classDeclaration ::= 'abstract'? 'class' {@link SimpleIdentifier name} {@link TypeParameterList typeParameterList}? ( {@link ExtendsClause extendsClause} {@link WithClause withClause}?)? {@link ImplementsClause implementsClause}? '{' {@link ClassMember classMember}* '}'@coverage dart.engine.ast
While a ClassDeclaration represents the declaration of a class, a {@link ClassType} represents a class type.See {@link TypeDeclaration} for more on this distinction.
{@link com.sun.mirror.util.DeclarationFilter}provides a simple way to select just the items of interest when a method returns a collection of declarations. @author Joseph D. Darcy @author Scott Seligman @version 1.4 05/11/17 @see ClassType @since 1.5
e.g.class MyClass { }, class MyClass extends SuperClass implements Interface1, Interface2 { const MY_CONSTANT = 3; public static final $myVar = 5, $yourVar; var $anotherOne; private function myFunction($a) { } }
e.g.class MyClass { }, class MyClass extends SuperClass implements Interface1, Interface2 { const MY_CONSTANT = 3; public static final $myVar = 5, $yourVar; var $anotherOne; private function myFunction($a) { } }