|| kxs.np.kex_algo.equals("diffie-hellman-group14-sha1"))
if (kxs.state == 1)
PacketKexDHReply dhr = new PacketKexDHReply(msg, 0, msglen);
kxs.hostkey = dhr.getHostKey();
if (verifier != null)
boolean vres = false;
vres = verifier.verifyServerHostKey(hostname, port, kxs.np.server_host_key_algo, kxs.hostkey);
catch (Exception e)
throw (IOException) new IOException(
"The server hostkey was not accepted by the verifier callback.").initCause(e);
if (vres == false)
throw new IOException("The server hostkey was not accepted by the verifier callback");
kxs.H = kxs.dhx.calculateH(csh.getClientString(), csh.getServerString(), kxs.localKEX.getPayload(),
kxs.remoteKEX.getPayload(), dhr.getHostKey());
catch (IllegalArgumentException e)
throw (IOException) new IOException("KEX error.").initCause(e);
boolean res = verifySignature(dhr.getSignature(), kxs.hostkey);
if (res == false)
throw new IOException("Hostkey signature sent by remote is wrong!");
kxs.K = kxs.dhx.getK();