerChain(sepMetaData, faultType[1], ex);
            if (faultType[0] != null)
               handlersPass = handlersPass && callFaultHandlerChain(sepMetaData, faultType[0], ex);
         catch (RuntimeException subEx)
            log.warn("Exception while processing handleFault: ", ex);
            ex = subEx;
         throw ex;
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Examples of org.jboss.ws.core.CommonBinding

         // In case we have an exception before the invoker is called
         // we create the fault message here.
         if (resMessage == null || resMessage.isFaultMessage() == false)
            CommonBindingProvider bindingProvider = new CommonBindingProvider(sepMetaData);
            CommonBinding binding = bindingProvider.getCommonBinding();
            resMessage = binding.bindFaultMessage(ex);

         if (resMessage != null)
            postProcessResponse(headerSource, resMessage);
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Examples of org.jboss.ws.core.CommonBinding

         // In case we have an exception before the invoker is called
         // we create the fault message here.
         if (resMessage == null || resMessage.isFaultMessage() == false)
            CommonBindingProvider bindingProvider = new CommonBindingProvider(sepMetaData);
            CommonBinding binding = bindingProvider.getCommonBinding();
            resMessage = binding.bindFaultMessage(ex);

         if (resMessage != null)
            postProcessResponse(headerSource, resMessage);
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Examples of org.jboss.ws.core.CommonBinding

         // In case we have an exception before the invoker is called
         // we create the fault message here.
         if (resMessage == null || resMessage.isFaultMessage() == false)
            CommonBindingProvider bindingProvider = new CommonBindingProvider(sepMetaData);
            CommonBinding binding = bindingProvider.getCommonBinding();
            resMessage = binding.bindFaultMessage(ex);

         if (resMessage != null)
            postProcessResponse(headerSource, resMessage);
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Examples of org.jboss.ws.core.CommonBinding

         boolean oneway = false;
         EndpointInvocation sepInv = null;
         OperationMetaData opMetaData = null;
         CommonBinding binding = bindingProvider.getCommonBinding();

         // call the request handler chain
         boolean handlersPass = callRequestHandlerChain(sepMetaData, handlerType[0]);

         // Unbind the request message
         if (handlersPass)
            // Get the operation meta data from the SOAP message
            opMetaData = getDispatchDestination(sepMetaData, reqMessage);
            oneway = opMetaData.isOneWay();

             * From JAX-WS 10.2.1 - "7. If the node does not understand how to process
             * the message, then neither handlers nor the endpoint
             * are invoked and instead the binding generates a SOAP must
             * understand exception"
             * Therefore, this must precede the ENDPOINT chain; however, The PRE
             * chain still must happen first since the message may be encrypted, in which
             * case the operation is still not known. Without knowing the operation, it
             * is not possible to determine what headers are understood by the endpoint.
            if (binding instanceof CommonSOAPBinding)

            // Unbind the request message
            sepInv = binding.unbindRequestMessage(opMetaData, reqMessage);

         handlersPass = handlersPass && callRequestHandlerChain(sepMetaData, handlerType[1]);
         handlersPass = handlersPass && callRequestHandlerChain(sepMetaData, handlerType[2]);

         if (handlersPass)
            msgContext.put(CommonMessageContext.ALLOW_EXPAND_TO_DOM, Boolean.TRUE);
               // Check if protocol handlers modified the payload
               if (msgContext.isModified())
                  log.debug("Handler modified payload, unbind message again");
                  reqMessage = msgContext.getMessageAbstraction();
                  sepInv = binding.unbindRequestMessage(opMetaData, reqMessage);

               // Invoke an instance of the SEI implementation bean
               Invocation inv = setupInvocation(endpoint, sepInv, invContext);
               InvocationHandler invHandler = endpoint.getInvocationHandler();
                  invHandler.invoke(endpoint, inv);
               catch (InvocationTargetException th)
                  //Unwrap the throwable raised by the service endpoint implementation
                  Throwable targetEx = th.getTargetException();
                  throw (targetEx instanceof Exception ? (Exception)targetEx : new UndeclaredThrowableException(targetEx));

               // Handler processing might have replaced the endpoint invocation
               sepInv = inv.getInvocationContext().getAttachment(EndpointInvocation.class);

            // Reverse the message direction
            msgContext = processPivotInternal(msgContext, direction);

            // Set the required outbound context properties

            if (binding instanceof CommonSOAPBinding)

