Represents an HL7 timestamp, which is related to the HL7 TS type. In version 2.5, TS is a composite type. The first component is type DTM, which corresponds to this class (actually model.v25.datatype.DTM inherits from this class at time of writing). In HL7 versions 2.2-2.4, it wasn't perfectly clear whether TS was composite or primitive. HAPI interprets it as composite, with the first component having a type that isn't defined by HL7, and we call this type TSComponentOne. In v2.1, TS is primitive, and corresponds one-to-one with this class.
Neal Acharya
Bryan Tripp
@version $Revision: 1.2 $ updated on $Date: 2011-02-21 17:55:08 $ by $Author: jamesagnew $