Examples of CasProcessorConfiguration

Examples of org.apache.uima.collection.impl.base_cpm.container.CasProcessorConfiguration

  public ProcessingContainer deployCasProcessor(List aCasProcessorList, boolean redeploy)
          throws ResourceConfigurationException {
    String name = null;
    CasProcessor casProcessor = null;
    CasProcessorConfiguration casProcessorConfig = null;
    ProcessingContainer processingContainer = null;
    try {
      // Deploy one Cas Processor at a time in sequential order
      for (int i = 0; i < aCasProcessorList.size(); i++) {
        casProcessor = (CasProcessor) aCasProcessorList.get(i);
        // Container may have already been instantiated. This will be the case if the CPM is
        // configured for concurrent
        // processing ( more than one processing pipeline). There is only one container per
        // CasProcessor type.
        // So each instance of the same CasProcessor will be associated with a single container.
        // Inside the
        // container instances are pooled. When deploying the very first CasProcessor of each type,
        // the
        // container will be created and initialized. Any subsequent deployments of this
        // CasProcessor will
        // simply use it, and will be added to this container's instance pool.
        if (processingContainer == null) {
          ProcessingResourceMetaData metaData = casProcessor.getProcessingResourceMetaData();
          CpeCasProcessor casProcessorType = (CpeCasProcessor) cpeFactory.casProcessorConfigMap
          // Create a pool to hold instances of CasProcessors. Instances are managed by a container
          // through
          // getCasProcessor() and releaseProcessor() methods.
          casProcessorPool = new ServiceProxyPool();
          // Create CasProcess Configuration holding info defined in the CPE descriptor
          casProcessorConfig = new CasProcessorConfigurationJAXBImpl(casProcessorType, cpeFactory.getResourceManager());

          // Associate CasProcessor configuration from CPE descriptor with this container
          processingContainer = new ProcessingContainer_Impl(casProcessorConfig, metaData,
          // Instantiate an object that encapsulates CasProcessor configuration
          // Determine deployment model for this CasProcessor
          // Each CasProcessor must have a name
          name = casProcessorConfig.getName();
          if (name == null) {
            if (UIMAFramework.getLogger().isLoggable(Level.SEVERE)) {
                      this.getClass().getName(), "initialize", CPMUtils.CPM_LOG_RESOURCE_BUNDLE,
                      "UIMA_CPM_unable_to_read_meta__SEVERE", Thread.currentThread().getName());
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Examples of org.apache.uima.collection.impl.base_cpm.container.CasProcessorConfiguration

    // Cas Processor configuration is associated with the container. There is a container per Cas
    // Processor type.
    // All Cas Processors that are replicated are manages by a single container. The configuration
    // is shared accross
    // all instances of Cas Processors. To the CPE each instance is exactly the same.
    CasProcessorConfiguration casProcessorConfig = aProcessingContainer
    String name = casProcessorConfig.getName();
    // If CasProcessor defined to run in a seperate process, extract all runtime info as
    // defined in the cpe descriptor for this casProcessor
    try {
      if (casProcessorConfig.runInSeparateProcess()) {
        // redeploy = true IF the service failed and intent is to re-launch it
        if (redeploy == false) {
          // Get number of instances of the Cas Processors to launch. This is defined in the CPE
          // descriptor by
          // attribute processingThreadCount in the <casProcessors> element.
          int concurrentThreadCount = cpeFactory.getProcessingUnitThreadCount();
          // 08/16/04 commented out to facilitate sharing of single queue across multiple instances
          // of this class.
          // LocalVNS is also shared.
          // For local Vinci services we must have a local vns service. This component determines
          // what ports
          // services will run on

          if (vns == null) {
            if (UIMAFramework.getLogger().isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) {
                      this.getClass().getName(), "initialize", CPMUtils.CPM_LOG_RESOURCE_BUNDLE,
                      new Object[] { Thread.currentThread().getName() });
            // 08/16/04 added to facilitate sharing of single queue across multiple instances of
            // this class.
            portQueue = new BoundedWorkQueue(concurrentThreadCount, "Port Queue", null);
            // Starts the VNS in its own thread.
            deployVNS(casProcessorConfig, redeploy);

          if (UIMAFramework.getLogger().isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) {
                    new Object[] { Thread.currentThread().getName(), casProcessorConfig.getName(),
                        casProcessorConfig.getDeploymentType() });
          // Do the actual deployment of the application. Actually, the deployer will deploy as
          // many application instances as there are processing pipeline threads.
          launchLocalService(aProcessingContainer, casProcessorConfig, redeploy,
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Examples of org.apache.uima.collection.impl.base_cpm.container.CasProcessorConfiguration

