Package ch.ethz.ssh2

Examples of ch.ethz.ssh2.SCPClient

      if (!SSHCmdHelper.sshExecuteCmd(sshConnection, "[ -f '/usr/sbin/dnsmasq' ]")) {
        throw new ConfigurationException("Cannot find dnsmasq at /usr/sbin/dnsmasq on " + _ip);

      SCPClient scp = new SCPClient(sshConnection);
      String editHosts = "scripts/network/exdhcp/";
      String editHostsPath = Script.findScript("", editHosts);
      if (editHostsPath == null) {
        throw new ConfigurationException("Can not find script at " + editHosts);
      scp.put(editHostsPath, "/usr/bin/", "0755");
      String prepareDnsmasq = "scripts/network/exdhcp/";
      String prepareDnsmasqPath = Script.findScript("", prepareDnsmasq);
      if (prepareDnsmasqPath == null) {
        throw new ConfigurationException("Can not find script at " + prepareDnsmasq);
      scp.put(prepareDnsmasqPath, "/usr/bin/", "0755");
      String prepareCmd = String.format("sh /usr/bin/ %1$s %2$s %3$s", _gateway, _dns, _ip);
      if (!SSHCmdHelper.sshExecuteCmd(sshConnection, prepareCmd)) {
        throw new ConfigurationException("prepare dnsmasq at " + _ip + " failed");
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                String cmd = "mkdir -p /opt/cloud/bin /var/log/cloud";
                if (!SSHCmdHelper.sshExecuteCmd(sshConnection, cmd)) {
                    throw new CloudRuntimeException("Cannot create directory /opt/cloud/bin on XenServer hosts");

                SCPClient scp = new SCPClient(sshConnection);

                List<File> files = getPatchFiles();
                if( files == null || files.isEmpty() ) {
                    throw new CloudRuntimeException("Can not find patch file");
                for( File file :files) {
                    String path = file.getParentFile().getAbsolutePath() + "/";
                    Properties props = new Properties();
                    props.load(new FileInputStream(file));

                    for (Map.Entry<Object, Object> entry : props.entrySet()) {
                        String k = (String) entry.getKey();
                        String v = (String) entry.getValue();

                        assert (k != null && k.length() > 0 && v != null && v.length() > 0) : "Problems with " + k + "=" + v;

                        String[] tokens = v.split(",");
                        String f = null;
                        if (tokens.length == 3 && tokens[0].length() > 0) {
                            if (tokens[0].startsWith("/")) {
                                f = tokens[0];
                            } else if (tokens[0].startsWith("~")) {
                                String homedir = System.getenv("HOME");
                                f = homedir + tokens[0].substring(1) + k;
                            } else {
                                f = path + tokens[0] + '/' + k;
                        } else {
                            f = path + k;
                        String d = tokens[tokens.length - 1];
                        f = f.replace('/', File.separatorChar);

                        String p = "0755";
                        if (tokens.length == 3) {
                            p = tokens[1];
                        } else if (tokens.length == 2) {
                            p = tokens[0];

                        if (!new File(f).exists()) {
                            s_logger.warn("We cannot locate " + f);
                        if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                            s_logger.debug("Copying " + f + " to " + d + " on " + hr.address + " with permission " + p);
                        try {
                            session.execCommand("mkdir -m 700 -p " + d);
                        } catch (IOException e) {
                            s_logger.debug("Unable to create destination path: " + d + " on " + hr.address + " but trying anyway");

                        scp.put(f, d, p);


            } catch (IOException e) {
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            String cmd = String.format("[ -f /%1$s/pxelinux.0 ]", _tftpDir);
            if (!SSHCmdHelper.sshExecuteCmd(sshConnection, cmd)) {
                throw new ConfigurationException("Miss files in TFTP directory at " + _tftpDir + " check if pxelinux.0 are here");

            SCPClient scp = new SCPClient(sshConnection);
            String prepareScript = "scripts/network/ping/";
            String prepareScriptPath = Script.findScript("", prepareScript);
            if (prepareScriptPath == null) {
                throw new ConfigurationException("Can not find at " + prepareScript);
            scp.put(prepareScriptPath, "/usr/bin/", "0755");

            String cpScript = "scripts/network/ping/";
            String cpScriptPath = Script.findScript("", cpScript);
            if (cpScriptPath == null) {
                throw new ConfigurationException("Can not find at " + cpScript);
            scp.put(cpScriptPath, "/usr/bin/", "0755");

