Common interface for every command in the application
@author Raman
Classe abstraite repr�sentant une commande. Les commandes sont des singletons qui poss�dent un comportement appliqu� � des param�tres via la fonction ex�cuter. Chaque commande est identifi�e par un nom.
@author Mathieu Sivade
A command that can be re- and undone. Use the constructor to save the "delta"-changes.
@author rakudave
count[|second num|method methodName] * show method call times in num seconds * second : in num seconds statistics once (num default 1) * method : for statistics method * example : count * example : count|second 3 * example : count|second 3|method getInfo time|grep abc[|group num|column -tkda] * show method execute time * grep : condition * group : method called num times show statistics once * column : show column a->all t->time k->key d->description * example: time|grep getInfo * example: time|grep getInfo|group 10|column -tk exec|top |netstat -na * exec command (at present only allow:top or netstat) * example: exec|top control * use for control gaea-server help * show help quit * quit monitor
@author Service Platform Architecture Team (spat@58.com)
implemented by classes that extends the Command class. Command specifies
A command transforms a record into zero or more records. A command has a boolean return code, indicating success or failure. All record handlers in a morphline implement this interface. Commands are chained together. The parent of a command A is the command B that passes records to A. A is the child of B. Data is sent on the data plane whereas notifications are sent on the control plane, which is a separate communication channel.
This is a simple command that is fed to the Command Manager. This is an abstraction layer that allows new commands to be plugged into the flume Master. This allows for simplified web applications forms, cli based command injection, or a simple rpc command mechanisms. TODO (jon) rename GenericCommandForm
A command-line command. Exposes methods for invocation and printing usage.
@author alidow
Encapsulates an action for later execution, often from a different context.
The Command interface provides a layer of separation between the code specifying some behavior and the code invoking that behavior. This separation aids in creating reusable code. For example, a {@link com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.MenuItem} can have a Command associatedwith it that it executes when the menu item is chosen by the user. Importantly, the code that constructed the Command to be executed when the menu item is invoked knows nothing about the internals of the MenuItem class and vice-versa.
The Command interface is often implemented with an anonymous inner class. For example,
Command sayHello = new Command() { public void execute() { Window.alert("Hello"); } }; sayHello.execute();
This type extends ScheduledCommand to help migrate from DeferredCommand API.
Represents a logical "unit of work" that includes a request context, JSP, URLPattern, content template and (optionally) a target and required security permission. Examples of Commands include "view a page," "create a group," and "edit user preferences."
Commands come in two flavors: "static" and "targeted."
- Static commands are exactly what they sound like: static. They are
, threadsafe, and immutable. They have no intrinsic idea of the context they are acting in. For example, the static command {@link PageCommand#VIEW} embodies the idea of viewing a page —but exactly which page is left undefined. Static commands exist so that they can be freely shared and passed around without incurring the penalties of object creation. Static commands are a lot like naked request contexts ("edit", "view", etc.) except that they include additional, essential properites such as the associated URL pattern and content JSP. - Targeted commands "decorate" static commands by scoping a static Command at a specific target such as a WikiPage or GroupPrincipal. Targeted commands are created by calling an existing Command's {@link #targetedCommand(Object)} and supplying the target object.Implementing classes generally require a specific target type. For example, the {@link PageCommand} class requires that the target object be of type{@link com.ecyrd.jspwiki.WikiPage}.
Concrete implementations of Command include:
- PageCommand: commands for editing, renaming, and viewing pages
- GroupCommand: commands for viewing, editing and deleting wiki groups
- WikiCommand: commands for wiki-wide operations such as creating groups, editing preferences and profiles, and logging in/out
- RedirectCommand: commands for redirections to off-site special pages
For a given targeted Command, its {@link #getTarget()} method will return anon-null
value. In addition, its {@link #requiredPermission()} method will generally also return a non-null
value. It is each implementation's responsibility to construct and store the correct Permission for a given Command and Target. For example, when PageCommand.VIEW is targeted at the WikiPage Main
, the Command's associated permission is PagePermission "theWiki:Main", "view".
