When navigated through using contains(expr), the elements of the collection are relationally joined onto the query statement.
As this is a Collection Expression it works equally for Sets and Lists, and we use CollectionStore as the backing store interface, so that ListStore and SetStore are equally applicable. @version $Revision: 1.33 $
When navigated through using contains(expr), the elements of the collection are relationally joined onto the query statement.
As this is a Collection Expression it works equally for Sets and Lists, and we use CollectionStore as the backing store interface, so that ListStore and SetStore are equally applicable.
wraps many expression which they are separated by spaces and/or commas. expression ::= child_item {, child_item }*
expression ::= child_item { child_item }*
@version 2.3 @since 2.3 @author Pascal Filion
wraps many expression which they are separated by spaces and/or commas. expression ::= child_item {, child_item }*
expression ::= child_item { child_item }*
@version 2.4.2 @since 2.3 @author Pascal Filion
When navigated through using contains(expr), the elements of the collection are relationally joined onto the query statement.
As this is a Collection Expression it works equally for Sets and Lists, and we use CollectionStore as the backing store interface, so that ListStore and SetStore are equally applicable. @version $Revision: 1.33 $