* @param msckDesc
* Information about the tables and partitions we want to check for.
* @return Returns 0 when execution succeeds and above 0 if it fails.
private int msck(Hive db, MsckDesc msckDesc) {
CheckResult result = new CheckResult();
List<String> repairOutput = new ArrayList<String>();
try {
HiveMetaStoreChecker checker = new HiveMetaStoreChecker(db);
String[] names = Utilities.getDbTableName(msckDesc.getTableName());
checker.checkMetastore(names[0], names[1], msckDesc.getPartSpecs(), result);
List<CheckResult.PartitionResult> partsNotInMs = result.getPartitionsNotInMs();
if (msckDesc.isRepairPartitions() && !partsNotInMs.isEmpty()) {
Table table = db.getTable(msckDesc.getTableName());
AddPartitionDesc apd = new AddPartitionDesc(
table.getDbName(), table.getTableName(), false);
try {
for (CheckResult.PartitionResult part : partsNotInMs) {
apd.addPartition(Warehouse.makeSpecFromName(part.getPartitionName()), null);
repairOutput.add("Repair: Added partition to metastore "
+ msckDesc.getTableName() + ':' + part.getPartitionName());
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.info("Could not bulk-add partitions to metastore; trying one by one", e);
msckAddPartitionsOneByOne(db, table, partsNotInMs, repairOutput);
} catch (HiveException e) {
LOG.warn("Failed to run metacheck: ", e);
return 1;
} catch (IOException e) {
LOG.warn("Failed to run metacheck: ", e);
return 1;
} finally {
BufferedWriter resultOut = null;
try {
Path resFile = new Path(msckDesc.getResFile());
FileSystem fs = resFile.getFileSystem(conf);
resultOut = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(fs
boolean firstWritten = false;
firstWritten |= writeMsckResult(result.getTablesNotInMs(),
"Tables not in metastore:", resultOut, firstWritten);
firstWritten |= writeMsckResult(result.getTablesNotOnFs(),
"Tables missing on filesystem:", resultOut, firstWritten);
firstWritten |= writeMsckResult(result.getPartitionsNotInMs(),
"Partitions not in metastore:", resultOut, firstWritten);
firstWritten |= writeMsckResult(result.getPartitionsNotOnFs(),
"Partitions missing from filesystem:", resultOut, firstWritten);
for (String rout : repairOutput) {
if (firstWritten) {
} else {