Examples of CommandProcessorResponse

Examples of org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.processors.CommandProcessorResponse

      String errorMessage = "";
      String SQLState = null;

      try {
        CommandProcessor proc = CommandProcessorFactory.get(tokens[0]);
        CommandProcessorResponse response = null;
        if (proc != null) {
          if (proc instanceof Driver) {
            isHiveQuery = true;
            response = driver.run(cmd);
          } else {
            isHiveQuery = false;
            response = proc.run(cmd_1);

          ret = response.getResponseCode();
          SQLState = response.getSQLState();
          errorMessage = response.getErrorMessage();
      } catch (Exception e) {
        HiveServerException ex = new HiveServerException();
        ex.setMessage("Error running query: " + e.toString());
        throw ex;
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Examples of org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.processors.CommandProcessorResponse

    hcatDriver.run("create database " + dbName);
    hcatDriver.run("use " + dbName);
    hcatDriver.run("create table " + tblName + " (a int) partitioned by (b string) stored as RCFILE");

    CommandProcessorResponse response;

    response = hcatDriver.run("alter table " + tblName + " add partition (b='2') location '/tmp'");
    assertEquals(0, response.getResponseCode());

    response = hcatDriver.run("alter table " + tblName + " set fileformat INPUTFORMAT 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.io.RCFileInputFormat' OUTPUTFORMAT " +
        "'org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.io.RCFileOutputFormat' inputdriver 'mydriver' outputdriver 'yourdriver'");
    assertEquals(0, response.getResponseCode());

    hcatDriver.run("drop table " + tblName);
    hcatDriver.run("drop database " + dbName);
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Examples of org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.processors.CommandProcessorResponse

    hcatDriver.run("create database " + dbName);
    hcatDriver.run("use " + dbName);
    hcatDriver.run("create table " + tblName + " (a int) partitioned by (b string) stored as RCFILE");

    CommandProcessorResponse response;

    response = hcatDriver.run("alter table " + tblName + " add partition (b='2') location '/tmp'");
    assertEquals(0, response.getResponseCode());

    response = hcatDriver.run("alter table " + tblName + " set fileformat INPUTFORMAT 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.io.RCFileInputFormat' OUTPUTFORMAT " +
        "'org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.io.RCFileOutputFormat' inputdriver 'mydriver' outputdriver 'yourdriver'");
    assertEquals(0, response.getResponseCode());

    hcatDriver.run("drop table " + tblName);
    hcatDriver.run("drop database " + dbName);
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Examples of org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.processors.CommandProcessorResponse


    Driver proc = mock(Driver.class);

    CommandProcessorResponse cpr = mock(CommandProcessorResponse.class);

    // and then see what happens based on the provided schema
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Examples of org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.processors.CommandProcessorResponse

    if ((partitionedBy != null) && (!partitionedBy.trim().isEmpty())) {
      createTable = createTable + "partitioned by (" + partitionedBy + ") ";
    createTable = createTable + "stored as " + storageFormat();
    LOG.info("Creating table:\n {}", createTable);
    CommandProcessorResponse result = driver.run(createTable);
    int retCode = result.getResponseCode();
    if (retCode != 0) {
      throw new IOException("Failed to create table. [" + createTable + "], return code from hive driver : [" + retCode + " " + result.getErrorMessage() + "]");
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Examples of org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.processors.CommandProcessorResponse

      createTable = createTable + "partitioned by (" + partitionedBy + ") ";
    createTable = createTable + "stored as RCFILE tblproperties('hcat.isd'='org.apache.hcatalog.rcfile.RCFileInputDriver'," +
      "'hcat.osd'='org.apache.hcatalog.rcfile.RCFileOutputDriver') ";
    LOG.info("Creating table:\n {}", createTable);
    CommandProcessorResponse result = driver.run(createTable);
    int retCode = result.getResponseCode();
    if (retCode != 0) {
      throw new IOException("Failed to create table. [" + createTable + "], return code from hive driver : [" + retCode + " " + result.getErrorMessage() + "]");
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Examples of org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.processors.CommandProcessorResponse

