Examples of CashFlow

Examples of org.jquantlib.cashflow.CashFlow

        for (int i=1; i<notionalSchedule_.size(); ++i) {
            final double R = i < redemptions.size() ? redemptions.get(i) :
                  !redemptions.isEmpty() ? redemptions.get(redemptions.size()-1) : 100.0;
            final double amount = (R/100.0)*(notionals_.get(i-1)-notionals_.get(i));
            final CashFlow  redemption = new SimpleCashFlow(amount, notionalSchedule_.get(i));
        // stable_sort now moves the redemptions to the right places
        // while ensuring that they follow coupons with the same date.
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Examples of org.jquantlib.cashflow.CashFlow

        notionals_.add( notional);


        final CashFlow redemptionCashflow =  new SimpleCashFlow(notional*redemption/100.0, date);
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Examples of org.jquantlib.cashflow.CashFlow

        QL.require(payoff!=null, "non-striked payoff given"); // TODO: message

        final Date settlementDate = process.riskFreeRate().currentLink().referenceDate();
        double riskless = 0.0;
        for (int i=0; i<a.cashFlow.size(); i++) {
            final CashFlow cashflow = a.cashFlow.get(i);
            if (cashflow.date().gt(settlementDate)) {
                riskless += cashflow.amount() * process.riskFreeRate().currentLink().discount(cashflow.date());

        final double spot = process.stateVariable().currentLink().value() - riskless;
        QL.require(spot > 0.0, "negative or null underlying after subtracting dividends"); // TODO: message

        final /*@DiscountFactor*/ double dividendDiscount = process.dividendYield().currentLink().discount(a.exercise.lastDate());
        final /*@DiscountFactor*/ double riskFreeDiscount = process.riskFreeRate().currentLink().discount(a.exercise.lastDate());
        final double forwardPrice = spot * dividendDiscount / riskFreeDiscount;

        final double variance = process.blackVolatility().currentLink().blackVariance(a.exercise.lastDate(), payoff.strike());
        final BlackCalculator black = new BlackCalculator(payoff, forwardPrice, Math.sqrt(variance), riskFreeDiscount);

        r.value = black.value();
        greeks.delta = black.delta(spot);
        greeks.gamma = black.gamma(spot);

        final DayCounter rfdc  = process.riskFreeRate().currentLink().dayCounter();
        final DayCounter voldc = process.blackVolatility().currentLink().dayCounter();
        /*@Time*/ double t = voldc.yearFraction(process.blackVolatility().currentLink().referenceDate(), a.exercise.lastDate());
        greeks.vega = black.vega(t);

        double delta_theta = 0.0, delta_rho = 0.0;
        for (int i = 0; i < a.cashFlow.size(); i++) {
            final CashFlow cashflow = a.cashFlow.get(i);
            final Date d = cashflow.date();
            if (d.gt(settlementDate)) {
                delta_theta -= cashflow.amount()
                * process.riskFreeRate().currentLink().zeroRate(d, rfdc, Compounding.Continuous, Frequency.Annual).rate()
                * process.riskFreeRate().currentLink().discount(d);
                delta_rho += cashflow.amount() * process.time(d) * process.riskFreeRate().currentLink().discount(t);
        t = process.time(a.exercise.lastDate());
        try {
            greeks.theta = black.theta(spot, t) + delta_theta * black.delta(spot);
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