Examples of CommandWrapper

Examples of org.xmlBlaster.engine.admin.CommandWrapper


   public void testInvalid() {
      assertEquals("Wrong node id", "heron", glob.getId());
      String cmd = null;
      CommandWrapper w = null;

      try {
         cmd = "/node/heron/";
         w = new CommandWrapper(glob, cmd);
         fail("Failed, expected exception for '" + cmd + "'");
      catch(XmlBlasterException e) {
         System.out.println("OK - expected Exception: " + e.toString());

      try {
         cmd = "/node/foeignNode/client/?joe";
         w = new CommandWrapper(glob, cmd);
         fail("Failed, expected exception for '" + cmd + "'");
      catch(XmlBlasterException e) {
         System.out.println("OK - expected Exception: " + e.toString());

      try {
         cmd = "/strangeNode/heron/client/?joe";
         w = new CommandWrapper(glob, cmd);
         fail("Failed, expected exception for '" + cmd + "'");
      catch(XmlBlasterException e) {
         System.out.println("OK - expected Exception: " + e.toString());

      try {
         cmd = "/node/";
         w = new CommandWrapper(glob, cmd);
         fail("Failed, expected exception for '" + cmd + "'");
      catch(XmlBlasterException e) {
         System.out.println("OK - expected Exception: " + e.toString());

      try {
         cmd = "/";
         w = new CommandWrapper(glob, cmd);
         fail("Failed, expected exception for '" + cmd + "'");
      catch(XmlBlasterException e) {
         System.out.println("OK - expected Exception: " + e.toString());

      try {
         cmd = "";
         w = new CommandWrapper(glob, cmd);
         fail("Failed, expected exception for '" + cmd + "'");
      catch(XmlBlasterException e) {
         System.out.println("OK - expected Exception: " + e.toString());

      try {
         cmd = null;
         w = new CommandWrapper(glob, cmd);
         fail("Failed, expected exception for '" + cmd + "'");
      catch(XmlBlasterException e) {
         System.out.println("OK - expected Exception: " + e.toString());

      try {
         cmd = "/////";
         w = new CommandWrapper(glob, cmd);
         fail("Failed, expected exception for '" + cmd + "'");
      catch(XmlBlasterException e) {
         System.out.println("OK - expected Exception: " + e.toString());
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