    perfLogger.PerfLogEnd(LOG, PerfLogger.RELEASE_LOCKS);

  public CommandProcessorResponse run(String command) throws CommandNeedRetryException {
    CommandProcessorResponse cpr = runInternal(command);
    if(cpr.getResponseCode() == 0) {
      return cpr;
    SessionState ss = SessionState.get();
    if(ss == null) {
      return cpr;
    MetaDataFormatter mdf = MetaDataFormatUtils.getFormatter(ss.getConf());
    if(!(mdf instanceof JsonMetaDataFormatter)) {
      return cpr;
    /*Here we want to encode the error in machine readable way (e.g. JSON)
     * Ideally, errorCode would always be set to a canonical error defined in ErrorMsg.
     * In practice that is rarely the case, so the messy logic below tries to tease
     * out canonical error code if it can.  Exclude stack trace from output when
     * the error is a specific/expected one.
     * It's written to stdout for backward compatibility (WebHCat consumes it).*/
    try {
      if(downstreamError == null) {
        mdf.error(ss.out, errorMessage, cpr.getResponseCode(), SQLState);
        return cpr;
      ErrorMsg canonicalErr = ErrorMsg.getErrorMsg(cpr.getResponseCode());
      if(canonicalErr != null && canonicalErr != ErrorMsg.GENERIC_ERROR) {
        /*Some HiveExceptions (e.g. SemanticException) don't set
          canonical ErrorMsg explicitly, but there is logic
          (e.g. #compile()) to find an appropriate canonical error and
          return its code as error code. In this case we want to
          preserve it for downstream code to interpret*/
        mdf.error(ss.out, errorMessage, cpr.getResponseCode(), SQLState, null);
        return cpr;
      if(downstreamError instanceof HiveException) {
        HiveException rc = (HiveException) downstreamError;
        mdf.error(ss.out, errorMessage,
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Examples of org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.processors.CommandProcessorResponse

    errorMessage = null;
    SQLState = null;
    downstreamError = null;

    if (!validateConfVariables()) {
      return new CommandProcessorResponse(12, errorMessage, SQLState);

    HiveDriverRunHookContext hookContext = new HiveDriverRunHookContextImpl(conf, command);
    // Get all the driver run hooks and pre-execute them.
    List<HiveDriverRunHook> driverRunHooks;
    try {
      driverRunHooks = getHooks(HiveConf.ConfVars.HIVE_DRIVER_RUN_HOOKS,
      for (HiveDriverRunHook driverRunHook : driverRunHooks) {
    } catch (Exception e) {
      errorMessage = "FAILED: Hive Internal Error: " + Utilities.getNameMessage(e);
      SQLState = ErrorMsg.findSQLState(e.getMessage());
      downstreamError = e;
      console.printError(errorMessage + "\n"
          + org.apache.hadoop.util.StringUtils.stringifyException(e));
      return new CommandProcessorResponse(12, errorMessage, SQLState);

    // Reset the perf logger
    PerfLogger perfLogger = PerfLogger.getPerfLogger(true);
    perfLogger.PerfLogBegin(LOG, PerfLogger.DRIVER_RUN);
    perfLogger.PerfLogBegin(LOG, PerfLogger.TIME_TO_SUBMIT);

    int ret;
    synchronized (compileMonitor) {
      ret = compile(command);
    if (ret != 0) {
      return new CommandProcessorResponse(ret, errorMessage, SQLState);

    boolean requireLock = false;
    boolean ckLock = checkLockManager();

    if (ckLock) {
      boolean lockOnlyMapred = HiveConf.getBoolVar(conf, HiveConf.ConfVars.HIVE_LOCK_MAPRED_ONLY);
      if(lockOnlyMapred) {
        Queue<Task<? extends Serializable>> taskQueue = new LinkedList<Task<? extends Serializable>>();
        while (taskQueue.peek() != null) {
          Task<? extends Serializable> tsk = taskQueue.remove();
          requireLock = requireLock || tsk.requireLock();
          if(requireLock) {
          if (tsk instanceof ConditionalTask) {
          if(tsk.getChildTasks()!= null) {
          // does not add back up task here, because back up task should be the same
          // type of the original task.
      } else {
        requireLock = true;

