Examples of CommandSpecException

Examples of org.locationtech.geogig.web.api.CommandSpecException

     * @throws CommandSpecException
    public void run(CommandContext context) {
        if (this.getTransactionId() == null) {
            throw new CommandSpecException(
                    "No transaction was specified, checkout requires a transaction to preserve the stability of the repository.");

        final Context geogig = this.getCommandLocator(context);
        CheckoutOp command = geogig.command(CheckoutOp.class);
        if (branchOrCommit != null) {
            Optional<Ref> head = geogig.command(RefParse.class).setName(Ref.HEAD).call();

            if (!head.isPresent()) {
                throw new CommandSpecException("Repository has no HEAD, can't merge.");

            final String target = ((SymRef) head.get()).getTarget();
            context.setResponseContent(new CommandResponse() {
                public void write(ResponseWriter out) throws Exception {
                    out.writeElement("OldTarget", target);
                    out.writeElement("NewTarget", branchOrCommit);
        } else if (path != null) {
            if (ours && !theirs) {
            } else if (theirs && !ours) {
            } else {
                throw new CommandSpecException(
                        "Please specify either ours or theirs to update the feature path specified.");
            context.setResponseContent(new CommandResponse() {
                public void write(ResponseWriter out) throws Exception {
                    out.writeElement("Path", path);
                    out.writeElement("Strategy", ours ? "ours" : "theirs");
        } else {
            throw new CommandSpecException("No branch or commit specified for checkout.");

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Examples of org.locationtech.geogig.web.api.CommandSpecException

     * @throws CommandSpecException
    public void run(CommandContext context) {
        if (this.getTransactionId() != null) {
            throw new CommandSpecException("Tried to start a transaction within a transaction.");
        final GeoGIG geogig = context.getGeoGIG();

        final GeogigTransaction transaction = geogig.command(TransactionBegin.class).call();

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Examples of org.locationtech.geogig.web.api.CommandSpecException

     * @throws CommandSpecException
    public void run(CommandContext context) {
        if (this.getTransactionId() == null) {
            throw new CommandSpecException(
                    "No transaction was specified, commit requires a transaction to preserve the stability of the repository.");
        final Context geogig = this.getCommandLocator(context);
        RevCommit commit;
        try {
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Examples of org.locationtech.geogig.web.api.CommandSpecException

     * @throws CommandSpecException
    public void run(CommandContext context) {
        if (this.getTransactionId() == null) {
            throw new CommandSpecException(
                    "No transaction was specified, revert feature requires a transaction to preserve the stability of the repository.");
        final Context geogig = this.getCommandLocator(context);

        Optional<RevTree> newTree = Optional.absent();
        Optional<RevTree> oldTree = Optional.absent();

        // get tree from new commit
        Optional<ObjectId> treeId = geogig.command(ResolveTreeish.class).setTreeish(newCommitId)

                "New commit id did not resolve to a valid tree.");
        newTree = geogig.command(RevObjectParse.class).setRefSpec(treeId.get().toString())
        Preconditions.checkState(newTree.isPresent(), "Unable to read the new commit tree.");

        // get tree from old commit
        treeId = geogig.command(ResolveTreeish.class).setTreeish(oldCommitId).call();

                "Old commit id did not resolve to a valid tree.");
        oldTree = geogig.command(RevObjectParse.class).setRefSpec(treeId.get().toString())
        Preconditions.checkState(newTree.isPresent(), "Unable to read the old commit tree.");

        // get feature from old tree
        Optional<NodeRef> node = geogig.command(FindTreeChild.class).setParent(oldTree.get())
        boolean delete = false;
        if (!node.isPresent()) {
            delete = true;
            node = geogig.command(FindTreeChild.class).setParent(newTree.get()).setIndex(true)
                    "The feature was not found in either commit tree.");

        // get the new parent tree
        ObjectId metadataId = ObjectId.NULL;
        Optional<NodeRef> parentNode = geogig.command(FindTreeChild.class).setParent(newTree.get())

        RevTreeBuilder treeBuilder = null;
        if (parentNode.isPresent()) {
            metadataId = parentNode.get().getMetadataId();
            Optional<RevTree> parsed = geogig.command(RevObjectParse.class)
            checkState(parsed.isPresent(), "Parent tree couldn't be found in the repository.");
            treeBuilder = new RevTreeBuilder(geogig.stagingDatabase(), parsed.get());
        } else {
            treeBuilder = new RevTreeBuilder(geogig.stagingDatabase());

        // put the old feature into the new tree
        if (!delete) {
        ObjectId newTreeId = geogig.command(WriteBack.class)

        // build new commit with parent of new commit and the newly built tree
        CommitBuilder builder = new CommitBuilder();

        builder.setMessage(commitMessage.or("Reverted changes made to " + featurePath + " at "
                + newCommitId.toString()));

