When a {@linkplain ServerChannel server-side channel} accepts a new incomingconnection, a new child channel is created for each newly accepted connection. A new child channel uses a new {@link ChannelPipeline}, which is created by the {@link ChannelPipelineFactory} specified in the server-side channel's{@link ChannelConfig#getPipelineFactory() "pipelineFactory"} option.
Also, when a {@link ClientBootstrap} or {@link ConnectionlessBootstrap}creates a new channel, it uses the {@link Bootstrap#getPipelineFactory() "pipelineFactory"}property to create a new {@link ChannelPipeline} for each new channel. @apiviz.has com.facebook.presto.jdbc.internal.netty.channel.ChannelPipeline oneway - - creates
When a {@linkplain ServerChannel server-side channel} accepts a new incomingconnection, a new child channel is created for each newly accepted connection. A new child channel uses a new {@link ChannelPipeline}, which is created by the {@link ChannelPipelineFactory} specified in the server-side channel's{@link ChannelConfig#getPipelineFactory() "pipelineFactory"} option.
Also, when a {@link ClientBootstrap} or {@link ConnectionlessBootstrap}creates a new channel, it uses the {@link Bootstrap#getPipelineFactory() "pipelineFactory"}property to create a new {@link ChannelPipeline} for each new channel. @apiviz.has io.netty.channel.ChannelPipeline oneway - - creates