Static Commands, and targeted Commands that do not require specific permissions to execute, return a null
result for {@link #requiredPermission()}.
@author Andrew Jaquith
@since 2.4.22
A HandlerSocket protocol command
@author dennis
@date 2010-11-27
Abstract command for modifying devices.
@author scheglov_ke
@coverage gwt.mobile.device
Simple implementation of a deferred command. We should eventually be able to switch back to using the existing {@link DeferredCommand}, when it has been optimized a bit better for size.
Encapsulates an action for later execution, often from a different context.
The Command interface provides a layer of separation between the code specifying some behavior and the code invoking that behavior. This separation aids in creating reusable code. For example, a {@link com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.MenuItem} can have a Commandassociated with it that it executes when the menu item is chosen by the user. Importantly, the code that constructed the Command to be executed when the menu item is invoked knows nothing about the internals of the MenuItem class and vice-versa.
The Command interface is often implemented with an anonymous inner class. For example,
Command sayHello = new Command() { public void execute() { Window.alert("Hello"); } }; sayHello.execute();
Contains a serialized command to be sent to the browser.
@author jeremiele@google.com (Jeremie Lenfant-Engelmann)
The super class of all calls that the client side can invoke, most of which are AJAX calls.
Message carrying object that represents an order for a specific actuator
@see Actuator
@author Ryo
An interface expressing the execution of a command.
Compiled shell commands.
A command is composed of three elements:
- An {@link #getAlias() alias}, used to identify the command through the application.
- A {@link #getCommand() command}, which is what will be executed by the instance of
. - A {@link #getType() type}, which can be any of {@link #SYSTEM_COMMAND system} (invisible and inmutable),{@link #INVISIBLE_COMMAND invisible} (invisible and mutable) or {@link #NORMAL_COMMAND} (visible and mutable).
The basic command syntax is fairly simple:
- Any non-escaped
character will escape the following character and be removed from the tokens. - Any non-escaped
character will escape all characters until the next occurence of "
, except for \
. - Non-escaped space characters are used as token separators.
It is important to remember that
characters are
not removed from the resulting tokens.
It's also possible to include keywords in a command:
is replaced by a file's full path. $n
is replaced by a file's name. $e
is replaced by a file's extension. $N
is replaced by a file's name without its extension. $p
is replaced by a file's parent's path. $j
is replaced by the path of the folder in which the JVM was started.
Once a Command
instance has been retrieved, execution tokens can be retrieved through the {@link #getTokens(AbstractFile)} method. This will return a tokenized version of the command and replace anykeyword by the corresponding file value . It's also possible to skip keyword replacement through the {@link #getTokens()} method.
A command's executable tokens are typically meant to be used with {@link com.mucommander.process.ProcessRunner#execute(String[],AbstractFile)}in order to generate instances of {@link com.mucommander.process.AbstractProcess}.
@author Nicolas Rinaudo
@see CommandManager
@see com.mucommander.process.ProcessRunner
@see com.mucommander.process.AbstractProcess
Representation of the state of the Command Object.
@author amsharma
@author tgianos
This type represents a command, as in the GOF sense. A few additions have been made to the traditional command interface.
@author Marcel BaumannDate Author Changes/Enhancements 1998.11.16 MB Created
Interface to a container for an AMQP method-and-arguments, with optional content header and body.
The action placed on the soft buttons and in the Menu on devices, similar to the MIDP command abstraction and Swing's Actions. Unlike the MIDP abstraction this class can be derived to implement the right behavior
@author Nir Shabi
Represents a command that can be sent to execute on any machine. It allows setting the command behavior before executing the command.
@author Akara Sucharitakul
This class represents a Command.
