private AssignmentManagerWithExtrasForTesting setUpMockedAssignmentManager(final Server server,
final ServerManager manager)
throws IOException, KeeperException {
// We need a mocked catalog tracker. Its used by our AM instance.
CatalogTracker ct = Mockito.mock(CatalogTracker.class);
// Make an RS Interface implementation. Make it so a scanner can go against
// it and a get to return the single region, REGIONINFO, this test is
// messing with. Needed when "new master" joins cluster. AM will try and
// rebuild its list of user regions and it will also get the HRI that goes
// with an encoded name by doing a Get on .META.
HRegionInterface ri = Mockito.mock(HRegionInterface.class);
// Get a meta row result that has region up on SERVERNAME_A for REGIONINFO
Result[] result = null;
if (enabling) {
result = new Result[2];
result[0] = getMetaTableRowResult(REGIONINFO, SERVERNAME_A);
result[1] = getMetaTableRowResult(REGIONINFO_2, SERVERNAME_A);
Result r = getMetaTableRowResult(REGIONINFO, SERVERNAME_A);
Mockito.when(ri .openScanner((byte[]) Mockito.any(), (Scan) Mockito.any())).
if (enabling) {
Mockito.when(ri.next(Mockito.anyLong(), Mockito.anyInt())).thenReturn(result, result, result,
(Result[]) null);
// If a get, return the above result too for REGIONINFO_2
Mockito.when(ri.get((byte[]) Mockito.any(), (Get) Mockito.any())).thenReturn(
getMetaTableRowResult(REGIONINFO_2, SERVERNAME_A));
} else {
// Return good result 'r' first and then return null to indicate end of scan
Mockito.when(ri.next(Mockito.anyLong(), Mockito.anyInt())).thenReturn(new Result[] { r });
// If a get, return the above result too for REGIONINFO
Mockito.when(ri.get((byte[]) Mockito.any(), (Get) Mockito.any())).thenReturn(r);
// Get a connection w/ mocked up common methods.
HConnection connection = HConnectionTestingUtility.
getMockedConnectionAndDecorate(HTU.getConfiguration(), ri, SERVERNAME_B,
// Make it so we can get the connection from our mocked catalogtracker
// Create and startup an executor. Used by AM handling zk callbacks.
ExecutorService executor = startupMasterExecutor("mockedAMExecutor");
this.balancer = LoadBalancerFactory.getLoadBalancer(server.getConfiguration());
AssignmentManagerWithExtrasForTesting am = new AssignmentManagerWithExtrasForTesting(
server, manager, ct, balancer, executor);