Examples of Client

@author Portet to jme3 by user starcom "Paul Kashofer Austria" @see ImageGraphics
  • com.kurento.kms.thrift.api.KmsMediaServerService.Client
  • com.linkedin.parseq.example.composite.classifier.client.Client
    @author Chris Pettitt (cpettitt@linkedin.com)
  • com.linkedin.r2.transport.common.Client
    @author Chris Pettitt @version $Revision$
  • com.mapr.franz.catcher.Client
    Handles sending log messages to the array of catcher servers. In doing so, we need to be as robust as possible and recover from previous errors.

    The basic idea is that when we originally connect, we give a list of as many servers as we can in the form of hostname, port. These servers are connected to and they are queried to find out about any other servers that might be in the cloud. Servers might have multiple routes, but we resolve this because each server returns a unique identifier.

    When it comes time to log, we look in a topic=> server cache. If we find a preferred server there, we use it. Otherwise, we pick some server at random.

    When we send a log message, the response may include a redirect to a different server. If so, we make sure that we have connected to all forms of that server's address and cache that for later. Then we retry the send to the new server. We may also cache that message for later retry.

    If a log request results in an error, we try to get rid of the connection that caused us this grief. This might ultimately cause us to forget a host or even a cache entry, but we will attempt to re-open these connections later, usually due to a referral back to that host. During server cloud reorganizations, we may not re-open the same server.

  • com.netflix.staash.mesh.client.Client
    Client of a PTP server @author elandau
  • com.packtpub.java7.concurrency.chapter6.recipe02.task.Client
  • com.rila.chat.client.Client
  • com.sun.jersey.api.client.Client
    The main class for creating {@link WebResource} instances and configuringthe properties of connections and requests.

    {@link ClientFilter} instances may be added to the client for filteringrequests and responses, including those of {@link WebResource} instancescreated from the client.

    A client may be configured by passing a {@link ClientConfig} instance tothe appropriate constructor.

    Methods to create instances of {@link WebResource} are thread-safe. Methodsthat modify configuration and or filters are not guaranteed to be thread-safe.

    The creation of a Client instance is an expensive operation and the instance may make use of and retain many resources. It is therefore recommended that a Client instance is reused for the creation of {@link WebResource} instances that require the same configuration settings.

    A client may integrate with an IoC framework by passing a {@link IoCComponentProviderFactory} instance to the appropriate constructor. @author Paul.Sandoz@Sun.Com

  • com.sun.security.ntlm.Client
    type1 to server and receive response as type2 byte[] type3 = client.type3(type2, nonce); // Send type3 to server
  • com.surftools.BeanstalkClient.Client
  • com.threerings.presents.client.Client
  • com.tinkerpop.gremlin.driver.Client
  • com.trendmicro.mist.Client
  • com.trsst.client.Client
    Implements the protocol-level features of the Trsst platform: creating Feeds and Entries, signing them, and optionally encrypting Entries when desired. @author mpowers
  • com.turn.ttorrent.client.Client
    A pure-java BitTorrent client.

    A BitTorrent client in its bare essence shares a given torrent. If the torrent is not complete locally, it will continue to download it. If or after the torrent is complete, the client may eventually continue to seed it for other clients.

    This BitTorrent client implementation is made to be simple to embed and simple to use. First, initialize a ShareTorrent object from a torrent meta-info source (either a file or a byte array, see com.turn.ttorrent.SharedTorrent for how to create a SharedTorrent object). Then, instantiate your Client object with this SharedTorrent and call one of {@link #download} to simply download the torrent, or {@link #share} todownload and continue seeding for the given amount of time after the download completes.

