Examples of ChangeNumberGenerator

Examples of org.nasutekds.server.replication.common.ChangeNumberGenerator

     * Create a Change number generator to generate new changenumbers
     * when we need to send operation messages to the replicationServer.
    ChangeNumberGenerator gen = new ChangeNumberGenerator(2, 0);

    user1entryUUID = "33333333-3333-3333-3333-333333333333";
    user1dn = "uid=user1,ou=People," + baseDnStr;
    String entryWithUUIDldif = "dn: "+ user1dn + "\n"
    + "objectClass: top\n" + "objectClass: person\n"
    + "objectClass: organizationalPerson\n"
    + "objectClass: inetOrgPerson\n" + "uid: user.1\n"
    + "homePhone: 951-245-7634\n"
    + "description: This is the description for Aaccf Amar.\n" + "st: NC\n"
    + "mobile: 027-085-0537\n"
    + "postalAddress: Aaccf Amar$17984 Thirteenth Street"
    + "$Rockford, NC  85762\n" + "mail: user.1@example.com\n"
    + "cn: Aaccf Amar\n" + "l: Rockford\n" + "pager: 508-763-4246\n"
    + "street: 17984 Thirteenth Street\n"
    + "telephoneNumber: 216-564-6748\n" + "employeeNumber: 1\n"
    + "sn: Amar\n" + "givenName: Aaccf\n" + "postalCode: 85762\n"
    + "userPassword: password\n" + "initials: AA\n"
    + "entryUUID: " + user1entryUUID + "\n";

      personWithUUIDEntry = TestCaseUtils.entryFromLdifString(entryWithUUIDldif);
    catch(Exception e)

    // Create and publish an update message to add an entry.
    AddMsg addMsg = new AddMsg(gen.newChangeNumber(),
        personWithUUIDEntry.getAttributes(), new ArrayList<Attribute>());
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Examples of org.nasutekds.server.replication.common.ChangeNumberGenerator

    ReplicationBroker broker =
      openReplicationSession(baseDn,  2, 100, replServerPort, 5000, true);

      ChangeNumberGenerator gen = new ChangeNumberGenerator( 2, 0);

      ModifyMsg modMsg = new ModifyMsg(gen.newChangeNumber(),
        baseDn, rcvdMods, "cn=schema");

      boolean found = checkEntryHasAttribute(baseDn, "attributetypes",
        "( NAME 'dummy' )",
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Examples of org.nasutekds.server.replication.common.ChangeNumberGenerator

    ChangeNumber CN1;
    ChangeNumber CN2;

    // Generated the ChangeNumberGenerator object
    ChangeNumberGenerator cng =
      new ChangeNumberGenerator( 0, TimeThread.getTime());

    // Generate 2 changeNumbers and check that they are differents
    CN1 = cng.newChangeNumber();
    CN2 = cng.newChangeNumber();
    assertTrue(CN1.compareTo(CN2) != 0);

    // Generate a changeNumber separates by 10 milliseconds
    // and check that they are differents
    CN2 = cng.newChangeNumber();
    assertTrue(CN1.compareTo(CN2) != 0);

    // Generate a changeNumber separates by 300 milliseconds
    // and check that they are differents
    CN2 = cng.newChangeNumber();
    assertTrue(CN1.compareTo(CN2) != 0);

    // Adjust with the oldest CN
    cng.adjust(CN1) ;
    CN2 = cng.newChangeNumber();
    assertTrue(CN1.compareTo(CN2) != 0 );

    // Adjust with the newest generated
    cng.adjust(CN2) ;
    CN1 = CN2;
    CN2 = cng.newChangeNumber();
    assertTrue(CN1.compareTo(CN2) != 0 );

    //  Adjust with the newest generated (time + 300)
    CN1 = new ChangeNumber(CN2.getTime() +300 ,CN2.getSeqnum(),
        CN2.getServerId()) ;
    cng.adjust(CN1) ;
    CN2 = cng.newChangeNumber();
    assertTrue(CN1.compareTo(CN2) != 0 );

    //  Adjust with the newest generated (seqmun + 10)
    CN1 = new ChangeNumber(CN2.getTime() ,CN2.getSeqnum() +10,
        CN2.getServerId()) ;
    cng.adjust(CN1) ;
    CN2 = cng.newChangeNumber();
    assertTrue(CN1.compareTo(CN2) != 0 );

    //  Adjust with the newest generated (seqmun = 0XFFFF)
    CN1 = new ChangeNumber(CN2.getTime() ,0XFFFF +10,CN2.getServerId()) ;
    cng.adjust(CN1) ;
    CN2 = cng.newChangeNumber();
    assertTrue(CN1.compareTo(CN2) != 0 );
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Examples of org.nasutekds.server.replication.common.ChangeNumberGenerator

   * Test the adjust method of ChangeNumberGenerator
  public void adjustTest()
    ChangeNumberGenerator generator =
      new ChangeNumberGenerator(5, TimeThread.getTime());

    ChangeNumber cn = generator.newChangeNumber();

