Examples of Clique

Examples of ivory.smrf.model.Clique

    String potentialType = XMLTools.getAttributeValueOrThrowException(domNode, "potential",
        "A potential attribute must be specified in order to generate a clique set!");

    // If there is more than one term, then add appropriate cliques.
    ArrayList<GraphNode> cliqueNodes = null;
    Clique c = null;

    for (int i = 1; i < Math.pow(2, queryTerms.length); i++) {
      String binary = Integer.toBinaryString(i);
      int padding = queryTerms.length - binary.length();
      for (int j = 0; j < padding; j++) {
        binary = "0" + binary;

      boolean singleTerm = false;
      boolean contiguous = true;

      int firstOne = binary.indexOf('1');
      int lastOne = binary.lastIndexOf('1');
      if (lastOne == firstOne) {
        singleTerm = true;

      for (int j = binary.indexOf('1') + 1; j <= binary.lastIndexOf('1') - 1; j++) {
        if (binary.charAt(j) == '0') {
          contiguous = false;

      if (ordered && !singleTerm && contiguous) {
        cliqueNodes = Lists.newArrayList();
        if (docDependent) {
        for (int j = firstOne; j <= lastOne; j++) {
          TermNode termNode = new TermNode(queryTerms[j]);

        // Get the potential function.
        PotentialFunction potential = PotentialFunction.create(env, potentialType, domNode);

        c = new Clique(cliqueNodes, potential, parameter);
      } else if (!ordered && !singleTerm && !contiguous) {
        cliqueNodes = Lists.newArrayList();
        if (docDependent) {
        for (int j = 0; j < binary.length(); j++) {
          if (binary.charAt(j) == '1') {
            TermNode termNode = new TermNode(queryTerms[j]);

        // Get the potential function.
        PotentialFunction potential = PotentialFunction.create(env, potentialType, domNode);

        c = new Clique(cliqueNodes, potential, parameter);

    return cliques;
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Examples of ivory.smrf.model.Clique


      // Get the potential function.
      PotentialFunction potential = PotentialFunction.create(env, potentialType, domNode);

      Clique c = new Clique(cliqueNodes, potential, termParameter);
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Examples of ivory.smrf.model.Clique

    String potentialType = XMLTools.getAttributeValueOrThrowException(domNode, "potential",
        "Error: A potential type must be specified!");

    PotentialFunction potential = PotentialFunction.create(env, potentialType, domNode);

    Clique c = new Clique(cliqueNodes, potential, parameter, 1.0f, getType(), true);
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Examples of ivory.smrf.model.Clique

      throw new ConfigurationException("A potential attribute must be specified in order to generate a clique set!");

    // If there is more than one term, then add appropriate cliques.
    List<GraphNode> cliqueNodes = null;
    Clique c = null;
    TermNode lastTermNode = null;

    for (String element : queryTerms) {
      // Term node.
      TermNode termNode = new TermNode(element);
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Examples of ivory.smrf.model.Clique

    if (potentialType == null) {
      throw new ConfigurationException("A potential attribute must be specified in order to generate a clique set!");
    // If there is more than one term, then add appropriate cliques.
    ArrayList<GraphNode> cliqueNodes = null;
    Clique c = null;

    for (int i = 1; i < Math.pow(2, queryTerms.length); i++) {
      String binary = Integer.toBinaryString(i);
      int padding = queryTerms.length - binary.length();
      for (int j = 0; j < padding; j++) {
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Examples of ivory.smrf.model.Clique


      // Get the potential function.
      PotentialFunction potential = PotentialFunction.create(env, potentialType, domNode);

      Clique c = new CascadeClique(cliqueNodes, potential, termParameter, cascadeStage, pruner_and_params);
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Examples of ivory.smrf.model.Clique

      // Document-at-a-time scoring.
      float docMaxScore = mrfMaxScore;
      boolean skipped = false;
      for (int i = 0; i < cliques.size(); i++) {
        // Current clique that we're scoring.
        Clique c = cliques.get(i);

        // If there's no way that this document can enter the result set
        // then exit.
        if (score + docMaxScore <= scoreThreshold) {
          // Advance postings readers (but don't score).
          for (int j = i; j < cliques.size(); j++) {
            cliques.get(j).setNextCandidate(docno + 1);
          skipped = true;

        // Document independent cliques do not affect the ranking.
        if (!c.isDocDependent()) {

        // Update document score.
        score += c.getWeight() * c.getPotential();

        // Update the max score for the rest of the cliques.
        docMaxScore -= c.getMaxScore();

      // Keep track of mNumResults best accumulators.
      if (!skipped && score > scoreThreshold) {
        a.docno = docno;
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Examples of ivory.smrf.model.Clique

        TermNode termNode = new TermNode(concept);

        PotentialFunction potential = new QueryPotential(env, generator, fn);

        Clique c = new Clique(cliqueNodes, potential, parameter);

        // Scale importance values by LCE likelihood.
        float normalizedScore = expanderWeight * (a.score / totalWt);
        if (importanceModel != null) {
          c.setImportance(normalizedScore * importanceModel.getCliqueWeight(c));
        } else {

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Examples of org.cytoscape.ClusterViz.internal.Clique

    protected void expand(HashMap cliques,Vector curr, Vector cand,
        Vector not){
      if(cand.isEmpty() && not.isEmpty()){//the expanding process has come to an end
        int num=cliques.size();
        Clique pc=new Clique(num)//the node in cur can form a new maximal clique
        ArrayList alNodes=new ArrayList();
        Iterator it=curr.iterator();
          Long node=(Long)it.next();
        cliques.put(new Integer(pc.getCliuqueID()), pc)//add to the maximal clique list
        Long p;
        int i;
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Examples of org.cytoscape.ClusterViz.internal.Clique

       /********************Initialize the complexes*************************/
          ArrayList alClusters=new ArrayList();
            ArrayList optimals=null;
            for(int i=0;i<curCliques.size();i++){
                Clique cur=(Clique)curCliques.get(new Integer(i));
                ArrayList nodes=cur.getCliqueNodes();
                if(nodes.size() >= params.getCliqueSizeThreshold1()){
                    Cluster newCluster=new Cluster();
                  ArrayList alNodes=new ArrayList();
                  Iterator it=nodes.iterator();
                    Long n=(Long)it.next();
                else  cur.setSubordinate(true);
            for(int i=0;i<curCliques.size();i++){
              Clique cur=(Clique)curCliques.get(new Integer(i));
                ArrayList nodes=cur.getCliqueNodes();
                Iterator it=nodes.iterator();
                    Long n=(Long) it.next();
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