Examples of CMapTable

Examples of org.apache.fontbox.ttf.CMAPTable

            //hmm there does not seem to be a clear definition for StemV,
            //this is close enough and I am told it doesn't usually get used.
            fd.setStemV( (fd.getFontBoundingBox().getWidth() * .13f) );

            CMAPTable cmapTable = ttf.getCMAP();
            CMAPEncodingEntry[] cmaps = cmapTable.getCmaps();
            CMAPEncodingEntry uniMap = null;
            for( int i=0; i<cmaps.length; i++ )
                if( cmaps[i].getPlatformId() == CMAPTable.PLATFORM_WINDOWS)
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Examples of org.apache.fontbox.ttf.CMAPTable

            //hmm there does not seem to be a clear definition for StemV,
            //this is close enough and I am told it doesn't usually get used.
            fd.setStemV( (fd.getFontBoundingBox().getWidth() * .13f) );

            CMAPTable cmapTable = ttf.getCMAP();
            CMAPEncodingEntry[] cmaps = cmapTable.getCmaps();
            int[] glyphToCCode = null;
            for( int i=0; i<cmaps.length; i++ )
                if( cmaps[i].getPlatformId() == CMAPTable.PLATFORM_WINDOWS &&
                    cmaps[i].getPlatformEncodingId() == CMAPTable.ENCODING_UNICODE )
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Examples of org.apache.fontbox.ttf.CmapTable

        TTFParser parser = new TTFParser();

        TrueTypeFont arial = parser.parse(arialIs);

        CmapTable cmapTable = arial.getCmap();

        CmapSubtable[] cmaps = cmapTable.getCmaps();

        CmapSubtable cmap = null;

        for (CmapSubtable e : cmaps)
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Examples of org.apache.fontbox.ttf.CmapTable

        // hmm there does not seem to be a clear definition for StemV,
        // this is close enough and I am told it doesn't usually get used.
        fd.setStemV(fd.getFontBoundingBox().getWidth() * .13f);

        CmapTable cmapTable = ttf.getCmap();
        CmapSubtable uniMap = cmapTable.getSubtable(CmapTable.PLATFORM_UNICODE,
        if (uniMap == null)
            uniMap = cmapTable.getSubtable(CmapTable.PLATFORM_UNICODE,
        if (uniMap == null)
            uniMap = cmapTable.getSubtable(CmapTable.PLATFORM_WINDOWS,
        if (uniMap == null)
            // Microsoft's "Recommendations for OpenType Fonts" says that "Symbol" encoding
            // actually means "Unicode, non-standard character set"
            uniMap = cmapTable.getSubtable(CmapTable.PLATFORM_WINDOWS,
        if (uniMap == null)
            // there should always be a usable cmap, if this happens we haven't tried hard enough
            // to find one. Furthermore, if we loaded the font from disk then we should've checked
            // first to see that it had a suitable cmap before calling createFontDescriptor
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("ttf: no suitable cmap for font '" +
                    ttf.getNaming().getFontFamily() + "', found: " +

        if (this.getFontEncoding() == null)
            // todo: calling this.getFontEncoding() doesn't work if the font is loaded
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Examples of org.apache.fontbox.ttf.CmapTable

        if (cmapInitialized)

        CmapTable cmapTable = ttf.getCmap();
        if (cmapTable != null)
            // get all relevant "cmap" subtables
            CmapSubtable[] cmaps = cmapTable.getCmaps();
            for (CmapSubtable cmap : cmaps)
                if (CmapTable.PLATFORM_WINDOWS == cmap.getPlatformId())
                    if (CmapTable.ENCODING_WIN_UNICODE == cmap.getPlatformEncodingId())
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Examples of org.fontbox.ttf.CMAPTable

            //hmm there does not seem to be a clear definition for StemV,
            //this is close enough and I am told it doesn't usually get used.
            fd.setStemV( (fd.getFontBoundingBox().getWidth() * .13f) );

            CMAPTable cmapTable = ttf.getCMAP();
            CMAPEncodingEntry[] cmaps = cmapTable.getCmaps();
            int[] glyphToCCode = null;
            for( int i=0; i<cmaps.length; i++ )
                if( cmaps[i].getPlatformId() == CMAPTable.PLATFORM_WINDOWS &&
                    cmaps[i].getPlatformEncodingId() == CMAPTable.ENCODING_UNICODE )
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Examples of org.jnode.awt.font.truetype.tables.CMapTable

    protected TTFFontData() {

    public Glyph getGlyph(char c) throws IOException {
        final GlyphTable glyphTable = getGlyphTable();
        final CMapTable cmapTable = getCMapTable();

        if (!(cmapTable.getNrEncodingTables() > 0)) {
            throw new RuntimeException("No Encoding is found!");

        final CMapTable.EncodingTable encTable = cmapTable.getEncodingTable(0);
        if (encTable.getTableFormat() == null) {
            throw new RuntimeException("The table is NUll!!");

        //get the index for the needed glyph
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Examples of org.jnode.awt.font.truetype.tables.CMapTable

                       CharSequence text, int x, int y, Color color) {
        try {
            final TTFFontData fd = (TTFFontData) fontData;
            final int fontSize = fontMetrics.getFont().getSize();
            final GlyphTable glyphTable = fd.getGlyphTable();
            final CMapTable cmapTable = fd.getCMapTable();

            if (!(cmapTable.getNrEncodingTables() > 0)) {
                throw new RuntimeException("No Encoding is found!");
            final CMapTable.EncodingTable encTable = cmapTable
            if (encTable.getTableFormat() == null) {
                throw new RuntimeException("The table is NUll!!");
            final HorizontalHeaderTable hheadTable = fd
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Examples of org.jnode.awt.font.truetype.tables.CMapTable

        try {
            final GeneralPath gp = new GeneralPath();
            gp.moveTo(x, y);

            final GlyphTable glyphTable = fontData.getGlyphTable();
            final CMapTable cmapTable = fontData.getCMapTable();
            final HorizontalHeaderTable hheadTable = fontData
            final HorizontalMetricsTable hmTable = fontData

            if (!(cmapTable.getNrEncodingTables() > 0)) {
                throw new RuntimeException("No Encoding is found!");
            final CMapTable.EncodingTable encTable = cmapTable
            if (encTable.getTableFormat() == null) {
                throw new RuntimeException("The table is NUll!!");
            final double ascent = hheadTable.getAscent();
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Examples of org.jnode.awt.font.truetype.tables.CMapTable

     * @return The width
     * @see java.awt.FontMetrics#charWidth(char)
    public int charWidth(char ch) {
        try {
            final CMapTable cmapTable = fontData.getCMapTable();
            final CMapTable.EncodingTable encTable = cmapTable.getEncodingTable(0);
            final HorizontalMetricsTable hmTable = fontData.getHorizontalMetricsTable();
            final int index = encTable.getTableFormat().getGlyphIndex(ch);
            return (int) (hmTable.getAdvanceWidth(index) * scale);
        } catch (IOException ex) {
            return 0;
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