Created March 31, 2011
@author Ken Paulsen kenapaulsen@gmail.com
3.org/2001/XMLSchema}anyType"> <sequence> <element ref="{}JAXRClassificationScheme" maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0"/> <element ref="{}JAXRConcept" maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0"/> <element ref="{}namepattern" maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0"/> </sequence> <attribute name="commandname" use="required" type="{http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string" /> <attribute name="path" type="{http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string" /> </restriction> </complexContent> </complexType> </element>
构建一条个执行命令。 使用命令 + 参数的构造方式
@author Min
Command used to control injection of values into the model
Command-line program that implements the application-level features needed to use the Trsst protocol: key management and user input and output.
Application-level features not implemented here include syncrhonization of feed subscriptions and keystores between user clients, and generation and distribution of confidential public keys to groups of other users to form the equivalent of "circles" or "friend lists". A trsst client must to connect to a host server. If no home server is specified, this client will start a temporary server on the local machine, and close it when finished. A client instance stores user keystores in a directory called "trsstd" in the current user's home directory, or the path indicated in the "com.trsst.client.storage" system property. There are three basic operations:
- pull: pulls the specified feed from the specified host server.
- push: pushes the specified feed from the current host server to the specified remote server.
- post: posts a new entry to the specified feed on the host server, creating a new feed if no feed id is specified.
This program can alternately start a standalone server instance:
- port: starts a trsst server on the specified port on this machine.
A server instance defaults to local file persistence in a directory called "trsstd" in the current user's home directory, or the path indicated in the "com.trsst.server.storage" system property. Application-level features not implemented here include syncrhonization of feed subscriptions and keystores between user clients, and generation and distribution of confidential public keys to groups of other users to form the equivalent of "circles" or "friend lists".
@author mpowers
@author esteban
@author Darkyen
A TraCI command is the basic unit of communication. Multiple commands can be contained within one Message.
@author matthias
@see Message
interface for commands
Give the user a navigation option. This allows the model to provide navigation options to the UI. Note that implementations of this interface should be serializable
@version $Revision: 1.1 $ $Date: 2003/12/29 07:01:33 $
A command can be executed and returns a response. This interface defines the return codes used in command mode and the execute
@author Michael N. Lipp
Command interface.
Application developers should not need to directly implement this interface.
@author Christoph Beck
Base class for FTP command.
Abstract class for all commands.
@author szekely
Immutable; reresents a "run" or "check" command.
Invariant: expects == -1, 0, or 1
Invariant: overall >= -1
Invariant: bitwidth >= -1
Invariant: maxseq >= -1
Invariant: maxstring >= -1
The basic command unit stored by the {@link edu.uga.galileo.voci.servlet.Controller}, and passed to other servlets.
Mark Durant
@version 1.0
@author _rusty
@author mike
@author yihua.huang@dianping.com
Interface to be implemented for user level commands.
The CommandDispatcher and the HelpCommand operate on this interface. This interface needs to be implemented by your own Commands or Plugins that should be supported by HenPlus. If the documenation given here is not enough (though I hope it is), just read some of the implementations given in henplus.commands.
If you are writing Plugins, consider extending the {@link AbstractCommand} as it provides a default implementation and you areimmune to NoSuchMethodErrors if this interface changes but not yet your plugin...
This interface is defined as an abstract class so we can define static methods.
@version $Revision: 1.11 $
@author Henner Zeller
Abstract class for command actions.
@author Nico Bergemann
This object is sent to the server. The server must parse it and check if the command and the arguments is/are valid. If this is the case, the server sends the corresponding response to the client.
@author Christoph Gostner, Romedius Weiss, Christian Bitschnau
@author Christian Bitschnau
@version 0.8
@author enrico
eforge.net/apps/mediawiki/sumo/index.php?title=TraCI/Protocol#Messages">wiki. Each command is characterized by a type identifier and a variable-sized content. The command can be constructed either from a data block (a {@link Storage}) or from scratch; its content can be read or written to a {@link Storage}.
