Examples of ColumnTracker

Examples of org.apache.phoenix.hbase.index.covered.update.ColumnTracker


  public void testHasNewerTimestamps() throws Exception {
    Collection<ColumnReference> columns = new ArrayList<ColumnReference>();
    ColumnTracker tracker = new ColumnTracker(columns);
    assertFalse("Tracker has newer timestamps when no ts set", tracker.hasNewerTimestamps());
    assertTrue("Tracker doesn't have newer timetamps with set ts", tracker.hasNewerTimestamps());
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Examples of org.apache.phoenix.hbase.index.covered.update.ColumnTracker

    // timestamp of the next update we need to track
    List<IndexedColumnGroup> columnHints = new ArrayList<IndexedColumnGroup>();
    for (IndexUpdate update : upserts) {
      // this is the one bit where we check the timestamps
      final ColumnTracker tracker = update.getIndexedColumns();
      long trackerTs = tracker.getTS();
      // update the next min TS we need to track
      if (trackerTs < minTs) {
        minTs = tracker.getTS();
      // track index hints for the next round. Hint if we need an update for that column for the
      // next timestamp. These columns clearly won't need to update as we go through time as they
      // already match the most recent possible thing.
      boolean needsCleanup = false;
      if (tracker.hasNewerTimestamps()) {
        // this update also needs to be cleaned up at the next timestamp because it not the latest.
        needsCleanup = true;

      // only make the put if the index update has been setup
      if (update.isValid()) {
        byte[] table = update.getTableName();
        Mutation mutation = update.getUpdate();
        updateMap.addIndexUpdate(table, mutation);

        // only make the cleanup if we made a put and need cleanup
        if (needsCleanup) {
          // there is a TS for the interested columns that is greater than the columns in the
          // put. Therefore, we need to issue a delete at the same timestamp
          Delete d = new Delete(mutation.getRow());
          updateMap.addIndexUpdate(table, d);
    return minTs;
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Examples of org.apache.phoenix.hbase.index.covered.update.ColumnTracker

  public Pair<Scanner, IndexUpdate> getIndexedColumnsTableState(
      Collection<? extends ColumnReference> indexedColumns) throws IOException {
    // filter out things with a newer timestamp and track the column references to which it applies
    ColumnTracker tracker = new ColumnTracker(indexedColumns);
    synchronized (this.trackedColumns) {
      // we haven't seen this set of columns before, so we need to create a new tracker
      if (!this.trackedColumns.contains(tracker)) {
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Examples of org.apache.phoenix.hbase.index.covered.update.ColumnTracker

    // timestamp of the next update we need to track
    List<IndexedColumnGroup> columnHints = new ArrayList<IndexedColumnGroup>();
    for (IndexUpdate update : upserts) {
      // this is the one bit where we check the timestamps
      final ColumnTracker tracker = update.getIndexedColumns();
      long trackerTs = tracker.getTS();
      // update the next min TS we need to track
      if (trackerTs < minTs) {
        minTs = tracker.getTS();
      // track index hints for the next round. Hint if we need an update for that column for the
      // next timestamp. These columns clearly won't need to update as we go through time as they
      // already match the most recent possible thing.
      boolean needsCleanup = false;
      if (tracker.hasNewerTimestamps()) {
        // this update also needs to be cleaned up at the next timestamp because it not the latest.
        needsCleanup = true;

      // only make the put if the index update has been setup
      if (update.isValid()) {
        byte[] table = update.getTableName();
        Mutation mutation = update.getUpdate();
        updateMap.addIndexUpdate(table, mutation);

        // only make the cleanup if we made a put and need cleanup
        if (needsCleanup) {
          // there is a TS for the interested columns that is greater than the columns in the
          // put. Therefore, we need to issue a delete at the same timestamp
          Delete d = new Delete(mutation.getRow());
          updateMap.addIndexUpdate(table, d);
    return minTs;
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