throws IOException {
// Skip From line
ByteBuffer byFrom = getChannel().map(FileChannel.MapMode.READ_ONLY, begin, 128);
CharBuffer chFrom = decoder.decode(byFrom);
log.debug("from line decoded");
int start = 0;
// Ignore any white spaces and line feed
char c = chFrom.charAt(start);
while (c==' ' || c=='\r' || c=='\n' || c=='\t') c = chFrom.charAt(++start);
// If first line does not start with message preffx then raise an exception
log.debug("first line is " + chFrom.subSequence(start, start+FROM__PREFIX.length()).toString());
if (!chFrom.subSequence(start, start+FROM__PREFIX.length()).toString().equals(FROM__PREFIX))
throw new IOException ("MboxFile.getPartAsStream() starting position " + String.valueOf(start) + " \""+chFrom.subSequence(start, start+FROM__PREFIX.length()).toString()+"\" does not match a begin message token \"" + FROM__PREFIX + "\"");
// Skip the From line
while (chFrom.charAt(start++)!=(char) 10) ;
start += offset;
log.debug(" skip = " + String.valueOf(start));
log.debug(" start = " + String.valueOf(start));