   *          flag indicating if this redeployment of failed CasProcessor
   * @throws ResourceConfigurationException
  private void deployRemote(ProcessingContainer aProcessingContainer, boolean redeploy)
          throws ResourceConfigurationException {
    CasProcessorConfiguration casProcessorConfig = aProcessingContainer
    String name = casProcessorConfig.getName();

    if (UIMAFramework.getLogger().isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) {
              new Object[] { Thread.currentThread().getName(), name,
                  casProcessorConfig.getDeploymentType() });

    try {
      // Remote CasProcessors are accessed by service name lookup in VNS
      String serviceUri = getServiceUri(casProcessorConfig);

      // How many proxies to create to remote service
      int concurrentThreadCount = cpeFactory.getProcessingUnitThreadCount();

      // Currently the CPM tries as many connections to the external annotator service as there are
      // threads.

      // #########################################################################################
      // # This code adjusts number of proxies in the CasProcessor Pool. This code removes those
      // # Cas Processors from the pool that have no assigned proxy. This may happen if there are
      // # not enough fenced services started and CPE configuration requires exclusive access to
      // # a service. The CPM will adjust number of processing pipelines to the lowest instance
      // # count found in all Cas Processor pools. For example, if the CPE descriptor is setup for
      // # 6 processing pipelines BUT there are only 3 available EXCLUSIVE fenced services the CPM
      // # will adjust the number of processing pipelines to 3.
      // #########################################################################################
      boolean exclusiveAccess = false;

      String serviceAccess = casProcessorConfig.getDeploymentParameter("service-access");
      if (serviceAccess != null && serviceAccess.equalsIgnoreCase("exclusive")) {
        exclusiveAccess = true;

      int howMany = 1;
      if (!redeploy) {
        howMany = concurrentThreadCount;

      int serviceCount = attachToServices(redeploy, serviceUri, howMany, aProcessingContainer);
      if (redeploy == false && exclusiveAccess && serviceCount < concurrentThreadCount) {
        ServiceProxyPool pool = aProcessingContainer.getPool();
        int poolSize = pool.getSize();
        for (int i = 0; i < poolSize; i++) {
          // Adjust number of CasProcessors in the pool
          CasProcessor processor = pool.checkOut();
          if (processor instanceof NetworkCasProcessorImpl) {
            if (((NetworkCasProcessorImpl) processor).getProxy() == null) {
              if (UIMAFramework.getLogger().isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) {
                        new Object[] { Thread.currentThread().getName(), name,
                            casProcessorConfig.getDeploymentType() });
              processor = null;
            } else {
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Examples of org.apache.uima.collection.impl.base_cpm.container.CasProcessorConfiguration

          ProcessingContainer aProcessingContainer) throws Exception {
    VinciServiceInfo serviceInfo = null;

    // Retrieve configuration information for the CasProcessor. This is the configuration from the
    // CPE descriptor
    CasProcessorConfiguration casProcessorConfig = aProcessingContainer
    ArrayList serviceList = null;
    // Check if this Cas Processor has exclusive service access. Meaning it requires service per
    // proxy.
    boolean exclusiveAccess = false;
    String serviceAccess = casProcessorConfig.getDeploymentParameter("service-access");
    if (serviceAccess != null && serviceAccess.equalsIgnoreCase("exclusive")) {
      if (UIMAFramework.getLogger().isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) {
                new Object[] { Thread.currentThread().getName(), aProcessingContainer.getName(),
                    casProcessorConfig.getDeploymentType() });
      exclusiveAccess = true;
      // The following is true if the service just crashed and we are trying to recover. The
      // container in this case
      // should contain a reference to the Cas Processor that failed.
      if (((ProcessingContainer_Impl) aProcessingContainer).failedCasProcessorList.size() > 0) {
        // In case the service starts on the same port as before it crashed, mark it as
        // available in the current service list
        if (UIMAFramework.getLogger().isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) {
                  new Object[] { Thread.currentThread().getName(), aProcessingContainer.getName(),
                      casProcessorConfig.getDeploymentType() });
        CasProcessor processor = (CasProcessor) ((ProcessingContainer_Impl) aProcessingContainer).failedCasProcessorList
        // Extract old (stale) proxy from the CAS Processor
        VinciTAP tap = ((NetworkCasProcessorImpl) processor).getProxy();
        if (tap != null) {
          // Since the new service may have started on the same machine and the same port, make sure
          // that the
          // current list is updated so that the service can be again connected to.
          String service_host = tap.getServiceHost();
          int service_port = tap.getServicePort();
          // Go through all services in the in-use service list and try to find one that matches
          // host and port
          // If found, change the state of the service to available again.
          for (int i = 0; currentServiceList != null && i < currentServiceList.size(); i++) {
            VinciServiceInfo si = (VinciServiceInfo) currentServiceList.get(i);
            if (si.getHost().equals(service_host) && si.getPort() == service_port) {