    ChangeNumber cn1 =
      new ChangeNumber(cn.getTime() + 5000, cn.getSeqnum(), 6);

    ChangeNumber cn2 = generator.newChangeNumber();

        "ChangeNumberGenerator generated an earlier ChangeNumber "
        + " after calling the adjust method.");
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Examples of org.nasutekds.server.replication.common.ChangeNumberGenerator


  public void adjustSameMilliTest()
    ChangeNumberGenerator generator =
      new ChangeNumberGenerator(5, TimeThread.getTime());

    ChangeNumber cn = generator.newChangeNumber();

    ChangeNumber cn1 =
      new ChangeNumber(cn.getTime(), cn.getSeqnum() + 10, 6);

    ChangeNumber cn2 = generator.newChangeNumber();

        "ChangeNumberGenerator generated an earlier ChangeNumber "
        + " after calling the adjust method.");
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Examples of org.nasutekds.server.replication.common.ChangeNumberGenerator

    ServerState state = new ServerState();
    ChangeNumber cn1 = new ChangeNumber(TimeThread.getTime(), Integer.MAX_VALUE, 5);

    ChangeNumberGenerator generator = new ChangeNumberGenerator(5, state);

    ChangeNumber cn2 = generator.newChangeNumber();

    assertTrue(cn2.getSeqnum() == 0);
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Examples of org.nasutekds.server.replication.common.ChangeNumberGenerator

     * Create a Change number generator to generate new changenumbers
     * when we need to send operation messages to the replicationServer.
    ChangeNumberGenerator gen = new ChangeNumberGenerator(2, 0);

    // Disable the directory server receive status.
    setReceiveStatus(synchroServerEntry.getDN().toString(), false);

    // Create and publish an update message to add an entry.
    AddMsg addMsg = new AddMsg(gen.newChangeNumber(),
        personWithUUIDEntry.getAttributes(), new ArrayList<Attribute>());

    Entry resultEntry;

    // Check that the entry has not been created in the directory server.
    resultEntry = getEntry(personWithUUIDEntry.getDN(), 1000, true);
        "The replication message was replayed while the server " +
             "receive status was disabled");

    // Enable the directory server receive status.
    setReceiveStatus(synchroServerEntry.getDN().toString(), true);

    // Create and publish another update message to add an entry.
    addMsg = new AddMsg(gen.newChangeNumber(),
        personWithUUIDEntry.getAttributes(), new ArrayList<Attribute>());

    // Check that the entry has been created in the directory server.
    resultEntry = getEntry(personWithUUIDEntry.getDN(), 10000, true);
        "The replication message was not replayed after the server " +
             "receive status was enabled");

    // Delete the entries to clean the database.
    DeleteMsg delMsg =
      new DeleteMsg(personWithUUIDEntry.getDN().toString(),
          gen.newChangeNumber(), user1entryUUID);
    resultEntry = getEntry(personWithUUIDEntry.getDN(), 10000, false);

    // Check that the delete operation has been applied.
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Examples of org.nasutekds.server.replication.common.ChangeNumberGenerator

     * Create a Change number generator to generate new changenumbers
     * when we need to send operation messages to the replicationServer.
    ChangeNumberGenerator gen = new ChangeNumberGenerator( 2, 0);

    // Create and publish an update message to add an entry.
    AddMsg addMsg = new AddMsg(gen.newChangeNumber(),
        personWithUUIDEntry.getAttributes(), new ArrayList<Attribute>());

    Entry resultEntry;

    // Check that the entry has been created in the directory server.
    resultEntry = getEntry(personWithUUIDEntry.getDN(), 30000, true);
        "The ADD replication message was not replayed");

    // Send a first modify operation message.
    List<Modification> mods = generatemods("telephonenumber", "01 02 45");
    ModifyMsg modMsg = new ModifyMsg(gen.newChangeNumber(),
        personWithUUIDEntry.getDN(), mods,

    // Check that the modify has been replayed.
    boolean found = checkEntryHasAttribute(personWithUUIDEntry.getDN(),
                           "telephonenumber", "01 02 45", 10000, true);
    if (!found)
      fail("The first modification was not replayed.");

    // Simulate loss of heartbeats.

    // Send a second modify operation message.
    mods = generatemods("description", "Description was changed");
    modMsg = new ModifyMsg(gen.newChangeNumber(),
        personWithUUIDEntry.getDN(), mods,

    // Check that the modify has been replayed.
    found = checkEntryHasAttribute(personWithUUIDEntry.getDN(),
                                   "description", "Description was changed",
                                   10000, true);
    if (!found)
      fail("The second modification was not replayed.");

    // Delete the entries to clean the database.
    DeleteMsg delMsg =
      new DeleteMsg(personWithUUIDEntry.getDN().toString(),
          gen.newChangeNumber(), user1entryUUID);
    resultEntry = getEntry(personWithUUIDEntry.getDN(), 10000, false);

    // Check that the delete operation has been applied.
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Examples of org.nasutekds.server.replication.common.ChangeNumberGenerator

