String iorFile;
String host;
BufferedReader br;
BufferedWriter bw;
CDRInputStream is;
CDROutputStream os;
ParsedIOR pior;
IOR ior;
TaggedProfile[] profiles;
ProfileBody_1_0 body10;
ProfileBody_1_1 body11;
short port;
int iport;
if (args.length != 3)
System.err.println ("Usage: fixior host port ior_file");
System.exit( 1 );
host = args[0];
// Read in IOR from file
iorFile = args[2];
br = new BufferedReader (new FileReader (iorFile));
iorString = br.readLine();
br.close ();
if (iorString == null)
System.err.println("cannot read IOR from " + iorFile);
if (!iorString.startsWith("IOR:"))
System.err.println ("IOR must be in the standard IOR URL format");
System.exit (1);
iport = Integer.parseInt (args[1]);
if (iport > 32767)
iport = iport - 65536;
port = (short) iport;
orb = org.omg.CORBA.ORB.init (args, null);
// Parse IOR
pior = new ParsedIOR((ORB) orb, iorString);
ior = pior.getIOR ();
// Iterate through IIOP profiles setting host and port
profiles = ior.profiles;
for (int i = 0; i < profiles.length; i++)
if (profiles[i].tag == TAG_INTERNET_IOP.value)
is = new CDRInputStream (orb, profiles[i].profile_data);
is.openEncapsulatedArray ();
body10 = (is);
is.close ();
os = new CDROutputStream ();
os.beginEncapsulatedArray ();
if (body10.iiop_version.minor > 0)
is = new CDRInputStream (orb, profiles[i].profile_data);
is.openEncapsulatedArray ();
body11 = (is);
is.close (); = host;
body11.port = port;
ProfileBody_1_1Helper.write (os, body11);
{ = host;
body10.port = port;
ProfileBody_1_0Helper.write (os, body10);
profiles[i].profile_data = os.getBufferCopy ();
pior = new ParsedIOR ((org.jacorb.orb.ORB)orb, ior);