class presents a pop-up menu of choices. The current choice is displayed as the title of the menu. The following code example produces a pop-up menu:
Choice ColorChooser = new Choice(); ColorChooser.add("Green"); ColorChooser.add("Red"); ColorChooser.add("Blue");
After this choice menu has been added to a panel, it appears as follows in its normal state:
In the picture, "Green"
is the current choice. Pushing the mouse button down on the object causes a menu to appear with the current choice highlighted.
Some native platforms do not support arbitrary resizing of Choice
components and the behavior of setSize()/getSize()
is bound by such limitations. Native GUI Choice
components' size are often bound by such attributes as font size and length of items contained within the Choice
@version 1.94 10/31/08 @author Sami Shaio @author Arthur van Hoff @since JDK1.0
Purpose: Class to represent a Choice in a Schema
This interface is intended to represent a Choice in an XML Schema. The children of this choice are ElementGroupings which may involve Element declarations, Sequence, Groups ... or even another Choices. We recommend flattening child Choices with the parent, creating a semantically equivalent choice in it's place.
@author dzwiers @source $URL$