@author Enrico Gueli <enrico.gueli@polito.it>
class is a construct that encapsulates the semantic information of an action. The behavior that the command activates is not encapsulated in this object. This means that command contains only information about "command" not the actual action that happens when command is activated. The action is defined in a {@link CommandListener CommandListener}associated with the
objects are
presented in the user interface and the way they are presented may depend on the semantic information contained within the command.
may be implemented in any user interface construct that has semantics for activating a single action. This, for example, can be a soft button, item in a menu, or some other direct user interface construct. For example, a speech interface may present these commands as voice tags.
The mapping to concrete user interface constructs may also depend on the total number of the commands. For example, if an application asks for more abstract commands than can be mapped onto the available physical buttons on a device, then the device may use an alternate human interface such as a menu. For example, the abstract commands that cannot be mapped onto physical buttons are placed in a menu and the label "Menu" is mapped onto one of the programmable buttons.
A command contains four pieces of information: a short label, an optional long label, a type, and a priority. One of the labels is used for the visual representation of the command, whereas the type and the priority indicate the semantics of the command.
Each command includes one or two label strings. The label strings are what the application requests to be shown to the user to represent this command. For example, one of these strings may appear next to a soft button on the device or as an element in a menu. For command types other than SCREEN
, the labels provided may be overridden by a system-specific label that is more appropriate for this command on this device. The contents of the label strings are otherwise not interpreted by the implementation.
All commands have a short label. The long label is optional. If the long label is not present on a command, the short label is always used.
The short label string should be as short as possible so that it consumes a minimum of screen real estate. The long label can be longer and more descriptive, but it should be no longer than a few words. For example, a command's short label might be "Play", and its long label might be "Play Sound Clip".
The implementation chooses one of the labels to be presented in the user interface based on the context and the amount of space available. For example, the implementation might use the short label if the command appears on a soft button, and it might use the long label if the command appears on a menu, but only if there is room on the menu for the long label. The implementation may use the short labels of some commands and the long labels of other commands, and it is allowed to switch between using the short and long label at will. The application cannot determine which label is being used at any given time.
The application uses the command type to specify the intent of this command. For example, if the application specifies that the command is of type BACK
, and if the device has a standard of placing the "back" operation on a certain soft-button, the implementation can follow the style of the device by using the semantic information as a guide. The defined types are {@link #BACK BACK}, {@link #CANCEL CANCEL}, {@link #EXIT EXIT}, {@link #HELP HELP}, {@link #ITEM ITEM}, {@link #OK OK}, {@link #SCREEN SCREEN}, and {@link #STOP STOP}.
The application uses the priority value to describe the importance of this command relative to other commands on the same screen. Priority values are integers, where a lower number indicates greater importance. The actual values are chosen by the application. A priority value of one might indicate the most important command, priority values of two, three, four, and so on indicate commands of lesser importance.
Typically, the implementation first chooses the placement of a command based on the type of command and then places similar commands based on a priority order. This could mean that the command with the highest priority is placed so that user can trigger it directly and that commands with lower priority are placed on a menu. It is not an error for there to be commands on the same screen with the same priorities and types. If this occurs, the implementation will choose the order in which they are presented.
For example, if the application has the following set of commands:
new Command("Buy", Command.ITEM, 1); new Command("Info", Command.ITEM, 1); new Command("Back", Command.BACK, 1); |
An implementation with two soft buttons may map the BACK
command to the right soft button and create an "Options" menu on the left soft button to contain the other commands.
When user presses the left soft button, a menu with the two remaining Commands
If the application had three soft buttons, all commands can be mapped to soft buttons:
The application is always responsible for providing the means for the user to progress through different screens. An application may set up a screen that has no commands. This is allowed by the API but is generally not useful; if this occurs the user would have no means to move to another screen. Such program would simply considered to be in error. A typical device should provide a means for the user to direct the application manager to kill the erroneous application.
@since MIDP 1.0
Abstract class for implementing selenese command.
@deprecated use {@link AbstractCommand}.
Created Jan 22, 2012 1:34:20 PM
@author Victor Pyankov
Class that represents undoable action.
@author Dimitriy Leonov
@author nantuko
@author Viserion
@author scotta
Interface that defines the commands structure.