     * Create a Change number generator to generate new changenumbers
     * when we need to send operations messages to the replicationServer.
    ChangeNumberGenerator gen = new ChangeNumberGenerator( 2, 0);

     * Test that the conflict resolution code is able to find entries
     * that have been renamed by an other master.
     * To simulate this, create an entry with a given UUID and a given DN
     * then send a modify operation using another DN but the same UUID.
     * Finally check that the modify operation has been applied.
    // create the entry with a given DN
    AddMsg addMsg = new AddMsg(gen.newChangeNumber(),
        personWithUUIDEntry.getAttributes(), new ArrayList<Attribute>());

    // Check that the entry has been created in the local DS.
    Entry resultEntry = getEntry(personWithUUIDEntry.getDN(), 10000, true);
        "The send ADD replication message was not applied");

    // send a modify operation with the correct unique ID but another DN
    List<Modification> mods = generatemods("telephonenumber", "01 02 45");
    ModifyMsg modMsg = new ModifyMsg(gen.newChangeNumber(),
        DN.decode("cn=something,ou=People," + TEST_ROOT_DN_STRING), mods,
    updateMonitorCount(baseDn, resolvedMonitorAttr);
    int AlertCount = DummyAlertHandler.getAlertCount();

    // check that the modify has been applied as if the entry had been renamed.
    boolean found = checkEntryHasAttribute(personWithUUIDEntry.getDN(),
                           "telephonenumber", "01 02 45", 10000, true);
    if (found == false)
     fail("The modification has not been correctly replayed.");
    assertEquals(getMonitorDelta(), 1);

    // check that there was no administrative alert generated
    // because the conflict has been automatically resolved.
    assertEquals(DummyAlertHandler.getAlertCount(), AlertCount,
        "An alert was incorrectly generated when resolving conflicts");

     * Test that modify conflict resolution is able to detect that
     * because there is a conflict between a MODIFYDN and a MODIFY,
     * when a MODIFY is replayed the attribute that is being modified is
     * now the RDN of the entry and therefore should not be deleted.
    // send a modify operation attempting to replace the RDN entry
    // with a new value
    mods = generatemods("uid", "AnotherUid");
    modMsg = new ModifyMsg(gen.newChangeNumber(),
        personWithUUIDEntry.getDN(), mods,

    updateMonitorCount(baseDn, resolvedMonitorAttr);
    AlertCount = DummyAlertHandler.getAlertCount();

    // check that the modify has been applied.
    found = checkEntryHasAttribute(personWithUUIDEntry.getDN(),
                           "uid", "AnotherUid", 10000, true);

    if (found == false)
      fail("The modification has not been correctly replayed.");
    assertEquals(getMonitorDelta(), 1);

     * Test that the conflict resolution code is able to detect
     * that an entry has been renamed and that a new entry has
     * been created with the same DN but another entry UUID
     * To simulate this, create and entry with a given UUID and a given DN
     * then send a modify operation using the same DN but another UUID.
     * Finally check that the modify operation has not been applied to the
     * entry with the given DN.

    //  create the entry with a given DN and unique ID
    addMsg = new AddMsg(gen.newChangeNumber(),
        user1entryUUID, baseUUID,
        personWithUUIDEntry.getAttributes(), new ArrayList<Attribute>());

    // Check that the entry has been created in the local DS.
    resultEntry = getEntry(personWithUUIDEntry.getDN(), 10000, true);
        "The ADD replication message was not applied");

    // send a modify operation with a wrong unique ID but the same DN
    mods = generatemods("telephonenumber", "02 01 03 05");
    modMsg = new ModifyMsg(gen.newChangeNumber(),
        DN.decode(user1dn), mods, "10000000-9abc-def0-1234-1234567890ab");
    updateMonitorCount(baseDn, resolvedMonitorAttr);
    AlertCount = DummyAlertHandler.getAlertCount();

    // check that the modify has not been applied
    found = checkEntryHasAttribute(personWithUUIDEntry.getDN(),
                           "telephonenumber", "02 01 03 05", 10000, false);
    if (found == true)
     fail("The modification has been replayed while it should not.");
    assertEquals(getMonitorDelta(), 1);

    // Check that there was no administrative alert generated
    // because the conflict has been automatically resolved.
    assertEquals(DummyAlertHandler.getAlertCount(), AlertCount,
        "An alert was incorrectly generated when resolving conflicts");

     * Test that the conflict resolution code is able to find entries
     * that have been renamed by an other master.
     * To simulate this, send a delete operation using another DN but
     * the same UUID has the entry that has been used in the tests above.
     * Finally check that the delete operation has been applied.
    // send a delete operation with a wrong dn but the unique ID of the entry
    // used above
    DeleteMsg delMsg =
      new DeleteMsg("cn=anotherdn,ou=People," + TEST_ROOT_DN_STRING,
          gen.newChangeNumber(), user1entryUUID);
    updateMonitorCount(baseDn, resolvedMonitorAttr);
    AlertCount = DummyAlertHandler.getAlertCount();

    // check that the delete operation has been applied
    resultEntry = getEntry(personWithUUIDEntry.getDN(), 10000, false);

        "The DELETE replication message was not replayed");
    assertEquals(getMonitorDelta(), 1);
    // Check that there was no administrative alert generated
    // because the conflict has been automatically resolved.
    assertEquals(DummyAlertHandler.getAlertCount(), AlertCount,
        "An alert was incorrectly generated when resolving conflicts");

     * Test that two adds with the same DN but a different unique ID result
     * cause a conflict and result in the second entry to be renamed.

