time.sourceforge.net/">Joda Time.
Time2 has no time zones, no daylight savings, no locales, no Gregorian cutover. Dates before October 15 1582 do not correspond to historical dates. The base of
Time2 time is zero microseconds into January 1st of year zero:
0000-01-01 00:00:00.000000
It corresponds to the numerical time index 0L.
Warning note about time comparisons
This class implements {@link Comparable} with simplesemantics. Basically, it considers "earlier" as "smaller". When time domain differs, times are converted before performing the comparison. The conversion is done in the following fashion:
- If resolutions differ, the time with the lowest resolution is converted to the one with the highest resolution. For example comparing a {@link Day} to a {@link Year} will compare the day specified to the implicit default day of the year specified (which is January 1).
- If resolutions do not differ, the times are converted to the unrestricted time domain for their resolution. For example the comparison of a {@link Workday} to a {@link ThirdFriday} will convertboth to a {@link Day} before comparing.
These semantics are not meaningful for all possible time domains. Applications using "exotic" time domains should consider writing a subclass of Time2 and override the {@link Comparable#compareTo(Object) compareTo} method.
@author Jean-Paul Vetterli