Examples of CollationElementIterator

Examples of java.text.CollationElementIterator

        if (collator == null)
            {return s1.indexOf(s2);}
        else {
            final int offsets[] = new int[2];
            final RuleBasedCollator rbc = (RuleBasedCollator) collator;
            final CollationElementIterator i1 = rbc.getCollationElementIterator(s1);
            final CollationElementIterator i2 = rbc.getCollationElementIterator(s2);          
            if (collationContains(i1, i2, offsets, false))
                {return offsets[0];}
                {return Constants.STRING_NOT_FOUND;}
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Examples of java.text.CollationElementIterator

      return true;

  // on to the real code
        int strengthResult = Collator.IDENTICAL;
        CollationElementIterator sourceCursor, targetCursor;
  boolean isFrenchSec = false;

  // set up the RuleBasedCollator and extract
  // various attributes
  String rules = rbc.getRules();
  if (rules.startsWith("@")) {
      // I suspect we are cheating here when multiple rules are merged
      // One would think you could get this attribute but you can't
      isFrenchSec = true;

  // Get the CollationElementIterators for the source and target
  sourceCursor = rbc.getCollationElementIterator(source);
  targetCursor = rbc.getCollationElementIterator(target);
  // Various locale specific matching parameters
        int sOrder = 0, tOrder = 0;
  int pSOrder, pTOrder;
  short secSOrder, secTOrder;
  short terSOrder, terTOrder;
        boolean gets = true, gett = true;
  int toffset = 0;
        boolean initialCheckSecTer, checkSecTer, checkTertiary;

        while(true) {
      debug("while(true) toffset=" + toffset);
      // Set the starting point for this comparison
      try {
      } catch (NoSuchMethodError ex3) {
    // ingnore it
      sOrder = sourceCursor.next();
      try {
      } catch (NoSuchMethodError ex4) {
    // Can't really do anything here. Return false.
      } catch (Exception e) {
    // We can get an exception when the toffset is really the
    // end of string
    // Just catch it and return false;
    return false;
      tOrder = targetCursor.next();

      if (tOrder == CollationElementIterator.NULLORDER) {

      debug("sOrder=" + sOrder + " tOrder=" + tOrder);

      //Find the first character in the target that matches the first
      // character in the source. Look for a complete match of
      // primary, secondary and tertiary. Lacking that look for
      // a match of just primary.
      while (tOrder != CollationElementIterator.NULLORDER) {
    if (sOrder == tOrder) {
        try {
      toffset = targetCursor.getOffset();
        } catch (NoSuchMethodError ex) {
      //ignore it
    pSOrder = CollationElementIterator.primaryOrder(sOrder);
    pTOrder = CollationElementIterator.primaryOrder(tOrder);
    if (pSOrder == pTOrder) {
        try {
      toffset = targetCursor.getOffset();
        } catch (NoSuchMethodError ex2) {
      //ignore it
    tOrder = targetCursor.next();
    debug("next tOrder=" + tOrder);

      // If at end there is no match
      if (tOrder == CollationElementIterator.NULLORDER) {
    return false;

      gets = false;
      gett = false;
      initialCheckSecTer = rbc.getStrength() >= Collator.SECONDARY;
      checkSecTer = initialCheckSecTer;
      checkTertiary = rbc.getStrength() >= Collator.TERTIARY;
      while (true) {
    // Get the next collation element in each of the strings, unless
    // we've been requested to skip it.
    if (gets) {
        sOrder = sourceCursor.next();
    } else {
        gets = true;
    if (gett) {
        tOrder = targetCursor.next();
    } else {
        gett = true;

    // If we've hit the end of one of the strings, jump out of the loop
    if ((sOrder == CollationElementIterator.NULLORDER)||
        (tOrder == CollationElementIterator.NULLORDER)) {
        debug("One string at end");

    pSOrder = CollationElementIterator.primaryOrder(sOrder);
    pTOrder = CollationElementIterator.primaryOrder(tOrder);

            // If there's no difference at this position, we can skip it
    if (sOrder == tOrder) {
        if (isFrenchSec && pSOrder != 0) {
      if (!checkSecTer) {
          // in french, a secondary difference more to the
          // right is stronger,
          // so accents have to be checked with each base
          // element
          checkSecTer = initialCheckSecTer;
          // but tertiary differences are less important
          // than the first
          // secondary difference, so checking tertiary
          // remains disabled
          checkTertiary = false;
        debug("No diff at this positon continue");