      // Retrieve a new service list from the VNS
      serviceList = getNewServiceList(aServiceUri, casProcessorConfig);

      if (serviceList == null || serviceList.size() == 0 && redeploy == false) {
        throw new ResourceConfigurationException(CPMUtils.CPM_LOG_RESOURCE_BUNDLE,
                "UIMA_CPM_no_service_in_vns__FINEST", new Object[] {
                    Thread.currentThread().getName(), aServiceUri,
                    casProcessorConfig.getDeploymentParameter(Constants.VNS_PORT) });
      // When redeploying/reconnecting, we only interested in one proxy
      if (redeploy) {
        howMany = 1; // override
      // If this is the first time through here, make sure the service list is cached. This is the
      // current service list.
      if (currentServiceList == null) {
        currentServiceList = serviceList;
      } else {
        // Copy the state of each service from current list to new list. Just change the state
        // of service from unassigned to assigned if it happens not to be in use.
        int newServiceCount = VNSQuery.findUnassigned(currentServiceList, serviceList);
        if (newServiceCount > 0) {
          // new Services have been started. Use the new list as current.
          currentServiceList = serviceList;

    int succesfullConnections = 0;

    int rC = casProcessorConfig.getMaxRestartCount();

    int maxTimeToWait = casProcessorConfig.getMaxTimeToWaitBetweenRetries();
    // Never sleep indefinitely. Override if the maxTimeToWait = 0
    if (maxTimeToWait == 0) {
      maxTimeToWait = WAIT_TIME;
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Examples of org.apache.uima.collection.impl.base_cpm.container.CasProcessorConfiguration

   * @throws ResourceConfigurationException
  private void handleMaxRestartThresholdReached(ProcessingContainer aProcessingContainer)
          throws ResourceConfigurationException {
    CasProcessorConfiguration casProcessorConfig = aProcessingContainer
    String name = casProcessorConfig.getName();
    if (UIMAFramework.getLogger().isLoggable(Level.WARNING)) {
              new Object[] { Thread.currentThread().getName(), aProcessingContainer.getName(),
                  String.valueOf(casProcessorConfig.getMaxRestartCount()) });

    if (UIMAFramework.getLogger().isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) {
              new Object[] { Thread.currentThread().getName(), aProcessingContainer.getName(),
                  casProcessorConfig.getActionOnMaxRestart() });
    // Throw appropriate exception based on configured action when max restarts are reached
    if (Constants.TERMINATE_CPE.equals(casProcessorConfig.getActionOnMaxRestart())) {
      if (UIMAFramework.getLogger().isLoggable(Level.INFO)) {
        UIMAFramework.getLogger(this.getClass()).logrb(Level.INFO, this.getClass().getName(),
                "initialize", CPMUtils.CPM_LOG_RESOURCE_BUNDLE,
                new Object[] { Thread.currentThread().getName(), aProcessingContainer.getName() });
      throw new ResourceConfigurationException(new AbortCPMException(CpmLocalizedMessage
                      "UIMA_CPM_EXP_configured_to_abort__WARNING", new Object[] {
                          Thread.currentThread().getName(), name })));
    if (Constants.KILL_PROCESSING_PIPELINE.equals(casProcessorConfig.getActionOnMaxRestart())) {
      if (UIMAFramework.getLogger().isLoggable(Level.INFO)) {
        UIMAFramework.getLogger(this.getClass()).logrb(Level.INFO, this.getClass().getName(),
                "initialize", CPMUtils.CPM_LOG_RESOURCE_BUNDLE,
                new Object[] { Thread.currentThread().getName(), aProcessingContainer.getName() });
      throw new ResourceConfigurationException(new KillPipelineException(CpmLocalizedMessage
                      "UIMA_CPM_EXP_configured_to_kill_pipeline__WARNING", new Object[] {
                          Thread.currentThread().getName(), name })));
    } else if (Constants.DISABLE_CASPROCESSOR.equals(casProcessorConfig.getActionOnMaxRestart())) {
      if (UIMAFramework.getLogger().isLoggable(Level.INFO)) {
        UIMAFramework.getLogger(this.getClass()).logrb(Level.INFO, this.getClass().getName(),
                "initialize", CPMUtils.CPM_LOG_RESOURCE_BUNDLE, "UIMA_CPM_disable_cp__INFO",
                new Object[] { Thread.currentThread().getName(), aProcessingContainer.getName() });
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