public void connect(final String host, final int port, final String username,
final String password, final String privateKeyPath) throws IOException {
/* Create a connection instance */
final Connection conn = new Connection(host, port);
/* Now connect */
* Authenticate. If you get an IOException saying something like
* "Authentication method password not supported by the server at this
* stage." then please check the FAQ.
boolean triedCustomPublicKey = false;
boolean triedStandardDSAPublicKey = false;
boolean triedStandardRSAPublicKey = false;
boolean triedPassword = false;
boolean triedPasswordInteractive = false;
final String effectiveUserName;
// if the username is null, try to resolve it from the system.
if (username == null) {
effectiveUserName = System.getProperty("user.name");
if (effectiveUserName == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("Username cannot be auto-resolved from the system. Please supply username");
} else {
effectiveUserName = username;
boolean isAuthenticated = false;
if (privateKeyPath != null) {
triedCustomPublicKey = true;
isAuthenticated = conn.authenticateWithPublicKey(effectiveUserName,
new File(privateKeyPath), password);
} else {
File home = new File(System.getProperty("user.home"));
try {
triedStandardDSAPublicKey = true;
isAuthenticated = conn.authenticateWithPublicKey(effectiveUserName,
new File(home, ".ssh/id_dsa"), password);
} catch (IOException ex) {
// dsa key probably can't be found
if (!isAuthenticated) {
try {
triedStandardRSAPublicKey = true;
isAuthenticated = conn.authenticateWithPublicKey(effectiveUserName,
new File(home, ".ssh/id_rsa"), password);
} catch (IOException ex) {
// rsa key probably can't be found
if (!isAuthenticated) {
try {
triedPassword = true;
isAuthenticated = conn.authenticateWithPassword(effectiveUserName, password);
} catch (IOException ex) {
// Password authentication probably not supported
if (!isAuthenticated) {
try {
triedPasswordInteractive = true;
isAuthenticated = conn.authenticateWithKeyboardInteractive(effectiveUserName, new InteractiveCallback() {
public String[] replyToChallenge(String name, String instruction, int numPrompts, String[] prompt, boolean[] echo) throws Exception {
String[] responses = new String[numPrompts];
for (int x=0; x < numPrompts; x++) {
responses[x] = password;