Examples of CloudRuntimeException

Examples of com.cloud.utils.exception.CloudRuntimeException

        HostPodVO destPoolPod = _podDao.findById(destPoolPodId);
        StoragePoolVO destPool = findStoragePool(dskCh, destPoolDataCenter, destPoolPod, destPoolClusterId, null, null, new HashSet<StoragePool>());
        String secondaryStorageURL = getSecondaryStorageURL(volume.getDataCenterId());

        if (destPool == null) {
            throw new CloudRuntimeException("Failed to find a storage pool with enough capacity to move the volume to.");
        if (secondaryStorageURL == null) {
            throw new CloudRuntimeException("Failed to find secondary storage.");

        List<Volume> vols = new ArrayList<Volume>();
        migrateVolumes(vols, destPool);
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Examples of com.cloud.utils.exception.CloudRuntimeException


            List<StoragePoolVO> spes = _storagePoolDao.listBy(primaryStorage.getDataCenterId(), primaryStorage.getPodId(), primaryStorage.getClusterId());
            for (StoragePoolVO sp : spes) {
                if (sp.getStatus() == StoragePoolStatus.PrepareForMaintenance) {
                    throw new CloudRuntimeException("Only one storage pool in a cluster can be in PrepareForMaintenance mode, " + sp.getId() + " is already in  PrepareForMaintenance mode ");

            if (!primaryStorage.getStatus().equals(StoragePoolStatus.Up) && !primaryStorage.getStatus().equals(StoragePoolStatus.ErrorInMaintenance)) {
                throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Primary storage with id " + primaryStorageId + " is not ready for migration, as the status is:" + primaryStorage.getStatus().toString());

            List<HostVO> hosts = _resourceMgr.listHostsInClusterByStatus(primaryStorage.getClusterId(), Status.Up);
            if (hosts == null || hosts.size() == 0) {
                _storagePoolDao.update(primaryStorageId, primaryStorage);
                return _storagePoolDao.findById(primaryStorageId);
            } else {
                // set the pool state to prepare for maintenance
                _storagePoolDao.update(primaryStorageId, primaryStorage);
            // remove heartbeat
            for (HostVO host : hosts) {
                ModifyStoragePoolCommand cmd = new ModifyStoragePoolCommand(false, primaryStorage);
                final Answer answer = _agentMgr.easySend(host.getId(), cmd);
                if (answer == null || !answer.getResult()) {
                    if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                        s_logger.debug("ModifyStoragePool false failed due to " + ((answer == null) ? "answer null" : answer.getDetails()));
                } else {
                    if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                        s_logger.debug("ModifyStoragePool false secceeded");
            // check to see if other ps exist
            // if they do, then we can migrate over the system vms to them
            // if they dont, then just stop all vms on this one
            List<StoragePoolVO> upPools = _storagePoolDao.listByStatusInZone(primaryStorage.getDataCenterId(), StoragePoolStatus.Up);

            if (upPools == null || upPools.size() == 0) {
                restart = false;

            // 2. Get a list of all the ROOT volumes within this storage pool
            List<VolumeVO> allVolumes = _volsDao.findByPoolId(primaryStorageId);

            // 3. Enqueue to the work queue
            for (VolumeVO volume : allVolumes) {
                VMInstanceVO vmInstance = _vmInstanceDao.findById(volume.getInstanceId());

                if (vmInstance == null) {

                // enqueue sp work
                if (vmInstance.getState().equals(State.Running) || vmInstance.getState().equals(State.Starting) || vmInstance.getState().equals(State.Stopping)) {

                    try {
                        StoragePoolWorkVO work = new StoragePoolWorkVO(vmInstance.getId(), primaryStorageId, false, false, _serverId);
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                            s_logger.debug("Work record already exists, re-using by re-setting values");
                        StoragePoolWorkVO work = _storagePoolWorkDao.findByPoolIdAndVmId(primaryStorageId, vmInstance.getId());
                        _storagePoolWorkDao.update(work.getId(), work);

