A Flow is a logical unit of work declared by an assembly of {@link cascading.pipe.Pipe} instances connected to sourceand sink {@link Tap} instances.
A Flow is then executed to push the incoming source data through the assembly into one or more sinks.
A Flow sub-class instance may not be instantiated directly in most cases, see sub-classes of {@link FlowConnector} classfor supported platforms.
Note that {@link cascading.pipe.Pipe} assemblies can be reused in multiple Flow instances. They maintainno state regarding the Flow execution. Subsequently, {@link cascading.pipe.Pipe} assemblies can be givenparameters through its calling Flow so they can be built in a generic fashion.
When a Flow is created, an optimized internal representation is created that is then executed on the underlying execution platform. This is typically done by creating one or more {@link FlowStep} instances.
Flows are submitted in order of dependency when used with a {@link cascading.cascade.Cascade}. If two or more steps do not share the same dependencies and all can be scheduled simultaneously, the {@link #getSubmitPriority()} value determinesthe order in which all steps will be submitted for execution. The default submit priority is 5.
Use the {@link FlowListener} to receive any events on the life-cycle of the Flow as it executes. Any{@link Tap} instances owned by the Flow also implementing FlowListener will automatically be added to theset of listeners.
@see FlowListener
@see cascading.flow.FlowConnector