            String userDataScript = "scripts/network/ping/";
            String userDataScriptPath = Script.findScript("", userDataScript);
            if (userDataScriptPath == null) {
                throw new ConfigurationException("Can not find at " + userDataScript);
            scp.put(userDataScriptPath, "/usr/bin/", "0755");

            return true;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new CloudRuntimeException(e);
        } finally {
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      if (!SSHCmdHelper.sshExecuteCmd(sshConnection, "[ -f '/usr/sbin/dnsmasq' ]")) {
        throw new ConfigurationException("Cannot find dnsmasq at /usr/sbin/dnsmasq on " + _ip);

      SCPClient scp = new SCPClient(sshConnection);
      String editHosts = "scripts/network/exdhcp/";
      String editHostsPath = Script.findScript("", editHosts);
      if (editHostsPath == null) {
        throw new ConfigurationException("Can not find script at " + editHosts);
      scp.put(editHostsPath, "/usr/bin/", "0755");
      String prepareDnsmasq = "scripts/network/exdhcp/";
      String prepareDnsmasqPath = Script.findScript("", prepareDnsmasq);
      if (prepareDnsmasqPath == null) {
        throw new ConfigurationException("Can not find script at " + prepareDnsmasq);
      scp.put(prepareDnsmasqPath, "/usr/bin/", "0755");

      String prepareCmd = String.format("sh /usr/bin/ %1$s %2$s %3$s", _gateway, _dns, _ip);
      if (!SSHCmdHelper.sshExecuteCmd(sshConnection, prepareCmd)) {
        throw new ConfigurationException("prepare dnsmasq at " + _ip + " failed");
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    com.trilead.ssh2.Connection sshConnection = new com.trilead.ssh2.Connection(_ip, 22);
        sshConnection.connect(null, 60000, 60000);
        if (!sshConnection.authenticateWithPassword(_username, _password)) {
            throw new CloudRuntimeException("Unable to authenticate");
        SCPClient scp = new SCPClient(sshConnection);
        String configScriptName = "scripts/vm/hypervisor/ovm/";
        String configScriptPath = Script.findScript("" , configScriptName);
        if (configScriptPath == null) {
          throw new CloudRuntimeException("Unable to find " + configScriptName);
        scp.put(configScriptPath, "/usr/bin/", "0755");
    if (!SSHCmdHelper.sshExecuteCmd(sshConnection, "sh /usr/bin/ preSetup")) {
      throw new CloudRuntimeException("Execute preSetup failed on " + _ip);
        File tmp = new File(configScriptPath);
        File scriptDir = new File(tmp.getParent());
        File [] scripts = scriptDir.listFiles();
        for (int i=0; i<scripts.length; i++) {
          File script = scripts[i];
          if (script.getName().equals("")) {
            if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                s_logger.debug("Copying " + script.getPath() + " to " + _ovsAgentPath + " on " + _ip + " with permission 0644");
            scp.put(script.getPath(), _ovsAgentPath, "0644");
    sshConnection = SSHCmdHelper.acquireAuthorizedConnection(_ip, _username, _password);
    if (sshConnection == null) {
      throw new CloudRuntimeException(
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      if (!SSHCmdHelper.sshExecuteCmd(sshConnection, "[ -f '/usr/sbin/dhcpd' ]")) {
        throw new ConfigurationException("Cannot find dhcpd.conf /etc/dhcpd.conf at  on " + _ip);

      SCPClient scp = new SCPClient(sshConnection);