            // Bind the response message
            MessageAbstraction resMessage = binding.bindResponseMessage(opMetaData, sepInv);
            // Reverse the message direction without calling the endpoint
            MessageAbstraction resMessage = msgContext.getMessageAbstraction();
            msgContext = processPivotInternal(msgContext, direction);

         boolean isWsrmMessage = msgContext.get(RMConstant.RESPONSE_CONTEXT) != null;
         if ((oneway == false) || (isWsrmMessage)) // RM hack
            // call the  response handler chain, removing the fault type entry will not call handleFault for that chain
            handlersPass = callResponseHandlerChain(sepMetaData, handlerType[2]);
            faultType[2] = null;
            handlersPass = handlersPass && callResponseHandlerChain(sepMetaData, handlerType[1]);
            faultType[1] = null;
            handlersPass = handlersPass && callResponseHandlerChain(sepMetaData, handlerType[0]);
            faultType[0] = null;
      catch (Exception ex)
         // Reverse the message direction
         processPivotInternal(msgContext, direction);
         CommonBinding binding = bindingProvider.getCommonBinding();

            // call the fault handler chain
            boolean handlersPass = true;
            if (faultType[2] != null)
               handlersPass = handlersPass && callFaultHandlerChain(sepMetaData, faultType[2], ex);
            if (faultType[1] != null)
               handlersPass = handlersPass && callFaultHandlerChain(sepMetaData, faultType[1], ex);
            if (faultType[0] != null)
               handlersPass = handlersPass && callFaultHandlerChain(sepMetaData, faultType[0], ex);
         catch (RuntimeException subEx)
            log.warn("Exception while processing handleFault: ", ex);
            ex = subEx;
         throw ex;
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Examples of org.jboss.ws.core.CommonBinding

/* 428 */       MessageAbstraction resMessage = msgContext.getMessageAbstraction();
/*     */
/* 432 */       if ((resMessage == null) || (!resMessage.isFaultMessage()))
/*     */       {
/* 434 */         bindingProvider = new CommonBindingProvider(sepMetaData);
/* 435 */         CommonBinding binding = bindingProvider.getCommonBinding();
/* 436 */         resMessage = binding.bindFaultMessage(ex);
/*     */       }
/*     */
/* 439 */       if (resMessage != null) {
/* 440 */         postProcessResponse(headerSource, resMessage);
/*     */       }
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Examples of org.jboss.ws.core.CommonBinding

/*    */     {
/*    */       try
/*    */       {
/* 65 */         OperationMetaData opMetaData = epInv.getOperationMetaData();
/* 66 */         CommonBindingProvider bindingProvider = new CommonBindingProvider(opMetaData.getEndpointMetaData());
/* 67 */         CommonBinding binding = bindingProvider.getCommonBinding();
/* 68 */         SOAPMessage resMessage = (SOAPMessage)binding.bindResponseMessage(opMetaData, epInv);
/* 69 */         msgContext.setMessage(resMessage);
/*    */       }
/*    */       catch (BindingException ex)
/*    */       {
/* 73 */         WSException.rethrow(ex);
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Examples of org.jboss.ws.core.CommonBinding