            // 4. Process the queue
            List<StoragePoolWorkVO> pendingWork = _storagePoolWorkDao.listPendingWorkForPrepareForMaintenanceByPoolId(primaryStorageId);

            for (StoragePoolWorkVO work : pendingWork) {
                // shut down the running vms
                VMInstanceVO vmInstance = _vmInstanceDao.findById(work.getVmId());

                if (vmInstance == null) {

                // if the instance is of type consoleproxy, call the console proxy
                if (vmInstance.getType().equals(VirtualMachine.Type.ConsoleProxy)) {
                    // call the consoleproxymanager
                    ConsoleProxyVO consoleProxy = _consoleProxyDao.findById(vmInstance.getId());
                    if (!_vmMgr.advanceStop(consoleProxy, true, user, account)) {
                        String errorMsg = "There was an error stopping the console proxy id: " + vmInstance.getId() + " ,cannot enable storage maintenance";
                        throw new CloudRuntimeException(errorMsg);
                    } else {
                        // update work status
                        _storagePoolWorkDao.update(work.getId(), work);

                    if (restart) {

                        if (_vmMgr.advanceStart(consoleProxy, null, user, account) == null) {
                            String errorMsg = "There was an error starting the console proxy id: " + vmInstance.getId() + " on another storage pool, cannot enable primary storage maintenance";
                        } else {
                            // update work status
                            _storagePoolWorkDao.update(work.getId(), work);

                // if the instance is of type uservm, call the user vm manager
                if (vmInstance.getType().equals(VirtualMachine.Type.User)) {
                    UserVmVO userVm = _userVmDao.findById(vmInstance.getId());
                    if (!_vmMgr.advanceStop(userVm, true, user, account)) {
                        String errorMsg = "There was an error stopping the user vm id: " + vmInstance.getId() + " ,cannot enable storage maintenance";
                        throw new CloudRuntimeException(errorMsg);
                    } else {
                        // update work status
                        _storagePoolWorkDao.update(work.getId(), work);

                // if the instance is of type secondary storage vm, call the secondary storage vm manager
                if (vmInstance.getType().equals(VirtualMachine.Type.SecondaryStorageVm)) {
                    SecondaryStorageVmVO secStrgVm = _secStrgDao.findById(vmInstance.getId());
                    if (!_vmMgr.advanceStop(secStrgVm, true, user, account)) {
                        String errorMsg = "There was an error stopping the ssvm id: " + vmInstance.getId() + " ,cannot enable storage maintenance";
                        throw new CloudRuntimeException(errorMsg);
                    } else {
                        // update work status
                        _storagePoolWorkDao.update(work.getId(), work);

                    if (restart) {
                        if (_vmMgr.advanceStart(secStrgVm, null, user, account) == null) {
                            String errorMsg = "There was an error starting the ssvm id: " + vmInstance.getId() + " on another storage pool, cannot enable primary storage maintenance";
                        } else {
                            // update work status
                            _storagePoolWorkDao.update(work.getId(), work);

                // if the instance is of type domain router vm, call the network manager
                if (vmInstance.getType().equals(VirtualMachine.Type.DomainRouter)) {
                    DomainRouterVO domR = _domrDao.findById(vmInstance.getId());
                    if (!_vmMgr.advanceStop(domR, true, user, account)) {
                        String errorMsg = "There was an error stopping the domain router id: " + vmInstance.getId() + " ,cannot enable primary storage maintenance";
                        throw new CloudRuntimeException(errorMsg);
                    } else {
                        // update work status
                        _storagePoolWorkDao.update(work.getId(), work);

                    if (restart) {
                        if (_vmMgr.advanceStart(domR, null, user, account) == null) {
                            String errorMsg = "There was an error starting the domain router id: " + vmInstance.getId() + " on another storage pool, cannot enable primary storage maintenance";
                        } else {
                            // update work status
                            _storagePoolWorkDao.update(work.getId(), work);

            // 5. Update the status
            _storagePoolDao.update(primaryStorageId, primaryStorage);

            return _storagePoolDao.findById(primaryStorageId);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            if (e instanceof ExecutionException || e instanceof ResourceUnavailableException) {
                s_logger.error("Exception in enabling primary storage maintenance:", e);
                throw (ResourceUnavailableException) e;
            if (e instanceof InvalidParameterValueException) {
                s_logger.error("Exception in enabling primary storage maintenance:", e);
                throw (InvalidParameterValueException) e;
            if (e instanceof InsufficientCapacityException) {
                s_logger.error("Exception in enabling primary storage maintenance:", e);
                throw (InsufficientCapacityException) e;
            // for everything else
            s_logger.error("Exception in enabling primary storage maintenance:", e);
            throw new CloudRuntimeException(e.getMessage());