    //  create an entry with a given DN and unique ID
    addMsg = new AddMsg(gen.newChangeNumber(),
        user1entryUUID, baseUUID,
        personWithUUIDEntry.getAttributes(), new ArrayList<Attribute>());

    //  Check that the entry has been created in the local DS.
    resultEntry = getEntry(personWithUUIDEntry.getDN(), 10000, true);
        "The ADD replication message was not applied");

    //  create an entry with the same DN and another unique ID
    addMsg = new AddMsg(gen.newChangeNumber(),
        user1entrysecondUUID, baseUUID,
        personWithSecondUniqueID.getAttributes(), new ArrayList<Attribute>());
    updateMonitorCount(baseDn, unresolvedMonitorAttr);
    AlertCount = DummyAlertHandler.getAlertCount();

    //  Check that the entry has been renamed and created in the local DS.
    resultEntry = getEntry(
        DN.decode("entryuuid=" + user1entrysecondUUID +" + " + user1dn),
        10000, true);
        "The ADD replication message was not applied");
    assertEquals(getMonitorDelta(), 1);
    // Check that there was an administrative alert generated
    // because the conflict has not been automatically resolved.
    assertEquals(DummyAlertHandler.getAlertCount(), AlertCount+1,
        "An alert was not generated when resolving conflicts");

    //  delete the entries to clean the database.
    delMsg =
      new DeleteMsg(personWithUUIDEntry.getDN().toString(),
          gen.newChangeNumber(), user1entryUUID);
    delMsg =
      new DeleteMsg(personWithSecondUniqueID.getDN().toString(),
          gen.newChangeNumber(), user1entrysecondUUID);
    resultEntry = getEntry(personWithUUIDEntry.getDN(), 10000, false);
    resultEntry = getEntry(personWithSecondUniqueID.getDN(), 10000, false);

    // check that the delete operation has been applied
        "The DELETE replication message was not replayed");
     * Check that and added entry is correctly added below it's
     * parent entry when this parent entry has been renamed.
     * Simulate this by trying to add an entry below a DN that does not
     * exist but with a parent ID that exist.
    addMsg = new AddMsg(gen.newChangeNumber(),
        "uid=new person,o=nothere,o=below,ou=People," + TEST_ROOT_DN_STRING,
        personWithUUIDEntry.getAttributes(), new ArrayList<Attribute>());
    updateMonitorCount(baseDn, resolvedMonitorAttr);
    AlertCount = DummyAlertHandler.getAlertCount();

    //  Check that the entry has been created in the local DS.
    resultEntry = getEntry(
        DN.decode("uid=new person,ou=People," + TEST_ROOT_DN_STRING), 10000, true);
        "The ADD replication message was not applied");
    assertEquals(getMonitorDelta(), 1);
    // Check that there was no administrative alert generated
    // because the conflict has been automatically resolved.
    assertEquals(DummyAlertHandler.getAlertCount(), AlertCount,
        "An alert was incorrectly generated when resolving conflicts");

     * Check that when replaying delete the naming conflict code
     * verify that the unique ID op the replayed operation is
     * the same as the unique ID of the entry with the given DN
     * To achieve this send a delete operation with a correct DN
     * but a wrong unique ID.

    delMsg =
      new DeleteMsg("uid=new person,ou=People," + TEST_ROOT_DN_STRING,
          gen.newChangeNumber(), "11111111-9abc-def0-1234-1234567890ab");
    updateMonitorCount(baseDn, resolvedMonitorAttr);
    AlertCount = DummyAlertHandler.getAlertCount();
    resultEntry = getEntry(
          DN.decode("uid=new person,ou=People," + TEST_ROOT_DN_STRING), 10000, true);

    // check that the delete operation has not been applied
        "The DELETE replication message was replayed when it should not");
    assertEquals(getMonitorDelta(), 1);

    // Check that there was no administrative alert generated
    // because the conflict has been automatically resolved.
    assertEquals(DummyAlertHandler.getAlertCount(), AlertCount,
        "An alert was incorrectly generated when resolving conflicts");

     * Check that when replaying modify dn operations, the conflict
     * resolution code is able to find the new DN of the parent entry
     * if it has been renamed on another master.
     * To simulate this try to rename an entry below an entry that does
     * not exist but giving the unique ID of an existing entry.

