JSP tag used for creating a table column.
Note that this tag supports dynamic attributes with only string values. See {@link #setDynamicAttribute(String,String,Object)} below.
Example usage:
<datatables:table id="myTableId" data="${persons}"> <datatables:column title="Id" property="id" /> <datatables:column title="LastName" property="lastName" /> <datatables:column title="FirstName" property="firstName" /> <datatables:column title="City" property="address.town.name" /> <datatables:column title="Mail" property="mail" /> </datatables:table>@author Thibault Duchateau @since 0.1.0
This tag works hand in hand with the TableTag to display a list of objects. This describes a column of data in the TableTag. There can be any number of columns that make up the list.
This tag does no work itself, it is simply a container of information. The TableTag does all the work based on the information provided in the attributes of this tag.
@author mraible @author Fabrizio Giustina @version $Revision: 1220 $ ($Author: fgiust $)