* (the above text is based partially on the OpenSSH man page)
/* You can create as many of them as you want */
LocalPortForwarder lpf1 = conn.createLocalPortForwarder(8080, "www.ethz.ch", 80);
/* Now simply point your webbrowser to */
/* (on the host where you execute this program) */
/* ===== OK, now let's establish some remote port forwardings ===== */
/* Example Port Forwarding: -R (OpenSSH notation)
* Specifies that the port on the remote server is to be forwarded to the
* given host and port on the local side. This works by allocating a socket to listen to port
* 8080 on the remote side (the ssh server), and whenever a connection is made to this port, the
* connection is forwarded over the secure channel, and a connection is made to
* www.ganymed.ethz.ch:80 by the Ganymed SSH-2 library.
* (the above text is based partially on the OpenSSH man page)
/* You can create as many of them as you want */
conn.requestRemotePortForwarding("", 8080, "www.ganymed.ethz.ch", 80);
/* Now, on the ssh server, if you connect to, then the connection is forwarded
* through the secure tunnel to the library, which in turn will forward the connection
* to www.ganymed.ethz.ch:80. */
/* Sleep a bit... (30 seconds) */
/* Stop accepting remote connections that are being forwarded to www.ganymed.ethz.ch:80 */
/* Sleep a bit... (20 seconds) */
/* Stop accepting connections on that are being forwarded to www.ethz.ch:80 */
/* Close the connection */