    ModifyDNMsg  modDnMsg = new ModifyDNMsg(
        "uid=new person,ou=People," + TEST_ROOT_DN_STRING, gen.newChangeNumber(),
        user1entryUUID, baseUUID, false,
        "uid=wrong, ou=people," + TEST_ROOT_DN_STRING,
    updateMonitorCount(baseDn, resolvedMonitorAttr);
    AlertCount = DummyAlertHandler.getAlertCount();

    resultEntry = getEntry(
        DN.decode("uid=newrdn,ou=People," + TEST_ROOT_DN_STRING), 10000, true);

    // check that the operation has been correctly relayed
      "The modify dn was not or badly replayed");
    assertEquals(getMonitorDelta(), 1);

    // Check that there was no administrative alert generated
    // because the conflict has been automatically resolved.
    assertEquals(DummyAlertHandler.getAlertCount(), AlertCount,
        "An alert was incorrectly generated when resolving conflicts");

     * same test but by giving a bad entry DN

     modDnMsg = new ModifyDNMsg(
        "uid=wrong,ou=People," + TEST_ROOT_DN_STRING, gen.newChangeNumber(),
        user1entryUUID, null, false, null, "uid=reallynewrdn");
    updateMonitorCount(baseDn, resolvedMonitorAttr);
    AlertCount = DummyAlertHandler.getAlertCount();

    resultEntry = getEntry(
        DN.decode("uid=reallynewrdn,ou=People," + TEST_ROOT_DN_STRING), 10000, true);

    // check that the operation has been correctly relayed
      "The modify dn was not or badly replayed");
    assertEquals(getMonitorDelta(), 1);

    // Check that there was no administrative alert generated
    // because the conflict has been automatically resolved.
    assertEquals(DummyAlertHandler.getAlertCount(), AlertCount,
        "An alert was incorrectly generated when resolving conflicts");

     * Check that conflicting entries are renamed when a
     * modifyDN is done with the same DN as an entry added on another server.

    // add a second entry
    addMsg = new AddMsg(gen.newChangeNumber(),
        personWithSecondUniqueID.getAttributes(), new ArrayList<Attribute>());

    //  check that the second entry has been added
    resultEntry = getEntry(DN.decode(user1dn), 10000, true);

    // check that the add operation has been applied
    assertNotNull(resultEntry, "The add operation was not replayed");

    // try to rename the first entry
    modDnMsg = new ModifyDNMsg(user1dn, gen.newChangeNumber(),
                               user1entrysecondUUID, baseUUID, false,
                               baseDn.toString(), "uid=reallynewrdn");
    updateMonitorCount(baseDn, unresolvedMonitorAttr);
    AlertCount = DummyAlertHandler.getAlertCount();

   // check that the second entry has been renamed
    resultEntry = getEntry(
        DN.decode("entryUUID = " + user1entrysecondUUID + "+uid=reallynewrdn," +
            "ou=People," + TEST_ROOT_DN_STRING), 10000, true);
    assertNotNull(resultEntry, "The modifyDN was not or incorrectly replayed");
    assertEquals(getMonitorDelta(), 1);

    // Check that there was no administrative alert generated
    // because the conflict has been automatically resolved.
    assertEquals(DummyAlertHandler.getAlertCount(), AlertCount+1,
        "An alert was not generated when resolving conflicts");

    // delete the entries to clean the database
    delMsg =
      new DeleteMsg("entryUUID = " + user1entrysecondUUID + "+" +
          DN.decode(user1dn).getRDN().toString() +
          ",ou=People," + TEST_ROOT_DN_STRING,
          gen.newChangeNumber(), user1entrysecondUUID);
    resultEntry = getEntry(
          DN.decode("entryUUID = " + user1entrysecondUUID + "+" +
              DN.decode(user1dn).getRDN().toString() +
              ",ou=People," + TEST_ROOT_DN_STRING), 10000, false);

    // check that the delete operation has been applied
        "The DELETE replication message was not replayed");

    delMsg =
      new DeleteMsg("uid=reallynewrdn,ou=People," + TEST_ROOT_DN_STRING,
          gen.newChangeNumber(), user1entryUUID);
    resultEntry = getEntry(
        DN.decode("uid=reallynewrdn,ou=People," + TEST_ROOT_DN_STRING), 10000, false);

    //  check that the delete operation has been applied
        "The DELETE replication message was not replayed");

     * When replaying add operations it is possible that the parent entry has
     * been renamed before and that another entry have taken the former dn of
     * the parent entry. In such case the replication replay code should
     * detect that the parent has been renamed and should add the entry below
     * the new dn of the parent (thus changing the original dn with which the
     * entry had been created)
     * Steps
     * - create parent entry 1 with baseDn1
     * - create Add Msg for user1 with parent entry 1 UUID
     * - MODDN parent entry 1 to baseDn2 in the LDAP server
     * - add new parent entry 2 with baseDn1
     * - publish msg
     * - check that the Dn has been changed to baseDn2 in the msg received

