Examples of Centroid

Examples of org.apache.mahout.math.Centroid

    estimateDistanceCutoff = false;

  public void map(Writable key, VectorWritable point, Context context) {
    Centroid centroid = new Centroid(numPoints++, point.get(), 1);
    if (estimateDistanceCutoff) {
      if (numPoints < NUM_ESTIMATE_POINTS) {
      } else if (numPoints == NUM_ESTIMATE_POINTS) {
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Examples of org.apache.mahout.math.Centroid

    return Iterables.transform(inputIterable, new Function<VectorWritable, Centroid>() {
      private int numVectors = 0;
      public Centroid apply(VectorWritable input) {
        return new Centroid(numVectors++, new RandomAccessSparseVector(input.get()), 1);
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Examples of org.apache.mahout.math.Centroid

      public Centroid apply(Vector input) {
        if (input instanceof Centroid) {
          return (Centroid) input;
        } else {
          return new Centroid(numVectors++, input, 1);
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Examples of org.apache.mahout.math.Centroid

    SequenceFile.Writer writer = SequenceFile.createWriter(FileSystem.get(conf), conf, output, IntWritable.class,
    int numCentroids = 0;
    // Run BallKMeans on the intermediate centroids.
    for (Vector finalVector : StreamingKMeansReducer.getBestCentroids(intermediateCentroids, conf)) {
      Centroid finalCentroid = (Centroid)finalVector;
      writer.append(new IntWritable(numCentroids++), new CentroidWritable(finalCentroid));
    long end = System.currentTimeMillis();
    log.info("Finished BallKMeans. Took {}.", (end - start) / 1000.0);
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Examples of org.apache.mahout.math.Centroid

      seedSelector.add(i, datapoints.get(i).getWeight() / totalWeight);
    for (int i = 0; i < numClusters; ++i) {
      int sample = seedSelector.sample();
      Centroid centroid = new Centroid(datapoints.get(sample));
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Examples of org.apache.mahout.math.Centroid

    Preconditions.checkArgument(datapoints.size() > 1, "Must have at least two datapoints points to cluster " +
    Preconditions.checkArgument(datapoints.size() >= numClusters,
        String.format("Must have more datapoints [%d] than clusters [%d]", datapoints.size(), numClusters));
    // Compute the centroid of all of the datapoints.  This is then used to compute the squared radius of the datapoints.
    Centroid center = new Centroid(datapoints.iterator().next());
    for (WeightedVector row : Iterables.skip(datapoints, 1)) {

    // Given the centroid, we can compute \Delta_1^2(X), the total squared distance for the datapoints
    // this accelerates seed selection.
    double deltaX = 0;
    DistanceMeasure distanceMeasure = centroids.getDistanceMeasure();
    for (WeightedVector row : datapoints) {
      deltaX += distanceMeasure.distance(row, center);

    // Find the first seed c_1 (and conceptually the second, c_2) as might be done in the 2-means clustering so that
    // the probability of selecting c_1 and c_2 is proportional to || c_1 - c_2 ||^2.  This is done
    // by first selecting c_1 with probability:
    // p(c_1) = sum_{c_1} || c_1 - c_2 ||^2 \over sum_{c_1, c_2} || c_1 - c_2 ||^2
    // This can be simplified to:
    // p(c_1) = \Delta_1^2(X) + n || c_1 - c ||^2 / (2 n \Delta_1^2(X))
    // where c = \sum x / n and \Delta_1^2(X) = sum || x - c ||^2
    // All subsequent seeds c_i (including c_2) can then be selected from the remaining points with probability
    // proportional to Pr(c_i == x_j) = min_{m < i} || c_m - x_j ||^2.

    // Multinomial distribution of vector indices for the selection seeds. These correspond to
    // the indices of the vectors in the original datapoints list.
    Multinomial<Integer> seedSelector = new Multinomial<Integer>();
    for (int i = 0; i < datapoints.size(); ++i) {
      double selectionProbability =
          deltaX + datapoints.size() * distanceMeasure.distance(datapoints.get(i), center);
      seedSelector.add(i, selectionProbability);

    int selected = random.nextInt(datapoints.size());
    Centroid c_1 = new Centroid(datapoints.get(selected).clone());
    // Construct a set of weighted things which can be used for random selection.  Initial weights are
    // set to the squared distance from c_1
    for (int i = 0; i < datapoints.size(); ++i) {
      WeightedVector row = datapoints.get(i);
      double w = distanceMeasure.distance(c_1, row) * 2 * Math.log(1 + row.getWeight());
      seedSelector.set(i, w);