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Examples of com.cloud.utils.exception.CloudRuntimeException

            if (e instanceof ExecutionException) {
                throw (ResourceUnavailableException) e;
            } else if (e instanceof InvalidParameterValueException) {
                throw (InvalidParameterValueException) e;
            } else {// all other exceptions
                throw new CloudRuntimeException(e.getMessage());
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Examples of com.cloud.utils.exception.CloudRuntimeException

            size = tsvs.get(0).getSize();
        if (size == null) {
            List<VMTemplateHostVO> sss = _vmTemplateHostDao.search(sc, null);
            if (sss == null || sss.size() == 0) {
                throw new CloudRuntimeException("Template " + template.getName() + " has not been completely downloaded to zone " + vm.getDataCenterIdToDeployIn());
            size = sss.get(0).getSize();

        VolumeVO vol = new VolumeVO(type, name, vm.getDataCenterIdToDeployIn(), owner.getDomainId(), owner.getId(), offering.getId(), size);
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Examples of com.cloud.utils.exception.CloudRuntimeException

        long checkPointTaskId = -1;
        try {
            List<Long> volIds = new ArrayList<Long>();
            for (Volume volume : volumes) {
                if (!_snapshotMgr.canOperateOnVolume((VolumeVO) volume)) {
                    throw new CloudRuntimeException("There are snapshots creating on this volume, can not move this volume");

                try {
                    if (!stateTransitTo(volume, Volume.Event.MigrationRequested)) {
                        throw new ConcurrentOperationException("Failed to transit volume state");
                } catch (NoTransitionException e) {
                    s_logger.debug("Failed to set state into migrate: " + e.toString());
                    throw new CloudRuntimeException("Failed to set state into migrate: " + e.toString());

            checkPointTaskId = _checkPointMgr.pushCheckPoint(new StorageMigrationCleanupMaid(StorageMigrationCleanupMaid.StorageMigrationState.MIGRATING, volIds));
            transitResult = true;
        } finally {
            if (!transitResult) {
            } else {

        // At this stage, nobody can modify volumes. Send the copyvolume command
        List<Pair<StoragePoolVO, DestroyCommand>> destroyCmds = new ArrayList<Pair<StoragePoolVO, DestroyCommand>>();
        List<CopyVolumeAnswer> answers = new ArrayList<CopyVolumeAnswer>();
        try {
            for (Volume volume : volumes) {
                String secondaryStorageURL = getSecondaryStorageURL(volume.getDataCenterId());
                StoragePoolVO srcPool = _storagePoolDao.findById(volume.getPoolId());
                CopyVolumeCommand cvCmd = new CopyVolumeCommand(volume.getId(), volume.getPath(), srcPool, secondaryStorageURL, true, _copyvolumewait);
                CopyVolumeAnswer cvAnswer;
                try {
                    cvAnswer = (CopyVolumeAnswer) sendToPool(srcPool, cvCmd);
                } catch (StorageUnavailableException e1) {
                    throw new CloudRuntimeException("Failed to copy the volume from the source primary storage pool to secondary storage.", e1);

                if (cvAnswer == null || !cvAnswer.getResult()) {
                    throw new CloudRuntimeException("Failed to copy the volume from the source primary storage pool to secondary storage.");

                String secondaryStorageVolumePath = cvAnswer.getVolumePath();

                // Copy the volume from secondary storage to the destination storage
                // pool
                cvCmd = new CopyVolumeCommand(volume.getId(), secondaryStorageVolumePath, destPool, secondaryStorageURL, false, _copyvolumewait);
                try {
                    cvAnswer = (CopyVolumeAnswer) sendToPool(destPool, cvCmd);
                } catch (StorageUnavailableException e1) {
                    throw new CloudRuntimeException("Failed to copy the volume from secondary storage to the destination primary storage pool.");

                if (cvAnswer == null || !cvAnswer.getResult()) {
                    throw new CloudRuntimeException("Failed to copy the volume from secondary storage to the destination primary storage pool.");

                destroyCmds.add(new Pair<StoragePoolVO, DestroyCommand>(srcPool, new DestroyCommand(srcPool, volume, null)));
        } finally {
            if (answers.size() != volumes.size()) {
                // this means one of copying volume failed
                for (Volume volume : volumes) {
                    try {
                        stateTransitTo(volume, Volume.Event.OperationFailed);
                    } catch (NoTransitionException e) {
                        s_logger.debug("Failed to change volume state: " + e.toString());
            } else {
                // Need a transaction, make sure all the volumes get migrated to new storage pool
                txn = Transaction.currentTxn();

