Examples of Codec

Examples of info.archinnov.achilles.codec.Codec

    public ListCodec parseAndValidateListCodec(Field field) {
        final String fieldName = field.getName();
        final String className = field.getDeclaringClass().getCanonicalName();

        Codec codec = getValueCodecInstance(field);

        validateNotIdentityCodec(fieldName, className, codec);

        final Class<?> sourceType = codec.sourceType();
        final Class<?> targetType = codec.targetType();

        validateTypesNotNull(fieldName, className, sourceType, targetType);

        final Class<?> listValueType = TypeParser.inferValueClassForListOrSet(field.getGenericType(), field.getDeclaringClass());
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Examples of jade.content.lang.Codec

   * to the content language used for this operation.
   * @throws OntologyException if <code>content</code> is not compliant
   * to the ontology used for this operation.
  public void fillContent(ACLMessage msg, AbsContentElement content) throws CodecException, OntologyException {
    Codec    codec = lookupLanguage(msg.getLanguage());
    if (codec == null) {
      throw new CodecException("Unknown language "+msg.getLanguage());
    String ontoName = msg.getOntology();
    Ontology o = null;
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Examples of javax.media.Codec

  System.err.println("Video format: " + videoTrack.getFormat());

  // Instantiate and set the frame access codec to the data flow path.
  try {
      Codec codec[] = { new RotationEffect() };
  } catch (UnsupportedPlugInException e) {
      System.err.println("The processor does not support effects.");
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Examples of javax.media.Codec

    for (int i=0; i<node.getNumDestLinks(); i++)
      Node dest = node.getDestLink(i).getDestNode();
      if ( dest instanceof CodecNode )
        Codec c = ((CodecNode)dest).getCodec();
        final Object[] controls = c.getControls();
        if (controls != null)
          for (Object o : controls)
            addControl((Control) o);
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Examples of javax.media.Codec

      else if (o instanceof Codec)
        if (TRACE) logger.fine("PlugInUtility: Registering codec: " + className);
        final Codec oCast = (Codec) o;
        final Format[] inputFormats = oCast.getSupportedInputFormats();
        final Format[] outputFormats = oCast.getSupportedOutputFormats(null)// this is what JMRegistry does
        return new PlugInInfo(className, inputFormats, outputFormats, (o instanceof Effect) ? PlugInManager.EFFECT : PlugInManager.CODEC);
      else if (o instanceof Renderer)
        if (TRACE) logger.fine("PlugInUtility: Registering renderer: " + className);
        final Renderer oCast = (Renderer) o;
        final Format[] inputFormats = oCast.getSupportedInputFormats();
        return new PlugInInfo(className, inputFormats, new Format[] {}, PlugInManager.RENDERER);
      else if (o instanceof Multiplexer)
        if (TRACE) logger.fine("PlugInUtility: Registering Multiplexer: " + className);
        final Multiplexer oCast = (Multiplexer) o;
        // JMF Multiplexers always have nothing for the input formats.
        return new PlugInInfo(className, new Format[] {}, oCast.getSupportedOutputContentDescriptors(null), PlugInManager.MULTIPLEXER);
        logger.warning("PlugInUtility: Unknown or unsupported plug-in: " + o.getClass());
        return null;
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Examples of javax.media.Codec

      Demultiplexer demux = (Demultiplexer) pluginObject;
      in = demux.getSupportedInputContentDescriptors();
      out = null;
    else if (pluginObject instanceof Codec) {
      Codec codec = (Codec) pluginObject;
      in = codec.getSupportedInputFormats();
      out = codec.getSupportedOutputFormats(null);
    else if (pluginObject instanceof Multiplexer) {
      Multiplexer mux = (Multiplexer) pluginObject;
      in = mux.getSupportedInputFormats();
      out = mux.getSupportedOutputContentDescriptors(null);
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Examples of javax.media.Codec

      for (int j = 0; j < codecFormatPairs.size(); ++j)
        final CodecFormatPair codecFormatPair = codecFormatPairs.get(j);
        final Codec codec = codecFormatPair.getCodec();
        final Format codecOutputFormat = codecFormatPair.getFormat();
        if (TRACE) logger.finer(indent(depth) + "Trying " + codec.getClass().getName() + " with output format: " + codecOutputFormat);
          final CodecNode codecNode = new CodecNode(codec, null)// format will be set in negotiation
        if (PRE_LINK)
          link(from, codecNode.getInputPin(0));
        final Format fAccepted;
            fAccepted = f;
            if (fAccepted != null)
            fAccepted = negotiate(f, codecNode.getInputPin(0), null, from);
          if (fAccepted == null)
            {  logger.warning("Codec " + codec + " rejected input format (or negotiation failed) " + f);
          // TODO: the output format may be partially unspecified, so it has to be negotiated.
          // also, if we are connecting to something with a more specific format (say, a mux), then
          // we need to be able to constrain this output format using that.
          final Format codecOutputFormatAccepted;
            codecOutputFormatAccepted = codecOutputFormat;
            codecOutputFormatAccepted = codec.setOutputFormat(codecOutputFormat)// TODO: this should be set only in negotiation
          if (codecOutputFormatAccepted == null)
            {  logger.warning("Codec " + codec + " rejected output format " + codecOutputFormat);
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Examples of javax.media.Codec