/*     */     try
/*     */     {
/* 163 */       boolean oneway = false;
/* 164 */       EndpointInvocation sepInv = null;
/* 165 */       OperationMetaData opMetaData = null;
/* 166 */       CommonBinding binding = this.bindingProvider.getCommonBinding();
/* 167 */       binding.setHeaderSource(this.delegate);
/*     */
/* 170 */       boolean handlersPass = callRequestHandlerChain(sepMetaData, handlerType[0]);
/*     */
/* 173 */       if (handlersPass)
/*     */       {
/* 176 */         opMetaData = getDispatchDestination(sepMetaData, reqMessage);
/* 177 */         msgContext.setOperationMetaData(opMetaData);
/* 178 */         oneway = opMetaData.isOneWay();
/*     */
/* 191 */         if ((binding instanceof CommonSOAPBinding)) {
/* 192 */           ((CommonSOAPBinding)binding).checkMustUnderstand(opMetaData);
/*     */         }
/*     */
/* 195 */         sepInv = binding.unbindRequestMessage(opMetaData, reqMessage);
/*     */       }
/*     */
/* 198 */       handlersPass = (handlersPass) && (callRequestHandlerChain(sepMetaData, handlerType[1]));
/* 199 */       handlersPass = (handlersPass) && (callRequestHandlerChain(sepMetaData, handlerType[2]));
/*     */
/* 201 */       if (handlersPass)
/*     */       {
/* 203 */         msgContext.put(CommonMessageContext.ALLOW_EXPAND_TO_DOM, Boolean.TRUE);
/*     */         try
/*     */         {
/* 207 */           if (msgContext.isModified())
/*     */           {
/* 209 */             log.debug("Handler modified payload, unbind message again");
/* 210 */             reqMessage = msgContext.getMessageAbstraction();
/* 211 */             sepInv = binding.unbindRequestMessage(opMetaData, reqMessage);
/*     */           }
/*     */
/* 215 */           Invocation inv = setupInvocation(this.endpoint, sepInv, invContext);
/* 216 */           InvocationHandler invHandler = this.endpoint.getInvocationHandler();
/*     */           try
/*     */           {
/* 220 */             invHandler.invoke(this.endpoint, inv);
/*     */           }
/*     */           catch (InvocationTargetException th)
/*     */           {
/* 225 */             Throwable targetEx = th.getTargetException();
/* 226 */             throw ((targetEx instanceof Exception) ? (Exception)targetEx : new UndeclaredThrowableException(targetEx));
/*     */           }
/*     */
/* 230 */           sepInv = (EndpointInvocation)inv.getInvocationContext().getAttachment(EndpointInvocation.class);
/*     */         }
/*     */         finally
/*     */         {
/* 234 */           msgContext.remove(CommonMessageContext.ALLOW_EXPAND_TO_DOM);
/*     */         }
/*     */
/* 238 */         msgContext = processPivotInternal(msgContext, direction);
/*     */
/* 241 */         setOutboundContextProperties();
/*     */
/* 243 */         if ((binding instanceof CommonSOAPBinding)) {
/* 244 */           XOPContext.setMTOMEnabled(((CommonSOAPBinding)binding).isMTOMEnabled());
/*     */         }
/*     */
/* 247 */         MessageAbstraction resMessage = binding.bindResponseMessage(opMetaData, sepInv);
/* 248 */         msgContext.setMessageAbstraction(resMessage);
/*     */       }
/*     */       else
/*     */       {
/* 253 */         MessageAbstraction resMessage = msgContext.getMessageAbstraction();
/* 254 */         msgContext = processPivotInternal(msgContext, direction);
/* 255 */         msgContext.setMessageAbstraction(resMessage);
/*     */       }
/*     */
/* 258 */       if (!oneway)
/*     */       {
/* 261 */         handlersPass = callResponseHandlerChain(sepMetaData, handlerType[2]);
/* 262 */         faultType[2] = null;
/* 263 */         handlersPass = (handlersPass) && (callResponseHandlerChain(sepMetaData, handlerType[1]));
/* 264 */         faultType[1] = null;
/* 265 */         handlersPass = (handlersPass) && (callResponseHandlerChain(sepMetaData, handlerType[0]));
/* 266 */         faultType[0] = null;
/*     */       }
/*     */
/*     */     }
/*     */     catch (RuntimeException ex)
/*     */     {
/* 272 */       processPivotInternal(msgContext, direction);
/*     */       try
/*     */       {
/* 276 */         CommonBinding binding = this.bindingProvider.getCommonBinding();
/* 277 */         binding.bindFaultMessage(ex);
/*     */
/* 280 */         boolean handlersPass = true;
/* 281 */         if (faultType[2] != null)
/* 282 */           handlersPass = (handlersPass) && (callFaultHandlerChain(sepMetaData, faultType[2], ex));
/* 283 */         if (faultType[1] != null)
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Examples of org.jboss.ws.core.CommonBinding

/*     */         {
/*     */           try
/*     */           {
/* 120 */             OperationMetaData opMetaData = messageContext.getOperationMetaData();
/* 121 */             CommonBindingProvider bindingProvider = new CommonBindingProvider(opMetaData.getEndpointMetaData());
/* 122 */             CommonBinding binding = bindingProvider.getCommonBinding();
/*     */
/* 124 */             ServiceEndpointInvokerEJB21.log.debug("Handler modified payload, unbind message and update invocation args");
/* 125 */             EndpointInvocation epInv = binding.unbindRequestMessage(opMetaData, messageContext.getMessageAbstraction());
/* 126 */             wsInv.getInvocationContext().addAttachment(EndpointInvocation.class, epInv);
/*     */           }
/*     */           catch (BindingException ex)
/*     */           {
/* 130 */             throw new WSException(ex);
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Examples of org.jboss.ws.core.CommonBinding

         boolean oneway = false;
         EndpointInvocation sepInv = null;
         OperationMetaData opMetaData = null;
         CommonBinding binding = bindingProvider.getCommonBinding();

         if (binding instanceof CommonSOAPBinding)
         // call the request handler chain
         boolean handlersPass = callRequestHandlerChain(sepMetaData, handlerType[0]);

