Abstract parent of all Classifiers.
All classification techniques in MALLET are implemented as two classes: a trainer and a classifier. The trainer injests the training data and creates a classifier that holds the parameters set during training. The classifier applies those parameters to an Instance to produce a classification of the Instance.
A concrete classifier is required only to be able to classify an instance.
Methods for classifying an InstanceList are here. There are also methods for calculating precison, recall, and f1 from either InstanceLists (which are classified first) or an ArrayList of classifications. Similar functionality is also in {@link cc.mallet.classify.Trial}
A classifier holds a reference to the pipe that was used to create the Instances being classified. Most classifiers use this to make sure the Alphabets of the instances being classified are the same Alphabet objects used during training.
Alphabets are allowed to between training and classification.
@see ClassifierTrainer
@see Instance
@see InstanceList
@see Classification
@see Trial