    // From here, seeds are selected with probability proportional to:
    // r_i = min_{c_j} || x_i - c_j ||^2
    // when we only have c_1, we have already set these distances and as we select each new
    // seed, we update the minimum distances.
    int clusterIndex = 1;
    while (centroids.size() < numClusters) {
      // Select according to weights.
      int seedIndex = seedSelector.sample();
      Centroid nextSeed = new Centroid(datapoints.get(seedIndex));
      // Don't select this one again.
      // Re-weight everything according to the minimum distance to a seed.
      for (int currSeedIndex : seedSelector) {
        WeightedVector curr = datapoints.get(currSeedIndex);
        double newWeight = nextSeed.getWeight() * distanceMeasure.distance(nextSeed, curr);
        if (newWeight < seedSelector.getWeight(currSeedIndex)) {
          seedSelector.set(currSeedIndex, newWeight);
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Examples of org.apache.mahout.math.Centroid

      // Copies the current cluster centroids to newClusters and sets their weights to 0. This is
      // so we calculate the new centroids as we go through the datapoints.
      List<Centroid> newCentroids = Lists.newArrayList();
      for (Vector centroid : centroids) {
        // need a deep copy because we will mutate these values
        Centroid newCentroid = (Centroid)centroid.clone();

      // Pass over the datapoints computing new centroids.
      for (int j = 0; j < datapoints.size(); ++j) {
        WeightedVector datapoint = datapoints.get(j);
        // Get the closest cluster this point belongs to.
        WeightedThing<Vector> closestPair = centroids.searchFirst(datapoint, false);
        int closestIndex = ((WeightedVector) closestPair.getValue()).getIndex();
        double closestDistance = closestPair.getWeight();
        // Update its cluster assignment if necessary.
        if (closestIndex != clusterAssignments.get(j)) {
          changed = true;
          clusterAssignments.set(j, closestIndex);
        // Only update if the datapoints point is near enough. What this means is that the weight
        // of outliers is NOT taken into account and the final weights of the centroids will
        // reflect this (it will be less or equal to the initial sum of the weights).
        if (closestDistance < trimFraction * closestClusterDistances.get(closestIndex)) {
      // Add the new centers back into searcher.

    if (correctWeights) {
      for (Vector v : centroids) {
      for (WeightedVector datapoint : datapoints) {
        Centroid closestCentroid = (Centroid) centroids.searchFirst(datapoint, false).getValue();
        closestCentroid.setWeight(closestCentroid.getWeight() + datapoint.getWeight());
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Examples of org.apache.mahout.math.Centroid


    // To cluster, we scan the data and either add each point to the nearest group or create a new group.
    // when we get too many groups, we need to increase the threshold and rescan our current groups
    while (datapointsIterator.hasNext()) {
      Centroid row = datapointsIterator.next();
      // Get the closest vector and its weight as a WeightedThing<Vector>.
      // The weight of the WeightedThing is the distance to the query and the value is a
      // reference to one of the vectors we added to the searcher previously.
      WeightedThing<Vector> closestPair = centroids.searchFirst(row, false);

      // We get a uniformly distributed random number between 0 and 1 and compare it with the
      // distance to the closest cluster divided by the distanceCutoff.
      // This is so that if the closest cluster is further than distanceCutoff,
      // closestPair.getWeight() / distanceCutoff > 1 which will trigger the creation of a new
      // cluster anyway.
      // However, if the ratio is less than 1, we want to create a new cluster with probability
      // proportional to the distance to the closest cluster.
      double sample = random.nextDouble();
      if (sample < row.getWeight() * closestPair.getWeight() / distanceCutoff) {
        // Add new centroid, note that the vector is copied because we may mutate it later.
      } else {
        // Merge the new point with the existing centroid. This will update the centroid's actual
        // position.
        // We know that all the points we inserted in the centroids searcher are (or extend)
        // WeightedVector, so the cast will always succeed.
        Centroid centroid = (Centroid) closestPair.getValue();

        // We will update the centroid by removing it from the searcher and reinserting it to
        // ensure consistency.
        if (!centroids.remove(centroid, Constants.EPSILON)) {
          throw new RuntimeException("Unable to remove centroid");


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Examples of org.apache.mahout.math.Centroid

    for (int i = 0; i < searcher.size(); ++i) {
      summarizers.add(new OnlineSummarizer());
    for (Vector v : datapoints) {
      Centroid closest = (Centroid)searcher.search(v,  1).get(0).getValue();
      OnlineSummarizer summarizer = summarizers.get(closest.getIndex());
      summarizer.add(distanceMeasure.distance(v, closest));
    return summarizers;
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Examples of org.apache.mahout.math.Centroid

      int pow2J = 1 << (numDimensions - 1);
      for (int j = 0; j < numDimensions; ++j) {
        v.set(j, 1.0 / pow2J * (i & pow2J));
        pow2J >>= 1;
      mean.add(new Centroid(i, v, 1));
      rowSamplers.add(new MultiNormal(distributionRadius, v));

    // Sample the requested number of data points.
    List<Centroid> data = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(numDatapoints);
    for (int i = 0; i < numDatapoints; ++i) {
      data.add(new Centroid(i, rowSamplers.get(i % pow2N).sample(), 1));
    return new Pair<List<Centroid>, List<Centroid>>(data, mean);
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