    @author mpetazzoni
  • com.twitter.finagle.kestrel.java.Client
    A Java-friendly Client for interacting with Kestrel.
  • com.twitter.finagle.memcached.java.Client
    A Java-friendly memcached client.
  • com.twitter.finagle.memcachedx.java.Client
    A Java-friendly memcached client.
  • com.twitter.hbc.core.Client
  • com.twitter.zipkin.gen.ZipkinCollector.Client
  • com.vmware.vim.vmomi.client.Client
  • com.youtube.vitess.gorpc.Client
    Client represents an RPC client that can communicate with a Go RPC server. Same client can be used for making multiple calls but concurrent calls are not supported. Multiple codecs can be supported by extending ClientCodec interface. TODO(anandhenry): authentication
  • com.zesped.model.Client
  • de.creepsmash.server.Client
    This Class represents the instance of a client inside the server-package. Every client has a ClientID, is in a GameState and is able to send or to receive Messages. Adds also calculation of the clients current money that can be used for cheating detection.
  • domain.Client
    @param < DETAILSTYPE> @author axe
  • ecks.Utility.Client
  • edu.berkeley.sparrow.thrift.SchedulerService.Client
  • edu.ups.gamedev.net.Client
  • eu.admire.example.Client
  • eu.stratosphere.client.program.Client
    Encapsulates the functionality necessary to submit a program to a remote cluster.
  • event_manager.models.Client
    @author uzzaldevkota
  • gsearch.Client
  • io.iron.ironmq.Client
    The Client class provides access to the IronMQ service.
  • io.iron.ironworker.client.Client
  • io.teknek.intravert.client.Client
  • it.freedomotic.api.Client
    @author Enrico
  • jaid.com.Client
    This class represents the client that connects to a server and retrieves AIS messages. @author Benjamin Jakobus @since 1.0 @version 1.0
  • javango.test.Client
  • javax.ws.rs.client.Client
    Client is the main entry point to the fluent API used to build and execute client requests in order to consume responses returned.

    Clients are heavy-weight objects that manage the client-side communication infrastructure. Initialization as well as disposal of a {@code Client} instancemay be a rather expensive operation. It is therefore advised to construct only a small number of {@code Client} instances in the application. Client instancesmust be {@link #close() properly closed} before being disposed to avoid leakingresources. @author Marek Potociar @see javax.ws.rs.core.Configurable @since 2.0

  • jifx.commons.mapper.domain.Client
  • lipermi.net.Client
  • megamek.client.Client
    This class is instanciated for each client and for each bot running on that client. non-local clients are not also instantiated on the local server.
  • mephi.cybernetics.dhcn.nodes.client.Client
    @author iShimon
  • model.Client
  • multididdy_model.Client
    @author chris
  • name.abuchen.portfolio.model.Client
  • name.pehl.karaka.server.client.entity.Client
    @author $LastChangedBy: harald.pehl $ @version $LastChangedRevision: 41 $
  • name.pehl.karaka.shared.model.Client
    @author $Author: harald.pehl $ @version $Date: 2010-12-03 16:50:33 +0100 (Fr, 03. Dez 2010) $ $Revision: 83$
  • net.ADXNetServer.Client
  • net.greghaines.jesque.client.Client
    A Client allows Jobs to be enqueued for execution by Workers. @author Greg Haines @author Animesh Kumar
  • net.pterodactylus.sone.data.Client
    Container for the client information of a {@link Sone}. @author David ‘Bombe’ Roden
  • net.ser1.stomp.Client
  • net.sf.katta.client.Client
  • net.sf.lipermi.net.Client
    The LipeRMI client. Connects to a LipeRMI Server in a address:port and create local dynamic proxys to call remote methods through a simple interface. @author lipe @date 05/10/2006 @see net.sf.lipermi.handler.CallHandler @see net.sf.lipermi.net.Server
  • net.sf.redmine_mylyn.internal.core.client.Client
  • net.sourceforge.rmilite.Client
  • net.windwards.dnsfrontend.client.Client
  • org.andromda.core.server.Client
    A client used to connect to an AndroMDA {@link Server} instance. @see Server @author Chad Brandon
  • org.apache.abdera.protocol.client.Client
    An Atom Publishing Protocol client.
  • org.apache.accumulo.cloudtrace.thrift.SpanReceiver.Client
  • org.apache.accumulo.core.master.thrift.MasterClientService.Client
  • org.apache.accumulo.core.tabletserver.thrift.TabletClientService.Client
  • org.apache.accumulo.proxy.thrift.AccumuloProxy.Client
  • org.apache.accumulo.trace.thrift.SpanReceiver.Client
  • org.apache.airavata.api.Airavata.Client
  • org.apache.airavata.orchestrator.cpi.OrchestratorService.Client
  • org.apache.blur.thrift.generated.Blur.Client
  • org.apache.camel.component.cxf.wssecurity.client.Client
  • org.apache.camel.dataformat.bindy.model.complex.generateheader.Client
  • org.apache.camel.dataformat.bindy.model.complex.twoclassesandonelink.Client
  • org.apache.camel.example.cxf.provider.Client
    A simple client that uses the JAX-WS Dispatch API to call a service endpoint exposed in a servlet container.
  • org.apache.cassandra.io.sstable.SSTableLoader.Client
  • org.apache.cassandra.thrift.Cassandra.Client
  • org.apache.click.examples.domain.Client
    Provides an Client entity class. @author Malcolm Edgar
  • org.apache.cxf.endpoint.Client
  • org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.client.Client
    Represents common proxy and http-centric client capabilities
  • org.apache.cxf.rs.security.oauth.data.Client
    Represents a registered third-party consumer
  • org.apache.cxf.rs.security.oauth2.common.Client
    Represents a registered third-party Client application
  • org.apache.felix.sigil.common.runtime.Client
    @author dave
  • org.apache.flink.client.program.Client
    Encapsulates the functionality necessary to submit a program to a remote cluster.
  • org.apache.hadoop.hbase.rest.client.Client
    A wrapper around HttpClient which provides some useful function and semantics for interacting with the REST gateway.
  • org.apache.hadoop.hbase.stargate.client.Client
    A wrapper around HttpClient which provides some useful function and semantics for interacting with the Stargate REST gateway.
  • org.apache.hadoop.hive.thrift.HadoopThriftAuthBridge.Client
  • org.apache.hadoop.ipc.Client
    A client for an IPC service. IPC calls take a single {@link Writable} as aparameter, and return a {@link Writable} as their value. A service runs ona port and is defined by a parameter class and a value class. @see Server
  • org.apache.hedwig.client.api.Client
    Interface defining the client API for Hedwig
  • org.apache.jackrabbit.mk.client.Client
    Client exposing a {@code MicroKernel} interface, that "remotes" commandsto a server.
  • org.apache.jetspeed.capabilities.Client