    // - create parent entry 1 with baseDn1
    String[] topEntries = new String[1];
    topEntries[0] = "dn: ou=baseDn1,"+baseDn+"\n" + "objectClass: top\n"
    + "objectClass: organizationalUnit\n"
    + "entryUUID: 55555555-5555-5555-5555-555555555555\n";
    Entry entry;
    for (String entryStr : topEntries)
      entry = TestCaseUtils.entryFromLdifString(entryStr);
      AddOperationBasis addOp = new AddOperationBasis(connection,
          InternalClientConnection.nextOperationID(), InternalClientConnection
          .nextMessageID(), null, entry.getDN(), entry.getObjectClasses(),
          entry.getUserAttributes(), entry.getOperationalAttributes());
    resultEntry = getEntry(
        DN.decode("ou=baseDn1,"+baseDn), 10000, true);
        "Entry not added: ou=baseDn1,"+baseDn);

    // - create Add Msg for user1 with parent entry 1 UUID
    addMsg = new AddMsg(gen.newChangeNumber(),
        "uid=new person,ou=baseDn1,"+baseDn,
        personWithUUIDEntry.getAttributes(), new ArrayList<Attribute>());

    // - MODDN parent entry 1 to baseDn2 in the LDAP server
    ModifyDNOperationBasis modDNOp = new ModifyDNOperationBasis(connection,
        InternalClientConnection.nextOperationID(), InternalClientConnection
        .nextMessageID(), null,
        RDN.decode("ou=baseDn2"), true,

    resultEntry = getEntry(
        DN.decode("ou=baseDn2,"+baseDn), 10000, true);
        "Entry not moved from ou=baseDn1,"+baseDn+" to ou=baseDn2,"+baseDn);

    // - add new parent entry 2 with baseDn1
    String p2 = "dn: ou=baseDn1,"+baseDn+"\n" + "objectClass: top\n"
         + "objectClass: organizationalUnit\n"
         + "entryUUID: 66666666-6666-6666-6666-666666666666\n";
    entry = TestCaseUtils.entryFromLdifString(p2);
    AddOperationBasis addOp = new AddOperationBasis(connection,
        InternalClientConnection.nextOperationID(), InternalClientConnection
        .nextMessageID(), null, entry.getDN(), entry.getObjectClasses(),
        entry.getUserAttributes(), entry.getOperationalAttributes());

    // - publish msg
    updateMonitorCount(baseDn, resolvedMonitorAttr);
    AlertCount = DummyAlertHandler.getAlertCount();

    // - check that the DN has been changed to baseDn2
    resultEntry = getEntry(
        DN.decode("uid=new person,ou=baseDn1,"+baseDn), 10000, false);
        "The ADD replication message was applied under ou=baseDn1,"+baseDn);

    resultEntry = getEntry(
        DN.decode("uid=new person,ou=baseDn2,"+baseDn), 10000, true);
        "The ADD replication message was NOT applied under ou=baseDn2,"+baseDn);
    assertEquals(getMonitorDelta(), 1);

    // Check that there was no administrative alert generated
    // because the conflict has been automatically resolved.
    assertEquals(DummyAlertHandler.getAlertCount(), AlertCount,
        "An alert was incorrectly generated when resolving conflicts");

    // Check that when a delete is conflicting with Add of some entries
    // below the deleted entries, the child entry that have been added
    // before the deleted is replayed gets renamed correctly.

    // add domain1 entry with 2 children : domain2 and domain3
    ChangeNumber olderCn = gen.newChangeNumber();
    domain1uid = getEntryUUID(DN.decode(domain1dn));
    domain2uid = getEntryUUID(DN.decode(domain2dn));
    domain3uid = getEntryUUID(DN.decode(domain3dn));
    DN conflictDomain2dn = DN.decode(
        "entryUUID = " + domain2uid + "+dc=domain2,ou=people," + TEST_ROOT_DN_STRING);
    DN conflictDomain3dn = DN.decode(
        "entryUUID = " + domain3uid + "+dc=domain3,ou=people," + TEST_ROOT_DN_STRING);

    updateMonitorCount(baseDn, unresolvedMonitorAttr);
    AlertCount = DummyAlertHandler.getAlertCount();

    // delete domain1
    delMsg = new DeleteMsg(domain1dn, olderCn, domain1uid);

    // check that the domain1 has correctly been deleted
    assertNull(getEntry(DN.decode(domain1dn), 10000, false),
        "The DELETE replication message was not replayed");

    // check that domain2 and domain3 have been renamed
    assertNotNull(getEntry(conflictDomain2dn, 1000, true),
        "The conflicting entries were not created");
    assertNotNull(getEntry(conflictDomain3dn, 1000, true),
        "The conflicting entries were not created");

    // check that the 2 conflicting entries have been correctly marked
        LDAPReplicationDomain.DS_SYNC_CONFLICT, domain2dn, 1000, true));
        LDAPReplicationDomain.DS_SYNC_CONFLICT, domain3dn, 1000, true));

    // check that unresolved conflict count has been incremented
    assertEquals(getMonitorDelta(), 1);

    // Check that an administrative alert was generated
    // because the conflict has not been automatically resolved.
    assertEquals(DummyAlertHandler.getAlertCount(), AlertCount+2,
        "An alert was incorrectly generated when resolving conflicts");

