private void createChp(int istd)
StyleDescription sd = _styleDescriptions[istd];
CharacterProperties chp = sd.getCHP();
byte[] chpx = sd.getCHPX();
int baseIndex = sd.getBaseStyle();
if(baseIndex == istd) {
// Oh dear, this isn't allowed...
// The word file seems to be corrupted
// Switch to using the nil style so that
// there's a chance we can read it
baseIndex = NIL_STYLE;
// Build and decompress the Chp if required
if(chp == null && chpx != null)
CharacterProperties parentCHP = new CharacterProperties();
if(baseIndex != NIL_STYLE)
parentCHP = _styleDescriptions[baseIndex].getCHP();
if(parentCHP == null)
parentCHP = _styleDescriptions[baseIndex].getCHP();
if(parentCHP == null) {
parentCHP = new CharacterProperties();
chp = CharacterSprmUncompressor.uncompressCHP(parentCHP, chpx, 0);