Examples of CommException

Examples of javax.resource.spi.CommException

        setFactoryParameters((AbstractConnectionFactory) factory, (ManagedConnectionFactoryImpl) mcf);
        ((AbstractConnectionFactory) factory).setIdentityClassName(identityClass);
        return factory.createConnection(userName, password);
    } catch (IllegalStateException exc) {
      throw new CommException("Could not access the JORAM server: " + exc);
    } catch (JMSSecurityException exc) {
      throw new SecurityException("Invalid user identification: " + exc);
    } catch (JMSException exc) {
      throw new ResourceException("Failed connecting process: " + exc);
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Examples of javax.resource.spi.CommException

                                      this + " createManagedConnection cnx = " + cnx);
    } catch (IllegalStateException exc) {
      if (out != null)
        out.print("Could not access the JORAM server: " + exc);
      throw new CommException("Could not access the JORAM server: " + exc);
    } catch (JMSSecurityException exc) {
      if (out != null)
        out.print("Invalid user identification: " + exc);
      throw new SecurityException("Invalid user identification: " + exc);
    } catch (JMSException exc) {
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Examples of javax.resource.spi.CommException

      consumers.put(specImpl, consumer);
    } catch (javax.jms.JMSSecurityException exc) {
      throw new SecurityException("Invalid user identification: " + exc);
    } catch (javax.jms.JMSException exc) {
      throw new CommException("Could not connect to the JORAM server: " + exc);
    } catch (ConnectException exc) {
      throw new ResourceException("Problem when handling the JORAM destinations: " + exc);
    } catch (AdminException exc) {
      throw new ResourceException("Problem when handling the JORAM destinations: " + exc);
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Examples of javax.resource.spi.CommException

                     this + " getXAResources resources = " + resources);
    } catch (javax.jms.JMSSecurityException exc) {
      throw new SecurityException("Invalid user identification: " + exc);
    } catch (javax.jms.JMSException exc) {
      throw new CommException("Could not connect to the JORAM server: " + exc);

    return (XAResource[]) resources.toArray(new XAResource[resources.size()]);
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Examples of javax.resource.spi.CommException

         ConnectReturnQos ret = physicalPipe.connect(qos,null);
         me = "BlasterManagedConnection/"+user+"/"+ret.getSecretSessionId();
      }catch(XmlBlasterException ex) {
         throw new CommException("Could not login : " +ex);
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Examples of javax.resource.spi.CommException

                    (new IllegalArgumentException
                     ("Unknown LDAP resource \"" + dn + "\": "
                      + e.getMessage())).initCause(e);
            } catch (NamingException e) {
                throw (CommException)
                    (new CommException
                     ("Problem accessing LDAP: " + e.getMessage())).initCause(e);
            (result, factory.getQueryInfos(RmsEntry.RESOURCE_TYPE_GROUP), dn);
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Examples of javax.resource.spi.CommException

        } catch (NotContextException e) {
                ("Cannot access configured context \"" + qi.getCtxDN() + "\"");
        } catch (NamingException e) {
            throw (CommException)
                (new CommException
                 ("Problem accessing LDAP: " + e.getMessage())).initCause(e);
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Examples of javax.resource.spi.CommException

                (new NameNotFoundException
                 ("Unknown LDAP context \"" + qi.getCtxDN() + "\": "
                  + e.getMessage())).initCause(e);
        } catch (NamingException e) {
            throw (CommException)
                (new CommException
                 ("Problem accessing LDAP: " + e.getMessage())).initCause(e);
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Examples of javax.resource.spi.CommException

         // DB2 seems to close connection if SQL Error encountered, but doesn't notify
         if (m_xaConnection == null || m_sqlConnection.isClosed()) // closed connection
            throw new CommException("RDBMS connection is already closed");
      catch (SQLException e)
         throw new CommException("Unexpected RDBMS connection error", e);

      if (m_handleSet.isEmpty() && // no active handles or XA transactions, safe to test
          (m_resource == null || !m_resource.isBusy()))
         Statement stmt = null;

            if (m_factory.isAutoCommitRollbackRequired() || !m_sqlConnection.getAutoCommit())
               m_sqlConnection.rollback(); // roll back any local transactions

            if (m_factory.getTestSQL() != null) // execute test SQL if provided
               stmt = m_sqlConnection.createStatement();
         catch (SQLException e)
            if (stmt != null)
               catch (SQLException f)
                  // ignore since closing connection

            catch (ResourceException f)
               // ignore since looping around

            throw new CommException("Connection test failed", e);

      return new SQLConnection(); // the empty handle will be told its managed connection
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Examples of net.shadewind.racetrack.CommException

        String line = in.readLine();
        if (line == null)
        Command command = Command.parseCommand(line);
        if (command == null)
          throw new CommException("Malformed command: " + line);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Exception in client handler", e);
    } finally {
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