        RevCommit mapped = builder.build();

        // merge commit into current branch
        final Optional<Ref> currHead = geogig.command(RefParse.class).setName(Ref.HEAD).call();
        if (!currHead.isPresent()) {
            throw new CommandSpecException("Repository has no HEAD, can't merge.");

        MergeOp merge = geogig.command(MergeOp.class);
        merge.setAuthor(authorName.orNull(), authorEmail.orNull());
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Examples of org.locationtech.geogig.web.api.CommandSpecException

     * @throws CommandSpecException
    public void run(CommandContext context) {
        if (name == null) {
            throw new CommandSpecException("No name was given.");
        } else if (!(delete) && newValue == null) {
            throw new CommandSpecException(
                    "Nothing specified to update with, must specify either deletion or new value to update to.");

        final Context geogig = this.getCommandLocator(context);
        Optional<Ref> ref;

        try {
            ref = geogig.command(RefParse.class).setName(name).call();

            if (!ref.isPresent()) {
                throw new CommandSpecException("Invalid name: " + name);

            if (ref.get() instanceof SymRef) {
                Optional<Ref> target = geogig.command(RefParse.class).setName(newValue).call();
                if (target.isPresent() && !(target.get() instanceof SymRef)) {
                    ref = geogig.command(UpdateSymRef.class).setDelete(delete).setName(name)
                } else {
                    throw new CommandSpecException("Invalid new target: " + newValue);

            } else {
                Optional<ObjectId> target = geogig.command(RevParse.class).setRefSpec(newValue)
                if (target.isPresent()) {
                    ref = geogig.command(UpdateRef.class).setDelete(delete)
                } else {
                    throw new CommandSpecException("Invalid new value: " + newValue);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            context.setResponseContent(CommandResponse.error("Aborting UpdateRef: "
                    + e.getMessage()));
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Examples of org.locationtech.geogig.web.api.CommandSpecException

     * @throws CommandSpecException
    public void run(CommandContext context) {
        if (this.getTransactionId() == null) {
            throw new CommandSpecException("There isn't a transaction to end.");

        final Context transaction = this.getCommandLocator(context);

        TransactionEnd endTransaction = context.getGeoGIG().command(TransactionEnd.class);
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Examples of org.locationtech.geogig.web.api.CommandSpecException

     * @throws CommandSpecException
    public void run(CommandContext context) {
        if (commitId.equals(ObjectId.NULL.toString())) {
            throw new CommandSpecException("No commitId was given.");
        final GeoGIG geogig = context.getGeoGIG();
        RevCommit commit = geogig.getRepository().getCommit(ObjectId.valueOf(commitId));
        final List<RevCommit> history = Lists.newLinkedList();

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Examples of org.locationtech.geogig.web.api.CommandSpecException

     * @throws CommandSpecException
    public void run(CommandContext context) {
        if (this.getTransactionId() == null) {
            throw new CommandSpecException(
                    "No transaction was specified, merge requires a transaction to preserve the stability of the repository.");
        } else if (this.commit == null) {
            throw new CommandSpecException("No commits were specified for merging.");

        final GeogigTransaction transaction = (GeogigTransaction) this.getCommandLocator(context);

        final Optional<Ref> currHead = transaction.command(RefParse.class).setName(Ref.HEAD).call();
        if (!currHead.isPresent()) {
            throw new CommandSpecException("Repository has no HEAD, can't merge.");

        MergeOp merge = transaction.command(MergeOp.class);
        merge.setAuthor(authorName.orNull(), authorEmail.orNull());

        final Optional<ObjectId> oid = transaction.command(RevParse.class).setRefSpec(commit)
        if (oid.isPresent()) {
        } else {
            throw new CommandSpecException("Couldn't resolve '" + commit + "' to a commit.");

        try {
            final MergeReport report = merge.setNoCommit(noCommit).call();

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Examples of org.locationtech.geogig.web.api.CommandSpecException

     * @throws CommandSpecException
    public void run(CommandContext context) {
        if (this.getTransactionId() == null) {
            throw new CommandSpecException(
                    "No transaction was specified, add requires a transaction to preserve the stability of the repository.");
        final Context geogig = this.getCommandLocator(context);

        RevTree revTree = geogig.workingTree().getTree();
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Examples of org.locationtech.geogig.web.api.CommandSpecException

                    public void write(Writer out) throws Exception {
                        writeCSV(context.getGeoGIG(), out, log);
            } else {
                throw new CommandSpecException(
                        "You must specify a feature type path when getting a summary.");
        } else {
            final boolean rangeLog = returnRange;
            context.setResponseContent(new CommandResponse() {
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