A Parser for the ER7 encoding, which is faster than PipeParser, but fussier and harder to use. It's harder to use in that you must tell it ahead of time which segments and fields to parse for each event, as well as where in a message structure to find each segment. It's fussier in that each segment you identify as to-be-parsed must always be present in the message (although it can be empty -- the minimum needed is the segment name and a carriage return). Note that an instance of configuration data (see StructRef below) takes on some state during parsing, so it can only be used to parse one message at a time. There is a synchronized block to ensure this, but if parallel parsing with the same configuration (e.g. parsing multiple messages of the same event at once) is needed, you may want to pool some FastParsers or use separate ones in separate threads.
Bryan Tripp
@version $Revision: 1.3 $ updated on $Date: 2009-10-03 15:25:46 $ by $Author: jamesagnew $