From an HL7 messaging perspective, a ReceivingApplication is a consumer of a messages. Once a parser parses an incoming message, the message would normally be forwarded to an application of some sort (e.g. a lab system) which would process the message in some way meaningful for it, and then return a response.
If you are wondering how to integrate HAPI into an existing server application, this is probably the place. Create a class that implements ReceivingApplication, then look at HL7Server and ApplicationRouter to see how to get HAPI to listen for messages on a socket and pass them to your ReceivingApplication.
Note that this interface replaces in HAPI 0.5. @author Bryan Tripp @version $Revision: 1.1 $ updated on $Date: 2007-02-19 02:24:38 $ by $Author: jamesagnew $