@author Eldius
File Browser
The File Browser sends a specific command for each and every request. This class is intended to reflect these in an Enum-like manner.
The commands are for GET
- GetFolders
- GetFoldersAndFiles
- CreateFolder
and for
@version $Id: Command.java 4785 2009-12-21 20:10:28Z mosipov $
An interface for revertible commands with durable side effects. The use case is to compose revertible commands with durable side effects into larger revertible commands with durable side effects.
For example updating an enterprise application in an application may be composed of a list of commands to undeploy, update and redeploy the enterprise application. Each of these commands needs to be revertible so that if for example the final redeployment step fails, the prior update and undeployment steps can get reverted in order. If each of the commands in the list has ACID properties, then this results in the composed command to have ACID properties too, and thus work similar to a transaction.
Note that commands are generally not idempotent, that is once they have been successfully executed, you may not be able to successfully execute them again because the preconditions are no longer met. However, commands must be restartable, that is if {@link #perform()} hasthrown an exception and {@link #revert()} has succeeded, then clients canstill successfully execute the command as soon as the preconditions are met again.
@see Commands#execute
@see CompositeCommand
@author Christian Schlichtherle
User: blangel Date: 6/29/12 Time: 4:00 PM Represents a command given to wrk from the user via the command line.
Abstract Memcached Command
@author dennis
Place class description here.
Matthew Inger
The URLChecker Command interface. All Commands must have the chain of responsibilities design pattern in mind. For this it is best to extend the {@link net.sf.urlchecker.commands.AbstractCommand} and callsuper.process(Context) method after finished processing in the specific command.
$Id: Command.java 181 2010-12-12 23:39:00Z georgosn $
@author $LastChangedBy: georgosn $
@version $LastChangedRevision: 181 $
Class for simplifying the handling of commands.
@author Emil Eriksson
Command class stores parameters passed from mojo classes to {@link Clownfish}class.
@author lyeung
A stateless construct used to send arbitrary commands to the client.
The Command Pattern so that we can send and receive commands on the different transports
@version $Revision: 1.7 $
The Command Pattern so that we can send and receive commands on the different transports
@version $Revision: 1.7 $
An encapsulation for a unit of work that needs to performed to accomplish a task. A Command chooses whether to execute based on the information available to it in the {@link Context}.
A {@link Command} encapsulates a unit of processing work to beperformed, whose purpose is to examine and/or modify the state of a transaction that is represented by a {@link Context}. Individual {@link Command}s can be assembled into a {@link Chain}, which allows them to either complete the required processing or delegate further processing to the next {@link Command} in the {@link Chain}.
{@link Command} implementations should be designed in a thread-safemanner, suitable for inclusion in multiple {@link Chain}s that might be processed by different threads simultaneously. In general, this implies that {@link Command} classes should not maintain state information ininstance variables. Instead, state information should be maintained via suitable modifications to the attributes of the {@link Context} that ispassed to the execute()
{@link Command} implementations typically retrieve and store stateinformation in the {@link Context} instance that is passed as a parameterto the execute()
method, using particular keys into the Map
that can be acquired via Context.getAttributes()
. To improve interoperability of {@link Command} implementations, a useful design pattern is to expose thekey values used as JavaBeans properties of the {@link Command}implementation class itself. For example, a {@link Command} that requiresan input and an output key might implement the following properties:
private String inputKey = "input"; public String getInputKey() { return (this.inputKey); } public void setInputKey(String inputKey) { this.inputKey = inputKey; } private String outputKey = "output"; public String getOutputKey() { return (this.outputKey); } public void setOutputKey(String outputKey) { this.outputKey = outputKey; }
And the operation of accessing the "input" information in the context would be executed by calling:
String input = (String) context.get(getInputKey());
instead of hard coding the attribute name. The use of the "Key" suffix on such property names is a useful convention to identify properties being used in this fashion, as opposed to JavaBeans properties that simply configure the internal operation of this {@link Command}.