      String editHosts = "scripts/network/exdhcp/";
      String editHostsPath = Script.findScript("", editHosts);
      if (editHostsPath == null) {
        throw new ConfigurationException("Can not find script at " + editHosts);
      scp.put(editHostsPath, "/usr/bin/", "0755");
      String prepareDhcpdScript = "scripts/network/exdhcp/";
      String prepareDhcpdScriptPath = Script.findScript("", prepareDhcpdScript);
      if (prepareDhcpdScriptPath == null) {
        throw new ConfigurationException("Can not find at " + prepareDhcpdScriptPath);
      scp.put(prepareDhcpdScriptPath, "/usr/bin/", "0755");
      //TODO: tooooooooooooooo ugly here!!!
      String[] ips = _ip.split("\\.");
      ips[3] = "0";
      StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
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    com.trilead.ssh2.Connection sshConnection = new com.trilead.ssh2.Connection(_ip, 22);
        sshConnection.connect(null, 60000, 60000);
        if (!sshConnection.authenticateWithPassword(_username, _password)) {
            throw new CloudRuntimeException("Unable to authenticate");
        SCPClient scp = new SCPClient(sshConnection);
        String configScriptName = "scripts/vm/hypervisor/ovm/";
        String configScriptPath = Script.findScript("" , configScriptName);
        if (configScriptPath == null) {
          throw new CloudRuntimeException("Unable to find " + configScriptName);
        scp.put(configScriptPath, "/usr/bin/", "0755");
    if (!SSHCmdHelper.sshExecuteCmd(sshConnection, "sh /usr/bin/ preSetup")) {
      throw new CloudRuntimeException("Execute preSetup failed on " + _ip);
        File tmp = new File(configScriptPath);
        File scriptDir = new File(tmp.getParent());
        File [] scripts = scriptDir.listFiles();
        for (int i=0; i<scripts.length; i++) {
          File script = scripts[i];
          if (script.getName().equals("")) {
            if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                s_logger.debug("Copying " + script.getPath() + " to " + _ovsAgentPath + " on " + _ip + " with permission 0644");
            scp.put(script.getPath(), _ovsAgentPath, "0644");
    sshConnection = SSHCmdHelper.acquireAuthorizedConnection(_ip, _username, _password);
    if (sshConnection == null) {
      throw new CloudRuntimeException(
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      String cmd = String.format("[ -f /%1$s/pxelinux.0 ] && [ -f /%2$s/kernel ] && [ -f /%3$s/initrd.gz ] ", _tftpDir, _tftpDir, _tftpDir);
      if (!SSHCmdHelper.sshExecuteCmd(sshConnection, cmd)) {
        throw new ConfigurationException("Miss files in TFTP directory at " + _tftpDir + " check if pxelinux.0, kernel initrd.gz are here");
      SCPClient scp = new SCPClient(sshConnection)
      String prepareScript = "scripts/network/ping/";
      String prepareScriptPath = Script.findScript("", prepareScript);
      if (prepareScriptPath == null) {
        throw new ConfigurationException("Can not find at " + prepareScriptPath);
      scp.put(prepareScriptPath, "/usr/bin/", "0755");
      String userDataScript = "scripts/network/ping/";
      String userDataScriptPath = Script.findScript("", userDataScript);
      if (userDataScriptPath == null) {
        throw new ConfigurationException("Can not find at " + userDataScriptPath);
      scp.put(userDataScriptPath, "/usr/bin/", "0755");
      return true;
    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw new ConfigurationException(e.getMessage());
    } finally {
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            String sshInstallDir = getInstallDir().replace('\\', '/');

            SFTPClient sftpClient = sshLauncher.getSFTPClient();
            SCPClient scpClient = sshLauncher.getSCPClient();
            try {
                if (!sftpClient.exists(sshInstallDir)) {
                    sftpClient.mkdirs(sshInstallDir, 0755);
            catch (IOException ioe) {
      "mkdir.failed", sshInstallDir, host));
                throw new IOException(ioe);

            //delete the sshInstallDir contents if non-empty
            try {
                //get list of file in DAS sshInstallDir
                List<String> files = getListOfInstallFiles(sshInstallDir);
                deleteRemoteFiles(sftpClient, files, sshInstallDir, getForce());
            catch (IOException ex) {
                logger.finer("Failed to remove sshInstallDir contents");
                throw new IOException(ex);

            String zip = zipFile.getCanonicalPath();
            try {
      "Copying " + zip + " (" + zipFile.length() + " bytes)"
                        + " to " + host + ":" + sshInstallDir);
                // Looks like we need to quote the paths to scp in case they
                // contain spaces.
                scpClient.put(zipFile.getAbsolutePath(), FileUtils.quoteString(sshInstallDir));
                logger.finer("Copied " + zip + " to " + host + ":" + sshInstallDir);
            catch (IOException ex) {
      "", zip, host));
                throw new IOException(ex);
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            remoteFileNames[i] = sourceDir + File.separator + allInstanceLogFileName.get(i);


        SCPClient scpClient = sshL.getSCPClient();               
        scpClient.get(remoteFileNames, tempDirectoryOnServer);
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Related Classes of ch.ethz.ssh2.SCPClient

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