which adds methods to transform colors represented as pixels in a Raster
between a specific color space and either sRGB or a well-defined C.I.E. X,Y,Z color space. As mentioned in the documentation of {@link ColorSpace}, sRGB is a proposed standard default RGB color space for the Internet. This class is particularly applicable for use with color spaces which are mathematically defined and for which no I.C.C. profile is readily available. (Note however that color conversions specified by a simple matrix transformation might best be effected using the "BandCombine" operation.) The JAI "ColorConvert" operation recognizes when an instance of ColorSpaceJAI
is present and uses the Raster
-based conversion methods to improve performance. This is possible because without the ColorSpaceJAI
definition, a ColorSpace
which was not an {@link ICC_ColorSpace}would permit color conversion only by means of pixel-by-pixel invocations of toCIEXYZ(float[])
and fromCIEXYZ(float[])
(or, equivalently toRGB(float[])
and fromRGB(float[])
which adds methods to transform colors represented as pixels in a Raster
between a specific color space and either sRGB or a well-defined C.I.E. X,Y,Z color space. As mentioned in the documentation of {@link ColorSpace}, sRGB is a proposed standard default RGB color space for the Internet. This class is particularly applicable for use with color spaces which are mathematically defined and for which no I.C.C. profile is readily available. (Note however that color conversions specified by a simple matrix transformation might best be effected using the "BandCombine" operation.) The JAI "ColorConvert" operation recognizes when an instance of ColorSpaceJAI
is present and uses the Raster
-based conversion methods to improve performance. This is possible because without the ColorSpaceJAI
definition, a ColorSpace
which was not an {@link ICC_ColorSpace}would permit color conversion only by means of pixel-by-pixel invocations of toCIEXYZ(float[])
and fromCIEXYZ(float[])
(or, equivalently toRGB(float[])
and fromRGB(float[])