@author Craig R. McClanahan
@version $Revision: 1.5 $ $Date: 2004/02/25 00:01:07 $
Represents a cvs "update" style command line option. Like all Parents, Commands can have child options and can be part of Arguments
This interface is used to define commands for the Felix impl service. Any bundle wishing to create commands for the impl service simply needs to create a service object that implements this interface and then register it with the OSGi framework. The impl service automatically includes any registered command services in its list of available commands.
ache.org">Apache MINA Project
This interface encapsulates all the FTP commands.
An abstract class for the execution of a file system command
@author Michael Stover
@version $Revision: 1.5 $
A Command
is a named {@link org.apache.karaf.shell.api.console.Function}which also provides completion.
@since 2.0.0
A command sent between the {@link Controller} and a {@link Client}
Represents a command, shell or subsystem that can be used to send command. This command have direct streams, meaning those streams will be provided by the ssh server for the shell to use directy. This interface is suitable for implementing commands in java, rather than using external processes. For wrapping such processes or using inverted streams, see {@link org.apache.sshd.server.shell.InvertedShellWrapper}.
Interface for commands. Details TBD
@version $Revision: 1.5 $
@author Simeon Fitch
A Command is used to execute a read or write to a database
Represents command objects.
A CLI command.
Represents a logical "unit of work" that includes a request context, JSP, URLPattern, content template and (optionally) a target and required security permission. Examples of Commands include "view a page," "create a group," and "edit user preferences."
Commands come in two flavors: "static" and "targeted."
- Static commands are exactly what they sound like: static. They are
, threadsafe, and immutable. They have no intrinsic idea of the context they are acting in. For example, the static command {@link PageCommand#VIEW} embodies the idea of viewing a page —but exactly which page is left undefined. Static commands exist so that they can be freely shared and passed around without incurring the penalties of object creation. Static commands are a lot like naked request contexts ("edit", "view", etc.) except that they include additional, essential properites such as the associated URL pattern and content JSP. - Targeted commands "decorate" static commands by scoping a static Command at a specific target such as a WikiPage or GroupPrincipal. Targeted commands are created by calling an existing Command's {@link #targetedCommand(Object)} and supplying the target object.Implementing classes generally require a specific target type. For example, the {@link PageCommand} class requires that the target object be of type{@link org.apache.wiki.WikiPage}.
Concrete implementations of Command include:
- PageCommand: commands for editing, renaming, and viewing pages
- GroupCommand: commands for viewing, editing and deleting wiki groups
- WikiCommand: commands for wiki-wide operations such as creating groups, editing preferences and profiles, and logging in/out
- RedirectCommand: commands for redirections to off-site special pages
For a given targeted Command, its {@link #getTarget()} method will return anon-null
value. In addition, its {@link #requiredPermission()} method will generally also return a non-null
value. It is each implementation's responsibility to construct and store the correct Permission for a given Command and Target. For example, when PageCommand.VIEW is targeted at the WikiPage Main
, the Command's associated permission is PagePermission "theWiki:Main", "view".
Static Commands, and targeted Commands that do not require specific permissions to execute, return a null
result for {@link #requiredPermission()}.
@since 2.4.22
Command is the standard interface command line arguments
@author 杨尚川
Command abstraction. Commands are built via {@link CommandBuilder}.
Stefan Miklosovic
Interface which must be implemented by any class which is a custom batch script command
@author jacob
@date 2012-Nov-30
Represents a Command, which executes various tasks upon user input
Base class of all commands. Command is executed in single thread. Extending classes don't need to worry about concurrency. Command is transient, every command in console creates a new instance of Command object which is disposed after execution finishes.
Jiaqi Guo
Class encapsulating logic to execute an eclipse application command.
@author Eric Van Dewoestine
A command is an abstract representation for some semantic behaviour. It is not the actual implementation of this behaviour, nor is it the visual appearance of this behaviour in the user interface. Instead, it is a bridge between the two.
The concept of a command is based on the command design pattern. The notable difference is how the command delegates responsibility for execution. Rather than allowing concrete subclasses, it uses a handler mechanism (see the handlers
extension point). This provides another level of indirection.