    // Compare primary differences first.
    if ( pSOrder != pTOrder ) {
        if (sOrder == 0) {
      // The entire source element is ignorable.
      // Skip to the next source element,
      // but don't fetch another target element.
      gett = false;
        if (tOrder == 0) {
      // The entire target element is ignorable.
      // Skip to the next target element,
      // but don't fetch another source element.
      gets = false;

        // The source and target elements aren't ignorable,
        // but it's still possible
        // for the primary component of one of the elements
        // to be ignorable....
        if (pSOrder == 0) {
      // The source's primary is ignorable,
      // but the target's isn't.  We treat ignorables
      // as a secondary differenc
      if (checkSecTer) {
          // (strength is SECONDARY)
          toffset = targetCursor.getOffset();
          debug("Strength is secondary pSOrder === 0");
          continue startSearchForFirstMatch;
      // Skip to the next source element,
      // but don't fetch another target element.
      gett = false;
        } else if (pTOrder == 0) {
      // record differences - see the comment above.
      if (checkSecTer) {
          // (stength is SECONDARY)
          toffset = targetCursor.getOffset();
          debug("Strength is secondary - pTOrder == 0");
          continue startSearchForFirstMatch;
      // Skip to the next source element,
      // but don't fetch another target element.
      gets = false;
        } else {
      // Neither of the orders is ignorable,
      // and we already know that the primary
      // orders are different because of the
      // (pSOrder != pTOrder) test above.
      // Record the difference and stop the
      // comparison.
      toffset = targetCursor.getOffset();
      debug("Order are ignorable");
      continue startSearchForFirstMatch;
    } else { // else of if ( pSOrder != pTOrder )
        // primary order is the same, but complete order is
        // different. So there
        // are no base elements at this point, only
        // ignorables (Since the strings are
        // normalized)
        if (checkSecTer) {
      // a secondary or tertiary difference may
      // still matter
      secSOrder = CollationElementIterator.secondaryOrder(sOrder);
      secTOrder = CollationElementIterator.secondaryOrder(tOrder);
      if (secSOrder != secTOrder) {
          // there is a secondary difference
          toffset = targetCursor.getOffset();
          debug("Secondary Difference");
          continue startSearchForFirstMatch;
          // (strength is SECONDARY)
          // (even in french, only the first
          // secondary difference within
          // a base character matters)
      } else {
          if (checkTertiary) {
        // a tertiary difference may still matter
        terSOrder = CollationElementIterator.tertiaryOrder(sOrder);
        terTOrder = CollationElementIterator.tertiaryOrder(tOrder);
        if (terSOrder != terTOrder) {
            // there is a tertiary difference
            toffset = targetCursor.getOffset();
            debug("Tertiary difference");
            continue startSearchForFirstMatch;
            // (strength is TERTIARY)
        } // if (checkSecTer)

    // if ( pSOrder != pTOrder )
      } // while()

      // There might be a match
      // Just do some final checking
      if (sOrder != CollationElementIterator.NULLORDER) {
    // (tOrder must be CollationElementIterator::NULLORDER,
    // since this point is only reached when sOrder or
    // tOrder is NULLORDER.)
    // The source string has more elements,
    // but the target string hasn't.
    do {
        if (CollationElementIterator.primaryOrder(sOrder) != 0) {
      // We found an additional non-ignorable base
      // character in the source string.
      // This is a primary difference,
      // so the source is greater
      toffset = targetCursor.getOffset();
      debug("Additional non-ignborable base character in source string - source is greater");
      continue startSearchForFirstMatch;
      // (strength is PRIMARY)
        else if (CollationElementIterator.secondaryOrder(sOrder) != 0) {
      // Additional secondary elements mean the
      // source string is greater
      if (checkSecTer) {
          toffset = targetCursor.getOffset();
          debug("Additional secondary elements source is greater");
          continue startSearchForFirstMatch;
          // (strength is SECONDARY)
    } while ((sOrder = sourceCursor.next()) != CollationElementIterator.NULLORDER);
      // Either the target string has more elements,
      // but the source string hasn't or neither the target string
      // or the source string have any more elemnts.
      // In either case the source was contained in target
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