         // Unbind the request message
         if (handlersPass)
            // Get the operation meta data from the SOAP message
            opMetaData = getDispatchDestination(sepMetaData, reqMessage);
            oneway = opMetaData.isOneWay();

             * From JAX-WS 10.2.1 - "7. If the node does not understand how to process
             * the message, then neither handlers nor the endpoint
             * are invoked and instead the binding generates a SOAP must
             * understand exception"
             * Therefore, this must precede the ENDPOINT chain; however, The PRE
             * chain still must happen first since the message may be encrypted, in which
             * case the operation is still not known. Without knowing the operation, it
             * is not possible to determine what headers are understood by the endpoint.
            if (binding instanceof CommonSOAPBinding)

            // Unbind the request message
            sepInv = binding.unbindRequestMessage(opMetaData, reqMessage);

         handlersPass = handlersPass && callRequestHandlerChain(sepMetaData, handlerType[1]);
         handlersPass = handlersPass && callRequestHandlerChain(sepMetaData, handlerType[2]);

         if (handlersPass)
            msgContext.put(CommonMessageContext.ALLOW_EXPAND_TO_DOM, Boolean.TRUE);
               // Check if protocol handlers modified the payload
               if (msgContext.isModified())
                  log.debug("Handler modified payload, unbind message again");
                  reqMessage = msgContext.getMessageAbstraction();
                  sepInv = binding.unbindRequestMessage(opMetaData, reqMessage);
               //JBWS-2969:check if the RPC/Lit input paramter is null
               if (opMetaData.getEndpointMetaData().getType() != EndpointMetaData.Type.JAXRPC
                     && opMetaData.isRPCLiteral() && sepInv.getRequestParamNames() != null)
                  for (QName qname : sepInv.getRequestParamNames())
                     ParameterMetaData paramMetaData = opMetaData.getParameter(qname);
                     if ((paramMetaData.getMode().equals(ParameterMode.IN) || paramMetaData.getMode().equals(ParameterMode.INOUT)) && sepInv.getRequestParamValue(qname) == null)
                        throw new WebServiceException("The RPC/Literal Operation [" + opMetaData.getQName()
                              + "] parameters can not be null");
               // Invoke an instance of the SEI implementation bean
               Invocation inv = setupInvocation(endpoint, sepInv, invContext);
               InvocationHandler invHandler = endpoint.getInvocationHandler();
                  invHandler.invoke(endpoint, inv);
               catch (InvocationTargetException th)
                  //Unwrap the throwable raised by the service endpoint implementation
                  Throwable targetEx = th.getTargetException();
                  throw (targetEx instanceof Exception ? (Exception)targetEx : new UndeclaredThrowableException(targetEx));

               // Handler processing might have replaced the endpoint invocation
               sepInv = inv.getInvocationContext().getAttachment(EndpointInvocation.class);

            // Reverse the message direction
            msgContext = processPivotInternal(msgContext, direction);

            // Set the required outbound context properties
            // Bind the response message
            MessageAbstraction resMessage = binding.bindResponseMessage(opMetaData, sepInv);
            // Reverse the message direction without calling the endpoint
            MessageAbstraction resMessage = msgContext.getMessageAbstraction();
            msgContext = processPivotInternal(msgContext, direction);

         if (oneway == false)
            // call the  response handler chain, removing the fault type entry will not call handleFault for that chain
            handlersPass = callResponseHandlerChain(sepMetaData, handlerType[2]);
            faultType[2] = null;
            handlersPass = handlersPass && callResponseHandlerChain(sepMetaData, handlerType[1]);
            faultType[1] = null;
            handlersPass = handlersPass && callResponseHandlerChain(sepMetaData, handlerType[0]);
            faultType[0] = null;
      catch (Exception ex)
         // Reverse the message direction
         processPivotInternal(msgContext, direction);
         CommonBinding binding = bindingProvider.getCommonBinding();
            MessageContextAssociation.peekMessageContext().put("Exception", ex);

            // call the fault handler chain
            boolean handlersPass = true;
            if (faultType[2] != null)
               handlersPass = handlersPass && callFaultHandlerChain(sepMetaData, faultType[2], ex);
            if (faultType[1] != null)
               handlersPass = handlersPass && callFaultHandlerChain(sepMetaData, faultType[1], ex);
            if (faultType[0] != null)
               handlersPass = handlersPass && callFaultHandlerChain(sepMetaData, faultType[0], ex);
         catch (RuntimeException subEx)
            log.warn("Exception while processing handleFault: ", ex);
            ex = subEx;
         throw ex;
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