A command will exist in two states: defined and undefined. A command is defined if it is declared in the XML of a resolved plug-in. If the plug-in is unloaded or the command is simply not declared, then it is undefined. Trying to reference an undefined command will succeed, but trying to access any of its functionality will fail with a NotDefinedException
. If you need to know when a command changes from defined to undefined (or vice versa), then attach a command listener.
Commands are mutable and will change as their definition changes.
@since 3.1
An interface that every command is expected to support. A command can be tested for executability, it can be executed, it can be tested for undoability, it can be undone, and can then be redone. A command also provides access to a result collection, an affected-objects collection, a label, and a description.
There are important constraints on the valid order in which the various methods may be invoked, e.g., you cannot ask for the result before you've executed the command. These constraints are documented with the various methods.
Purpose: Provide an extendable framework class for a Command object that can be remotely executed.
Description: Is the root command class from which all other remotely executable commands must extend. A Command is invoked by calling propagateCommand() on a local CommandManager, and is executed on each remote service by each remote CommandManager invoking processCommand() on its local
@see CommandManager
@see CommandProcessor
@author Steven Vo
@since OracleAS TopLink 10g (9.0.4)
Command definition.
@param < REQUEST> type of request object, see {@link CommandRequest}
@param < RESPONSE> type of response object, see {@link CommandResponse}
@author Joachim Van der Auwera
@since 1.6.0
GWT implementation of an RPC request. On the server-side this request is transformed into a command object that is then executed by a {@link org.geomajas.command.CommandDispatcher} instance.
@author Pieter De Graef
@since 1.0.0
Represents a SQL statement. This object is only used on the server side.
Command to execute via scheduler.
@author Jiri Bubnik
@see org.hotswap.agent.command.Scheduler
@see org.hotswap.agent.command.impl.CommandExecutor
The command which will be performed remotely. The command object will be enriched using dependency injection from Arquillian context on remote side. However enriched fields should use transient to preserve serializability.
@author Lukas Fryc
All commands that can be invoked by the admin CLI tool must implement this interface.
All commands that can be invoked by the admin CLI tool must implement this interface.
@author kstam
commands that can be {@link ProcessEngine#execute(Command) executed by the process engine}.
@author Tom Baeyens
Interface for a command.
@author Fabien DUMINY (fduminy@jnode.org)
This interface is implemented by all JNode native 'command' classes. It provides the 'execute' method(s) used to invoke the command and other methods used to set the arguments and streams.
The normal implementation pattern for a JNode native command is to 'extend' the AbstractCommand class. This class provides implementations of the getters defined by this API along with a default implementations of the execute methods, and some special infrastructure to support the 'classic' Java command entry point.
@author Martin Husted Hartvig (hagar@jnode.org)
@author crawley@jnode.org
The interface Command is used to run atomic and reusable action.
@author Sébastien Bordes
The Command class contains methods needed by the SCSI Transport Protocol Services and the Target Port Task Router.
A command is encoded by the Transport Protocol Services on the initiator and decoded by the Transport Protocol Services on the target. This class provides enough information to accomplish this.
The Task Router enqueues the command on the proper Logical Unit where it is converted into a Task; some commands are processed directly by the Task Router. A Task uses the Target Transport Port to directly return any data or results.
Class represent SMPP Command. Contains only the header of SMPP PDU.
@author uudashr
@version 1.0
A command transforms a record into zero or more records. A command has a boolean return code, indicating success or failure. All record handlers in a morphline implement this interface. Commands are chained together. The parent of a command A is the command B that passes records to A. A is the child of B. Data is sent on the data plane whereas notifications are sent on the control plane, which is a separate communication channel.
The accepted Command event types.
Represents a SQL statement. This object is only used on the server side.
A MapCommand in uDig describes an action that modifies the system's model.
Commands are single fire objects. They cannot be used more than once. This is to allow undoable commands to be a normal command, not a special case command.