    The ClientEntry interface represents one client inside of the client registry. It is accessed by the portlet container to get information about the clients.

    @author Stephan Hesmer @author Rapha\u00ebl Luta @author Roger Ruttimann
  • org.apache.myfaces.examples.codi.jsf12.message.client.model.Client
    Business client
  • org.apache.nutch.searcher.DistributedSearch.Client
  • org.apache.olingo.odata2.fit.client.util.Client
  • org.apache.openmeetings.db.entity.room.Client
    Can be configured to be stored in memory or in database @author sebawagner
  • org.apache.openmeetings.persistence.beans.room.Client
    Can be configured to be stored in memory or in database @author sebawagner
  • org.apache.qpid.disttest.client.Client
  • org.astrogrid.samp.Client
  • org.atmosphere.wasync.Client
    An asynchronous client's implementation used to create {@link Socket} and {@link Request}. As simple as as
     Client client = ClientFactory.getDefault().newClient(); RequestBuilder request = client.newRequestBuilder() .method(Request.METHOD.GET) .uri(targetUrl + "/suspend") .decoder(new Decoder<String, POJO>() { @Override public POJO decode(String s) { return new POJO(s); } }) .transport(Request.TRANSPORT.WEBSOCKET); 
    @author Jeanfrancois Arcand
  • org.auraframework.system.Client
  • org.codehaus.xfire.client.Client
    A SOAP Client. This client can function in two modes.

    The first is dynamic mode. In this mode the WSDL is retrieved for a service, a {@link org.codehaus.xfire.service.Service} model is created from it, and it is used as metadata for the service. @author Dan

  • org.cometd.Client
  • org.eclipse.ecf.provider.comm.tcp.Client
  • org.eclipse.rap.rwt.client.Client
  • org.elasticsearch.client.Client
    A client provides a one stop interface for performing actions/operations against the cluster.

    All operations performed are asynchronous by nature. Each action/operation has two flavors, the first simply returns an {@link org.elasticsearch.action.ActionFuture}, while the second accepts an {@link org.elasticsearch.action.ActionListener}.