    // delete the resulting entries for the next test

    // Check that when a delete is replayed over an entry which has child
    // those child are also deleted
    // add domain1 entry with 2 children : domain2 and domain3
    domain1uid = getEntryUUID(DN.decode(domain1dn));
    domain2uid = getEntryUUID(DN.decode(domain2dn));
    ChangeNumber addCn =  addEntry(domain3);
    domain3uid = getEntryUUID(DN.decode(domain3dn));

    updateMonitorCount(baseDn, unresolvedMonitorAttr);
    AlertCount = DummyAlertHandler.getAlertCount();

    // delete domain1
    delMsg = new DeleteMsg(domain1dn, gen.newChangeNumber(), domain1uid);

    // check that the domain1 has correctly been deleted
    assertNull(getEntry(DN.decode(domain1dn), 10000, false),
        "The DELETE replication message was not replayed");

    // check that domain2 and domain3 have been renamed as conflicting
    String confDomain2dn = "entryuuid="+domain2uid+"+dc=domain2,ou=people,"+TEST_ROOT_DN_STRING;
    String confDomain3dn = "entryuuid="+domain3uid+"+dc=domain3,ou=people,"+TEST_ROOT_DN_STRING;
    "The conflicting entry exist for domain2" + confDomain2dn);
    "The conflicting entry exist for domain3" + confDomain3dn);
    // check that unresolved conflict count has been incremented
    assertEquals(getMonitorDelta(), 1);


    // Check that when an entry is added on one master below an entry
    // that is currently deleted on another master, the replay of the
    // add on the second master cause the added entry to be renamed
    addMsg = new AddMsg(gen.newChangeNumber(), domain2dn, domain2uid,
        domain2.getAttributes(), new ArrayList<Attribute>());

    // check that conflict entry was created
    assertNotNull(getEntry(conflictDomain2dn, 1000, true),
      "The conflicting entries were not created");

    // check that the entry have been correctly marked as conflicting.
        LDAPReplicationDomain.DS_SYNC_CONFLICT, domain2dn, 1000, true));

    // check that unresolved conflict count has been incremented
    assertEquals(getMonitorDelta(), 1);

    // Check that when an entry is deleted on a first master and
    // renamed on a second master and the rename is replayed last
    // this is correctly detected as a resolved conflict.
    // To simulate this simply try a modifyDN on a non existent uid.
    modDnMsg = new ModifyDNMsg(
        "uid=new person,ou=People," + TEST_ROOT_DN_STRING, gen.newChangeNumber(),
        "33343333-3533-3633-3373-333333833333", baseUUID, false,
        "uid=wrong, ou=people," + TEST_ROOT_DN_STRING,
    updateMonitorCount(baseDn, resolvedMonitorAttr);
    AlertCount = DummyAlertHandler.getAlertCount();
    // unfortunately it is difficult to check that the operation
    // did not do anything.
    // The only thing we can check is that resolved naming conflict counter
    // has correctly been incremented.
    int count = 0;
    while ((count<2000) && getMonitorDelta() == 0)
      // it is possible that the update has not yet been applied
      // wait a short time and try again.
    // if the monitor counter did not get incremented after 200sec
    // then something got wrong.
    assertTrue(count < 200);

    // Check that there was no administrative alert generated
    // because the conflict has been automatically resolved.
    assertEquals(DummyAlertHandler.getAlertCount(), AlertCount,
        "An alert was incorrectly generated when resolving conflicts");

     * Check that a conflict is detected when an entry is
     * moved below an entry that does not exist.
    updateMonitorCount(baseDn, unresolvedMonitorAttr);
    AlertCount = DummyAlertHandler.getAlertCount();
    modDnMsg = new ModifyDNMsg(
        "uid=new person,ou=People," + TEST_ROOT_DN_STRING, gen.newChangeNumber(),
        "12343333-3533-3633-3333-333333833333" , false,
        "uid=wrong, ou=people," + TEST_ROOT_DN_STRING,
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Examples of org.nasutekds.server.replication.common.ChangeNumberGenerator

    ReplicationBroker broker =
      openReplicationSession(baseDn,  27, 100, replServerPort, 2000, true);

    try {
      ChangeNumberGenerator gen = new ChangeNumberGenerator( 27, 0);

       * Test that operations done on this server are sent to the
       * replicationServer and forwarded to our replicationServer broker session.

      // Create an Entry (add operation)
      Entry tmp = personEntry.duplicate(false);
      AddOperationBasis addOp = new AddOperationBasis(connection,
          InternalClientConnection.nextOperationID(), InternalClientConnection
          .nextMessageID(), null, tmp.getDN(),
          tmp.getObjectClasses(), tmp.getUserAttributes(),
      "The Add Entry operation failed");

      if (ResultCode.SUCCESS.equals(addOp.getResultCode()))
        // Check if the client has received the msg
        ReplicationMsg msg = broker.receive();
        assertTrue(msg instanceof AddMsg,
        "The received replication message is not an ADD msg : " + msg);
        AddMsg addMsg =  (AddMsg) msg;