Commands normally have factories associated with them, but they are also prototypes. The copy method returns a new MapCommand without the undo data. The new MapCommand can safely be executed with no negative side-effects.
@see A set of possible command categories are: zoom, pan, cut, paste, addVertex, etc.. Mostcommands are associated with tool whose job is to construct the commands. A MapCommand object describes an concrete change, for example: setBBox(0,0,1,1); setBBox(2,2,3,3) would be a separate object.
@author jeichar
Command pattern.
@author nantuko
Represents a command definition
@author Ferran Busquets
Initial Date: 22.03.2006
@author Felix Jost
This is a marker interface for all command types.
@author Kai Kreuzer
@since 0.1.0
Classes implementing Command modify a dataset in a specific way. A command is one atomic action on a specific dataset, such as move or delete. The command remembers the {@link OsmDataLayer} it is operating on.
@author imi
Command Pattern.
@author Mike Thompson
Defines a command that can be executed. A command consists of a {@link #getCommandType() type} (e.g. the commandname) and an optional set of {@link ParameterDefinition parameters}, whose values can be obtained via {@link #getParameterValue(String)}.
If a command accepts any and all parameter types and values, it does not need to define a set of parameter definitions. However, if a command accepts only a certain set of parameters, it must define a set of parameter definitions that determine the validity of a command's parameter values.
Note that command implementors are recommended to provide a set of parameter setter methods should they require parameters in order to be able to execute. This will allow a strongly-typed mechanism to be available in order to set parameters (as opposed to asking the client to add Object values to a weakly-typed map and/or checking the parameter definitions to ensure the parameter values are valid). It is highly recommended that the implementors of this interface define setter methods that take Objects as opposed to primitives (e.g. Integer
vs. int
) to make it easier for cmdline clients to {@link ParameterDefinition#convertObject(Object) convert} fromtext-based input to the Java representations of the actual data types needed.
@author John Mazzitelli
@author $Author: jeffdrost $
@version $Revision: 1.6 $
@since 2.7
A single command that can be run from the CLI.
@author Phillip Webb
@author Dave Syer
@author Stephane Nicoll
@see #run(String)
Represents a command in the language objects. A command is an instruction of something to execute sent to the connector. Typical commands perform SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, etc type operations.
A Command is an interface for all the language objects that are at the root of a language object tree representing a SQL statement. For instance, a Query command represents a SQL select query, an Update command represents a SQL update statement, etc.
This is the Command interface as part of the CommandProcessor pattern. It extends Runnable. Commands must be able to be run in a Thread other than the event dispatching thread.
@author Wei-ju Wu
@version 1.0
A command representing a future activity. This was deliberately created in addition to the existing GWT Command to allow better re-use of menu structures when a WorkbenchPart is embedded within Eclipse.
Command design pattern interface
@author Matthew Xie
@author Max Zhu (thebbsky@gmail.com)
@author Sam
@author clayton
Command serialization. User: sam Date: 7/27/11 Time: 3:04 PM To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates.
Command serialization. We special case when there are few 4 or fewer parameters since most commands fall into that category. Passing bytes, channelbuffers and strings / objects are all allowed. All strings are assumed to be UTF-8.
Interfaces implemented by all commands sent around the system.
@author Iwein Fuld
@author Sebastian Sdorra
Represents a SPARQL command for execution. Commands are created from a {@link Connection} and returnsa {@link Result} when executed.
Command executed by task application
@author JBVovau
@author Makoto YUI (yuin405+xbird@gmail.com)
Command Represents a GiFT-Command
Tammo van Lessen
@version CVS $Id: Command.java,v 1.3 2003/01/17 02:03:36 taval Exp $
Encapsulates a command sent from the server to the device.
Syntax: <specifier> [<modifier>, ... ]
Both the specifier and the optional modifiers are called command elements.
For example: load filename - load: is the command specifier - filename: is the command modifier
Both load
and filename
are considered command elements.
Created: 2002.09.08
@author Brad Zdanivsky
@author Peter Brandt-Erichsen