    A client can either be retrieved from a {@link org.elasticsearch.node.Node} started, or connected remotelyto one or more nodes using {@link org.elasticsearch.client.transport.TransportClient}. @author kimchy (shay.banon) @see org.elasticsearch.node.Node#client() @see org.elasticsearch.client.transport.TransportClient

  • org.encuestame.persistence.domain.Client
    Client Domain. @author Picado, Juan juanATencuestame.org @since January 24, 2010 @version $Id$
  • org.freeswitch.esl.client.inbound.Client
    freeswitch.org/wiki/Mod_event_socket">http://wiki.freeswitch.org/wiki/Mod_event_socket @author david varnes
  • org.hyperdex.client.Client
  • org.idevlab.rjc.Client
  • org.iosgi.outpost.Client
    @author Sven Schulz
  • org.iplantc.agave.client.model.Client
  • org.jabsorb.client.Client
  • org.jboss.remoting.Client
    Client is a convience class for invoking remote methods for a given subsystem. It is intended to be the main user interface for making remote invocation on the client side. @author Jeff Haynie @author Tom Elrod @author Ovidiu Feodorov @version $Revision: 3612 $
  • org.jboss.weld.tests.interceptors.lhotse.snd.Client
    @author Ales Justin
  • org.jclouds.chef.domain.Client
    Client object. @author Adrian Cole @author Ignasi Barrera
  • org.jeecgframework.web.system.pojo.base.Client
    在线用户对象 @author JueYue @date 2013-9-28 @version 1.0
  • org.jetbrains.io.webSocket.Client
  • org.mifosplatform.portfolio.client.domain.Client
  • org.netbeans.lib.cvsclient.Client
  • org.openbravo.model.ad.system.Client
    Entity class for entity ADClient (stored in table AD_Client). NOTE: This class should not be instantiated directly. To instantiate this class the {@link org.openbravo.base.provider.OBProvider} should be used.
  • org.opennebula.client.Client
    This class represents the connection with the core and handles the xml-rpc calls.
  • org.opensocial.Client
    OpenSocial RESTful client supporting both the RPC and REST protocols defined in the OpenSocial specification as well as two- and three-legged OAuth for authentication. This class handles the transmission of requests to OpenSocial containers such as orkut and MySpace. Typical usage:
     Client client = new Client(new OrkutProvider(), new OAuth2LeggedScheme(ORKUT_KEY, ORKUT_SECRET, ORKUT_ID)); Response response = client.send(PeopleService.getViewer()); 
    The send method either returns a single {@link Response} or a {@link Map} ofResponse objects mapped to ID strings. The data returned from the container can be extracted from these objects. @author Jason Cooper
  • org.pau.assetmanager.entities.Client
    This class represents a client in the system which can own books. A client is *not* a user of the system, but a container of books. A user can manage one or more clients in the system. @author Pau Carré Cardona
  • org.persvr.remote.Client
    This class represents a client connection/session and which is used for caching purposes. @author Kris Zyp
  • org.purl.sword.client.Client
    This is an example Client implementation to demonstrate how to connect to a SWORD server. The client supports BASIC HTTP Authentication. This can be initialised by setting a username and password. @author Neil Taylor
  • org.restlet.Client
    Connector acting as a generic client. It internally uses one of the available connector helpers registered with the Restlet engine.

    Concurrency note: instances of this class or its subclasses can be invoked by several threads at the same time and therefore must be thread-safe. You should be especially careful when storing state in member variables.

    For advanced cases, it is possible to obtained the wrapped {@link RestletHelper} instance that is used by this client to handle thecalls via the "org.restlet.engine.helper" attribute stored in the {@link Context} object. @author Jerome Louvel
  • org.restlet.client.Client
    Connector acting as a generic client. It internally uses one of the available connector helpers registered with the Restlet engine.

    Concurrency note: instances of this class or its subclasses can be invoked by several threads at the same time and therefore must be thread-safe. You should be especially careful when storing state in member variables.

    For advanced cases, it is possible to obtained the wrapped {@link RestletHelper} instance that is used by this client to handle thecalls via the "org.restlet.client.engine.helper" attribute stored in the {@link Context} object. @author Jerome Louvel
  • org.restlet.ext.oauth.Client
    A POJO representing a OAuth client_id. Each client can have collected a number of authenticated users to allow working on their behalf. Implementors should implement the storage and retrieval. @author Kristoffer Gronowski
  • org.rsbot.client.Client
  • org.sentinel.client.Client
  • org.spout.api.Client
  • org.springframework.batch.admin.sample.lead.Client
  • org.surfnet.oaaas.model.Client
    Represents a Client as defined by the OAuth 2 specification:
     An application making protected resource requests on behalf of the resource owner and with its authorization.  The term client does not imply any particular implementation characteristics (e.g. whether the application executes on a server, a desktop, or other devices). 
  • org.terasology.network.Client
    A client is the connection between a player (local or remote) and the game. @author Immortius
  • org.ulti.dev.powermeter.util.Client
  • org.voltdb.client.Client

    A Client that connects to one or more nodes in a volt cluster and provides methods for invoking stored procedures and receiving responses. Client applications that are resource constrained (memory, CPU) or high performance (process hundreds of thousands of transactions per second) will want to pay attention to the hints that can be provided via {@link ClientFactory#createClient(int,int[],boolean,StatsUploaderSettings)} and{@link #callProcedure(ProcedureCallback,int,String,Object)}. Most Client applications will not need to generate enough load for these optimizations to matter.