        Operation receivedOp = addMsg.createOperation(connection);
        assertTrue(OperationType.ADD.compareTo(receivedOp.getOperationType()) == 0,
        "The received replication message is not an ADD msg : " + addMsg);

        "The received ADD replication message is not for the excepted DN : " + addMsg);

      // Modify the entry
      List<Modification> mods = generatemods("telephonenumber", "01 02 45");

      ModifyOperationBasis modOp = new ModifyOperationBasis(connection,
          InternalClientConnection.nextOperationID(), InternalClientConnection
          .nextMessageID(), null, personEntry.getDN(), mods);

      // See if the client has received the msg
      ReplicationMsg msg = broker.receive();
      assertTrue(msg instanceof ModifyMsg,
      "The received replication message is not a MODIFY msg : " + msg);
      ModifyMsg modMsg = (ModifyMsg) msg;

      assertTrue(DN.decode(modMsg.getDn()).compareTo(personEntry.getDN()) == 0,
      "The received MODIFY replication message is not for the excepted DN : " + modMsg);

      // Modify the entry DN
      DN newDN = DN.decode("uid= new person,ou=People," + TEST_ROOT_DN_STRING) ;
      ModifyDNOperationBasis modDNOp = new ModifyDNOperationBasis(connection,
          InternalClientConnection.nextOperationID(), InternalClientConnection
          .nextMessageID(), null, personEntry.getDN(), RDN
          .decode("uid=new person"), true, DN
          .decode("ou=People," + TEST_ROOT_DN_STRING));
      "The MOD_DN operation didn't create the new person entry");
      "The MOD_DN operation didn't delete the old person entry");

      // See if the client has received the msg
      msg = broker.receive();
      assertTrue(msg instanceof ModifyDNMsg,
      "The received replication message is not a MODIFY DN msg : " + msg);
      ModifyDNMsg moddnMsg = (ModifyDNMsg) msg;

      assertTrue(DN.decode(moddnMsg.getDn()).compareTo(personEntry.getDN()) == 0,
      "The received MODIFY_DN message is not for the excepted DN : " + moddnMsg);

      // Delete the entry
      DeleteOperationBasis delOp = new DeleteOperationBasis(connection,
          InternalClientConnection.nextOperationID(), InternalClientConnection
          .nextMessageID(), null, DN
          .decode("uid= new person,ou=People," + TEST_ROOT_DN_STRING));
      "Unable to delete the new person Entry");

      // See if the client has received the msg
      msg = broker.receive();
      assertTrue(msg instanceof DeleteMsg,
      "The received replication message is not a MODIFY DN msg : " + msg);
      DeleteMsg delMsg = (DeleteMsg) msg;
          .decode("uid= new person,ou=People," + TEST_ROOT_DN_STRING)) == 0,
      "The received DELETE message is not for the excepted DN : " + delMsg);

       * Now check that when we send message to the ReplicationServer
       * and that they are received and correctly replayed by the server.
       * Start by testing the Add message reception
      AddMsg addMsg = new AddMsg(gen.newChangeNumber(),
          user1entryUUID, baseUUID,
          personWithUUIDEntry.getAttributes(), new ArrayList<Attribute>());
      if (assured)

       * Check that the entry has been created in the local DS.
      Entry resultEntry = getEntry(personWithUUIDEntry.getDN(), 10000, true);
      "The send ADD replication message was not applied for "+personWithUUIDEntry.getDN().toString());

       * Test the reception of Modify Msg
      modMsg = new ModifyMsg(gen.newChangeNumber(), personWithUUIDEntry.getDN(),
          mods, user1entryUUID);
      if (assured)

      boolean found = checkEntryHasAttribute(personWithUUIDEntry.getDN(),
          "telephonenumber", "01 02 45", 10000, true);

      if (found == false)
        fail("The modification has not been correctly replayed.");

      // Test that replication is able to add attribute that do
      // not exist in the schema.
      List<Modification> invalidMods = generatemods("badattribute", "value");
      modMsg = new ModifyMsg(gen.newChangeNumber(), personWithUUIDEntry.getDN(),
          invalidMods, user1entryUUID);
      if (assured)

      found = checkEntryHasAttribute(
          personWithUUIDEntry.getDN(), "badattribute", "value", 10000, true);
      if (found == false)
        fail("The modification has not been correctly replayed.");

       * Test the Reception of Modify Dn Msg
      moddnMsg = new ModifyDNMsg(personWithUUIDEntry.getDN().toString(),
          user1entryUUID, null,
          true, null, "uid= new person");
      if (assured)

      resultEntry = getEntry(
          DN.decode("uid= new person,ou=People," + TEST_ROOT_DN_STRING), 10000, true);

      "The modify DN replication message was not applied");

       * Test the Reception of Delete Msg
      delMsg = new DeleteMsg("uid= new person,ou=People," + TEST_ROOT_DN_STRING,
          gen.newChangeNumber(), user1entryUUID);
      if (assured)
      resultEntry = getEntry(
          DN.decode("uid= new person,ou=People," + TEST_ROOT_DN_STRING), 10000, false);
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