                transitResult = false;
                try {
                    for (int i = 0; i < volumes.size(); i++) {
                        CopyVolumeAnswer answer = answers.get(i);
                        VolumeVO volume = (VolumeVO) volumes.get(i);
                        Long oldPoolId = volume.getPoolId();
                        try {
                            stateTransitTo(volume, Volume.Event.OperationSucceeded);
                        } catch (NoTransitionException e) {
                            s_logger.debug("Failed to change volume state: " + e.toString());
                            throw new CloudRuntimeException("Failed to change volume state: " + e.toString());
                    transitResult = true;
                    try {
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Examples of com.cloud.utils.exception.CloudRuntimeException

        List<Volume> volumesNeedToMigrate = new ArrayList<Volume>();

        for (VolumeVO volume : vols) {
            if (volume.getState() != Volume.State.Ready) {
                s_logger.debug("volume: " + volume.getId() + " is in " + volume.getState() + " state");
                throw new CloudRuntimeException("volume: " + volume.getId() + " is in " + volume.getState() + " state");

            if (volume.getPoolId() == destPool.getId()) {
                s_logger.debug("volume: " + volume.getId() + " is on the same storage pool: " + destPool.getId());
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Examples of com.cloud.utils.exception.CloudRuntimeException

        if (dest == null) {
            if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                s_logger.debug("DeployDestination cannot be null, cannot prepare Volumes for the vm: " + vm);
            throw new CloudRuntimeException("Unable to prepare Volume for vm because DeployDestination is null, vm:" + vm);
        List<VolumeVO> vols = _volsDao.findUsableVolumesForInstance(vm.getId());
        if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
            s_logger.debug("Checking if we need to prepare " + vols.size() + " volumes for " + vm);
        boolean recreate = _recreateSystemVmEnabled;

        List<VolumeVO> recreateVols = new ArrayList<VolumeVO>(vols.size());

        for (VolumeVO vol : vols) {
            StoragePool assignedPool = null;
            if (dest.getStorageForDisks() != null) {
                assignedPool = dest.getStorageForDisks().get(vol);
            if (assignedPool == null && recreate) {
              assignedPool = _storagePoolDao.findById(vol.getPoolId());
            if (assignedPool != null || recreate) {
                Volume.State state = vol.getState();
                if (state == Volume.State.Allocated || state == Volume.State.Creating) {
                } else {
                    if (vol.isRecreatable()) {
                        if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                            s_logger.debug("Volume " + vol + " will be recreated on storage pool " + assignedPool + " assigned by deploymentPlanner");
                    } else {
                        if (assignedPool.getId() != vol.getPoolId()) {
                            if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                                s_logger.debug("Mismatch in storage pool " + assignedPool + " assigned by deploymentPlanner and the one associated with volume " + vol);
                            DiskOfferingVO diskOffering = _diskOfferingDao.findById(vol.getDiskOfferingId());
                            if (diskOffering.getUseLocalStorage())
                                if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                                    s_logger.debug("Local volume " + vol + " will be recreated on storage pool " + assignedPool + " assigned by deploymentPlanner");
                            } else {
                                if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                                    s_logger.debug("Shared volume " + vol + " will be migrated on storage pool " + assignedPool + " assigned by deploymentPlanner");
                                try {
                                    List<Volume> volumesToMigrate = new ArrayList<Volume>();
                                    migrateVolumes(volumesToMigrate, assignedPool);
                                    vm.addDisk(new VolumeTO(vol, assignedPool));
                                } catch (ConcurrentOperationException e) {
                                    throw new CloudRuntimeException("Migration of volume " + vol + " to storage pool " + assignedPool + " failed", e);
                        } else {
                            StoragePoolVO pool = _storagePoolDao.findById(vol.getPoolId());
                            vm.addDisk(new VolumeTO(vol, pool));
            } else {
                if (vol.getPoolId() == null) {
                    throw new StorageUnavailableException("Volume has no pool associate and also no storage pool assigned in DeployDestination, Unable to create " + vol, Volume.class, vol.getId());
                if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    s_logger.debug("No need to recreate the volume: " + vol + ", since it already has a pool assigned: " + vol.getPoolId() + ", adding disk to VM");
                StoragePoolVO pool = _storagePoolDao.findById(vol.getPoolId());
                vm.addDisk(new VolumeTO(vol, pool));