    A stored procedure invocation contains approximately 24 bytes of data per invocation plus the serialized sized of the procedure name and any parameters. The size of any specific procedure and parameter set can be calculated using {@link #calculateInvocationSerializedSize(String,Object) calculateInvocationSerializedSize}. This method serializes the invocation and returns the serialized size and is computationally intensive and not suitable for use on a per invocation basis.

    The expected serialized message size parameter provided to {@link ClientFactory#createClient(int,int[],boolean,StatsUploaderSettings) createClient}determines the default size of the initial memory allocation used when serializing stored procedure invocations. If the initial allocation is insufficient then the allocation is doubled necessitating an extra allocation and copy If the allocation is excessively small it may be doubled and copied several times when serializing large parameter sets.

    {@link #callProcedure(ProcedureCallback,int,String,Object)} allows the initial allocation to be hinted on aper procedure invocation basis. This is useful when an application invokes procedures where the size can vary significantly between invocations or procedures.

    The Client performs aggressive memory pooling of {@link java.nio.DirectByteBuffer DirectByteBuffers}. The pool contains arenas with buffers that are sized to powers of 2 from 2^4 to 2^18. Java does not reliably garbage collect {@link java.nio.DirectByteBuffer DirectByteBuffers} so the pool never returns a buffer to theheap. The maxArenaSizes array passed to {@link ClientFactory#createClient(int,int[],boolean,StatsUploaderSettings)} can be usedto specify the maximum size each arena will be allowed to grow to. The client will continue to function even if the an arena is no longer able to grow. It will fall back to using slower {@link java.nio.HeapByteBuffer HeapByteBuffers} for serializing invocations.

  • org.w3c.jigsaw.http.Client
    Client instances keep track of a specific connection with a browser. This abstract class is responsible for handling an HTTP connection, as described by an input and output stream, from right after the connection is accepted, until the connection has to be shutdown. It provides all the methods to run the HTTP dialog, and leave it to subclasses to implement the accept connection and the persistent connections strategy.

    Customizing this class is done by subclassing it, and implementing the abstract methods.

    For sample implementations, you can check the socket and mux sub packages. @see ClientFactory @see org.w3c.jigsaw.http.socket.SocketClient @see org.w3c.jigsaw.http.mux.MuxClient

  • org.xmlBlaster.test.util.Client
  • org.zkoss.ztl.util.Client
    The client entity for ZTL file. @author jumperchen
  • pdp.scrabble.multiplayer.Client
    Describe client actions.
  • pl.altkom.bookstore.web.model.Client
    Describes Client @author Radek Kozak
  • pl.com.bottega.ecommerce.sales.domain.client.Client
  • pl.smsapi.Client
  • plar.ClientServer.Client
  • pojo.Client
  • redis.clients.jedis.Client
  • scribe.scribe.Client
  • sn.unitech.stock.entity.Client
    Client generated by hbm2java
  • ua_parser.Client
    Collection of parsed data for a given user agent string consisting of UserAgent, OS, Device @author Steve Jiang (@sjiang)
  • uk.co.jemos.podam.test.dto.docs.example.Client
    @author mtedone
  • ve.net.dcs.sc.component.Client
    .ve @author Saul Pina - spina@dcs.net.ve @see Request @see Response @see RequestType
  • wpn.hdri.ss.client.Client
    Abstract base class for Tango or Tine client. @author Igor Khokhriakov @since 27.04.12

  • Examples of org.apache.qpid.disttest.client.Client

            // cleaning manually
            while(consumer.receive(1000l) != null);

            final Config config = ConfigFileTestHelper.getConfigFromResource(getClass(), "produceClient.json");
            final Client client1 = new Client(new ClientJmsDelegate(_context));
            final Thread client1Thread = createBackgroundClientThread(client1);