        final String codecClassName = (String) codecs.get(j);
        if (TRACE) logger.finer(indent(depth) + "Trying " + codecClassName);
        final Codec codec = (Codec) instantiate(codecClassName);
        if (codec == null)
        final Format[] codecOutputFormats = codec.getSupportedOutputFormats(f);
        if (TRACE && logger.isLoggable(Level.FINEST))
          for (int codecOutputFormatIndex = 0; codecOutputFormatIndex < codecOutputFormats.length; ++codecOutputFormatIndex)
            final Format codecOutputFormat = codecOutputFormats[codecOutputFormatIndex];
            logger.finest(indent(depth) + "Found Codec output format: " + codecOutputFormat);
        for (int codecOutputFormatIndex = 0; codecOutputFormatIndex < codecOutputFormats.length; ++codecOutputFormatIndex)
          final Format codecOutputFormat = codecOutputFormats[codecOutputFormatIndex];
          if (codecOutputFormat == null)
          {  logger.finer(indent(depth) + "Skipping null Codec (" + codec.getClass() + ") output format, input format: " + f);
          if (codecOutputFormat.equals(f))
          {  if (TRACE) logger.finest(indent(depth) + (SKIP_NON_FORMAT_CHANGING_CODECS ? "YES " : "NOT ") + "Skipping Codec output format, same as input format: " + codecOutputFormat);
              continue// no need to have a codec that does not change formats.  this can happen in the case of
                    // something like com.sun.media.codec.audio.rc.RateCvrt, which will offer an output format
                    // the same as an input format.
          // instantiate a new copy of the codec for each pair.
          codecFormatPairs.add(new CodecFormatPair((Codec) instantiate(codecClassName), codecOutputFormat));
      // now that we have all of the codec/format pairs, sort them (if we know what format we are trying to reach)
      if (muxInputFormat != null)
      {  Collections.sort(codecFormatPairs, new CodecFormatPairProximityComparator(muxInputFormat));
//        for (int j = 0; j < codecFormatPairs.size(); ++j)
//        {
//          final CodecFormatPair codecFormatPair = (CodecFormatPair) codecFormatPairs.get(j);
//          final Codec codec =codecFormatPair.getCodec();
//          final Format codecOutputFormat = codecFormatPair.getFormat();
//          if (TRACE) logger.fine(indent(depth) + j + ". Will try " + codec.getClass().getName() + " with output format: " + codecOutputFormat);
//        }
        // best-first enabled.
        if (maxBestCodecs > 1)
        {  while (codecFormatPairs.size() > maxBestCodecs)
        if (TRACE && logger.isLoggable(Level.FINER))
          for (int j = 0; j < codecFormatPairs.size(); ++j)
            final CodecFormatPair codecFormatPair = codecFormatPairs.get(j);
            final Codec codec = codecFormatPair.getCodec();
            final Format codecOutputFormat = codecFormatPair.getFormat();
            logger.finer(indent(depth) + j + ". Will try " + codec.getClass().getName() + " with output format: " + codecOutputFormat);
      return codecFormatPairs;
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Examples of javax.media.Codec

    String className = "com.ibm.media.codec.audio.ulaw.JavaEncoder";
    String className2 = "net.sf.fmj.media.codec.audio.ulaw.Encoder";
    Format f = new AudioFormat(AudioFormat.LINEAR, -1.0, 16, 1, AudioFormat.BIG_ENDIAN, AudioFormat.SIGNED, 16, -1.0, Format.byteArray);
    Codec encoder = open(className, f);
    Codec encoder2 = open(className2, f);
    // signed, big: all values with both bytes negative are wrong.  Half of the values are wrong.
    // signed, little: all values where first byte is negative is wrong.  Half are wrong.
    // unsigned, big: all values wrong
    // unsigned, little: all values wrong.
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Examples of javax.media.Codec

  private Codec open(String className, Format f) throws Exception
    Codec encoder = (Codec) Class.forName(className).newInstance();
    return encoder;
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