String outgoingMessageString = null;
String outgoingMessageCharset = null;
try {
incomingMessageObject = myParser.parse(incomingMessageString);
Terser inTerser = new Terser(incomingMessageObject);
theMetadata.put(MetadataKeys.IN_MESSAGE_CONTROL_ID, inTerser.get("/.MSH-10"));
catch (HL7Exception e) {
try {
outgoingMessageString = logAndMakeErrorMessage(e, myParser.getCriticalResponseData(incomingMessageString), myParser, myParser.getEncoding(incomingMessageString));
} catch (HL7Exception e2) {
outgoingMessageString = null;
if (myExceptionHandler != null) {
outgoingMessageString = myExceptionHandler.processException(incomingMessageString, theMetadata, outgoingMessageString, e);
if (outgoingMessageString == null) {
throw new HL7Exception("Application exception handler may not return null");
if (outgoingMessageString == null) {
try {
//optionally check integrity of parse
String check = System.getProperty("ca.uhn.hl7v2.protocol.impl.check_parse");
if (check != null && check.equals("TRUE")) {
ParseChecker.checkParse(incomingMessageString, incomingMessageObject, myParser);
//message validation (in terms of optionality, cardinality) would go here ***
ReceivingApplication app = findApplication(incomingMessageObject);
theMetadata.put(RAW_MESSAGE_KEY, incomingMessageString);
log.debug("Sending message to application: {}", app.toString());
Message response = app.processMessage(incomingMessageObject, theMetadata);
//Here we explicitly use the same encoding as that of the inbound message - this is important with GenericParser, which might use a different encoding by default
outgoingMessageString = myParser.encode(response, myParser.getEncoding(incomingMessageString));
Terser t = new Terser(response);
outgoingMessageCharset = t.get(METADATA_KEY_MESSAGE_CHARSET);
} catch (Exception e) {
outgoingMessageString = handleProcessMessageException(incomingMessageString, theMetadata, incomingMessageObject, e);
} catch (Error e) {
log.debug("Caught runtime exception of type {}, going to wrap it as HL7Exception and handle it", e.getClass());
HL7Exception wrapped = new HL7Exception(e);