            ResultsForAllTests results = _controller.runAllTests();
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    Examples of org.astrogrid.samp.Client

         * @throws org.astrogrid.samp.client.SampException on error
        public void notify( Map message ) throws SampException {
            HubConnection connection = connector_.getConnection();
            if ( connection != null ) {
                Client client = comboBoxModel_.getClient();
                if ( client == null ) {
                    connection.notifyAll( message );
                else {
                    connection.notify( client.getId(), message );
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    Examples of org.atmosphere.wasync.Client


            final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1);
            final AtomicReference<POJO> response = new AtomicReference<POJO>();
            Client client = ClientFactory.getDefault().newClient();

            RequestBuilder request = client.newRequestBuilder()
                    .uri(targetUrl + "/suspend")
                    .decoder(new Decoder<String, POJO>() {
                        public POJO decode(Event e, String s) {
                            return new POJO(s);

            Socket socket = client.create();
            socket.on(Event.MESSAGE.name(), new Function<POJO>() {
                public void on(POJO t) {
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    Examples of org.auraframework.system.Client

          String cmporapp = "app";
          DefDescriptor<ApplicationDef> appDesc = DefDescriptorImpl.getInstance(cmpname,
            AuraContext context = Aura.getContextService()
                    .startContext(Mode.DEV, AuraContext.Format.CSS, AuraContext.Authentication.AUTHENTICATED, appDesc);
            Client clientWEBKIT = new Client(ua);
        final String uid = context.getDefRegistry().getUid(null, appDesc);
            context.addLoaded(appDesc, uid);
            Mode mode = context.getMode();
            final boolean minify = !(mode.isTestMode() || mode.isDevMode());
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    Examples of org.codehaus.xfire.client.Client

      private HelloService getClient() {
        HelloService remoteHelloService = (HelloService) remoteClientCtx.getBean("hello.client");
        // Change the URL ('Service Endpoint') of the remote service
        Client client = ((XFireProxy) Proxy.getInvocationHandler(remoteHelloService)).getClient();
        return remoteHelloService;
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    Examples of org.cometd.Client

            Log.info(this+": "+clientId+" is oort "+oortUrl);
            if (!_knownCommets.containsKey(oortUrl))
            Client client = _bayeux.getClient(clientId);
            client.addExtension(new RemoteOortClientExtension());
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    Examples of org.eclipse.ecf.provider.comm.tcp.Client

       * @return ISynchAsynchConnection a non-<code>null</code> instance.
       * @throws ConnectionCreateException not thrown by this implementation.
      protected ISynchAsynchConnection createConnection(ID remoteSpace, Object data) throws ConnectionCreateException {
        debug("createClientConnection:" + remoteSpace + ":" + data); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
        ISynchAsynchConnection conn = new Client(receiver, keepAlive);
        return conn;
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    Examples of org.eclipse.rap.rwt.client.Client

      private ClientStore clientStore;
      private TabrisRequest request;

      public void setUp() {
        Client client = mock( Client.class );
        mockApp( client );
        mockDevice( client );
        mockClientStore( client );
        environment.setClient( client );
        request = environment.newRequest();
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    Examples of org.elasticsearch.client.Client


        private void run(final CommandLineOptions commandLineOptions, final String[] args) {

            final Client client = node.client();
            final SearchRequestBuilder srb = client.prepareSearch();

            final CountResponse countResponse = client.prepareCount(commandLineOptions.getIndicesArray()).execute().actionGet();
            final long totalCount = countResponse.getCount();

            long changedCount = 0;
            long processedCount = 0;


            final SearchRequest request = srb.request();
            final SearchResponse response = client.search(request).actionGet();

            if (! commandLineOptions.isFix()) {
                LOG.warn("Not executing update because '-F' command line flag not given!");

            while (true) {
                final SearchResponse r = client.prepareSearchScroll(response.getScrollId()).setScroll(TimeValue.timeValueMinutes(1)).execute().actionGet();

                if (r.getHits().getHits().length == 0) {
                    LOG.debug("No more hits, done!");

                final BulkRequestBuilder bulk = client.prepareBulk();

                for (SearchHit hit : r.getHits()) {
                    try {
                        if (handleHit(hit, bulk)) {
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    Examples of org.encuestame.persistence.domain.Client

         * @param name name
         * @param project {@link Project}
         * @return {@link Client}
        public Client createClient(final String name, final Project project){
            final Client client = new Client();
            return client;
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