    if (requireLock) {
      ret = acquireReadWriteLocks();
      if (ret != 0) {
        return new CommandProcessorResponse(ret, errorMessage, SQLState);

    ret = execute();
    if (ret != 0) {
      //if needRequireLock is false, the release here will do nothing because there is no lock
      return new CommandProcessorResponse(ret, errorMessage, SQLState);

    //if needRequireLock is false, the release here will do nothing because there is no lock

    perfLogger.PerfLogEnd(LOG, PerfLogger.DRIVER_RUN);
    perfLogger.close(LOG, plan);

    // Take all the driver run hooks and post-execute them.
    try {
      for (HiveDriverRunHook driverRunHook : driverRunHooks) {
    } catch (Exception e) {
      errorMessage = "FAILED: Hive Internal Error: " + Utilities.getNameMessage(e);
      SQLState = ErrorMsg.findSQLState(e.getMessage());
      downstreamError = e;
      console.printError(errorMessage + "\n"
          + org.apache.hadoop.util.StringUtils.stringifyException(e));
      return new CommandProcessorResponse(12, errorMessage, SQLState);

    return new CommandProcessorResponse(ret);
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Examples of org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.processors.CommandProcessorResponse


    hcatDriver.run("drop table test_table");
    CommandProcessorResponse response = hcatDriver
      .run("create table test_table(key int, value string) STORED BY " +
        + "TBLPROPERTIES ('hbase.columns.mapping'=':key,cf1:val')");

    assertEquals(0, response.getResponseCode());

    HBaseAdmin hAdmin = new HBaseAdmin(getHbaseConf());
    boolean doesTableExist = hAdmin.tableExists("test_table");
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Examples of org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.processors.CommandProcessorResponse

    String tableQuery = "CREATE TABLE " + databaseName + "." + tableName
        + "(key string, testqualifier1 string, testqualifier2 string) STORED BY " +
        + "TBLPROPERTIES ('hbase.columns.mapping'=':key,testFamily:testQualifier1,testFamily:testQualifier2')";

    CommandProcessorResponse responseOne = hcatDriver.run(dbquery);
    assertEquals(0, responseOne.getResponseCode());
    CommandProcessorResponse responseTwo = hcatDriver.run(tableQuery);
    assertEquals(0, responseTwo.getResponseCode());

    HBaseAdmin hAdmin = new HBaseAdmin(getHbaseConf());
    boolean doesTableExist = hAdmin.tableExists(hbaseTableName);

    populateHBaseTable(hbaseTableName, 5);
    Configuration conf = new Configuration(hcatConf);

    // output settings
    Path outputDir = new Path(getTestDir(), "mapred/testHbaseTableMRRead");
    FileSystem fs = getFileSystem();
    if (fs.exists(outputDir)) {
      fs.delete(outputDir, true);
    // create job
    Job job = new Job(conf, "hbase-mr-read-test");

    HCatInputFormat.setInput(job.getConfiguration(), databaseName, tableName);
    TextOutputFormat.setOutputPath(job, outputDir);
    // Note: These asserts only works in case of LocalJobRunner as they run in same jvm.
    // If using MiniMRCluster, the tests will have to be modified.
    assertEquals(1, MapReadHTable.count);

    String dropTableQuery = "DROP TABLE " + hbaseTableName;
    CommandProcessorResponse responseThree = hcatDriver.run(dropTableQuery);
    assertEquals(0, responseThree.getResponseCode());

    boolean isHbaseTableThere = hAdmin.tableExists(hbaseTableName);

    String dropDB = "DROP DATABASE " + databaseName;
    CommandProcessorResponse responseFour = hcatDriver.run(dropDB);
    assertEquals(0, responseFour.getResponseCode());
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