        for (VolumeVO vol : recreateVols) {
            VolumeVO newVol;
            StoragePool existingPool = null;
            if (recreate && (dest.getStorageForDisks() == null || dest.getStorageForDisks().get(vol) == null)) {
              existingPool = _storagePoolDao.findById(vol.getPoolId());
              s_logger.debug("existing pool: " + existingPool.getId());
            if (vol.getState() == Volume.State.Allocated || vol.getState() == Volume.State.Creating) {
                newVol = vol;
            } else {
                newVol = switchVolume(vol, vm);
                // update the volume->storagePool map since volumeId has changed
                if (dest.getStorageForDisks() != null && dest.getStorageForDisks().containsKey(vol)) {
                    StoragePool poolWithOldVol = dest.getStorageForDisks().get(vol);
                    dest.getStorageForDisks().put(newVol, poolWithOldVol);
                if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    s_logger.debug("Created new volume " + newVol + " for old volume " + vol);

            try {
                stateTransitTo(newVol, Volume.Event.CreateRequested);
            } catch (NoTransitionException e) {
                throw new CloudRuntimeException("Unable to create " + e.toString());

            Pair<VolumeTO, StoragePool> created = createVolume(newVol, _diskOfferingDao.findById(newVol.getDiskOfferingId()), vm, vols, dest, existingPool);

            if (created == null) {
                Long poolId = newVol.getPoolId();
                try {
                    stateTransitTo(newVol, Volume.Event.OperationFailed);
                } catch (NoTransitionException e) {
                    throw new CloudRuntimeException("Unable to update the failure on a volume: " + newVol, e);
                throw new StorageUnavailableException("Unable to create " + newVol, poolId == null ? -1L : poolId);
            try {
                stateTransitTo(newVol, Volume.Event.OperationSucceeded);
            } catch (NoTransitionException e) {
                throw new CloudRuntimeException("Unable to update an CREATE operation succeeded on volume " + newVol, e);
            if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                s_logger.debug("Volume " + newVol + " is created on " + created.second());
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Examples of com.cloud.utils.exception.CloudRuntimeException

            try {
                stateTransitTo(toBeCreated, Volume.Event.OperationRetry);
            } catch (NoTransitionException e) {
                throw new CloudRuntimeException("Unable to retry a create operation on volume " + toBeCreated);

            CreateCommand cmd = null;
            VMTemplateStoragePoolVO tmpltStoredOn = null;

            for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
                if (template != null && template.getFormat() != Storage.ImageFormat.ISO) {
                    tmpltStoredOn = _tmpltMgr.prepareTemplateForCreate(template, pool);
                    if (tmpltStoredOn == null) {
                        s_logger.debug("Cannot use this pool " + pool + " because we can't propagate template " + template);
                        return null;
                    cmd = new CreateCommand(diskProfile, tmpltStoredOn.getLocalDownloadPath(), new StorageFilerTO(pool));
                } else {
                    if (template != null && Storage.ImageFormat.ISO == template.getFormat()) {
                        VMTemplateHostVO tmpltHostOn = _tmpltMgr.prepareISOForCreate(template, pool);
                        if (tmpltHostOn == null) {
                            throw new CloudRuntimeException("Did not find ISO in secondry storage in zone " + pool.getDataCenterId());
                    cmd = new CreateCommand(diskProfile, new StorageFilerTO(pool));
                long[] hostIdsToTryFirst = { dest.getHost().getId() };
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Examples of com.cloud.utils.exception.CloudRuntimeException

              s_logger.debug("Failed to delete " + volumeHost + " due to " + ((answer == null) ? "answer is null" : answer.getDetails()));
          }else if(volumeHost.getDownloadState() == VMTemplateStorageResourceAssoc.Status.DOWNLOAD_IN_PROGRESS){                 
          s_logger.debug("Volume: " + vol.getName() + " is currently being uploaded; cant' delete it.");
          throw new CloudRuntimeException("Please specify a volume that is not currently being uploaded.");
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Examples of com.cloud.utils.exception.CloudRuntimeException

        if (_routerDao.update(routerId, router)) {
            return _routerDao.findById(routerId);
        } else {
            throw new CloudRuntimeException("Unable to upgrade router " + routerId);

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