ChannelUpstreamHandler.class.getName() + " or " +
ChannelDownstreamHandler.class.getName() + '.');
ChannelPipelineCoverage coverage = handler.getClass().getAnnotation(ChannelPipelineCoverage.class);
if (coverage == null) {
"Handler '" + handler.getClass().getName() +
"' does not have a '" +
ChannelPipelineCoverage.class.getSimpleName() +
"' annotation with its class declaration. " +
"It is strongly recommended to add the annotation " +
"for a documentation purpose to tell if a single " +
"handler instance can handle more than one pipeline " +
"(\"" + ALL + "\") or not (\"" + ONE + "\")");
} else {
String coverageValue = coverage.value();
if (coverageValue == null) {
throw new AnnotationFormatError(
ChannelPipelineCoverage.class.getSimpleName() +
" annotation value is undefined for type: " +