(AbstractSVGAnimatedLength) se.getY();
float y = _y.getCheckedValue();
AffineTransform positionTransform =
AffineTransform.getTranslateInstance(x, y);
CanvasGraphicsNode cgn;
cgn = (CanvasGraphicsNode)node;
} else if (ln.equals(SVG_VIEW_BOX_ATTRIBUTE)
SVGDocument doc = (SVGDocument)e.getOwnerDocument();
SVGOMSVGElement se = (SVGOMSVGElement) e;
boolean isOutermost = doc.getRootElement() == e;
// X & Y are ignored on outermost SVG.
float x = 0;
float y = 0;
if (!isOutermost) {
// 'x' attribute - default is 0
AbstractSVGAnimatedLength _x =
(AbstractSVGAnimatedLength) se.getX();
x = _x.getCheckedValue();
// 'y' attribute - default is 0
AbstractSVGAnimatedLength _y =
(AbstractSVGAnimatedLength) se.getY();
y = _y.getCheckedValue();
// 'width' attribute - default is 100%
AbstractSVGAnimatedLength _width =
(AbstractSVGAnimatedLength) se.getWidth();
float w = _width.getCheckedValue();
// 'height' attribute - default is 100%
AbstractSVGAnimatedLength _height =
(AbstractSVGAnimatedLength) se.getHeight();
float h = _height.getCheckedValue();
CanvasGraphicsNode cgn;
cgn = (CanvasGraphicsNode)node;
// 'viewBox' and "preserveAspectRatio' attributes
SVGOMAnimatedRect vb = (SVGOMAnimatedRect) se.getViewBox();
SVGAnimatedPreserveAspectRatio par = se.getPreserveAspectRatio();
AffineTransform newVT = ViewBox.getPreserveAspectRatioTransform
(e, vb, par, w, h, ctx);
AffineTransform oldVT = cgn.getViewingTransform();
if ((newVT.getScaleX() != oldVT.getScaleX()) ||
(newVT.getScaleY() != oldVT.getScaleY()) ||
(newVT.getShearX() != oldVT.getShearX()) ||
(newVT.getShearY() != oldVT.getShearY()))
rebuild = true;
else {
// Only differs in translate.
// 'overflow' and 'clip'
Shape clip = null;
if (CSSUtilities.convertOverflow(e)) { // overflow:hidden
float [] offsets = CSSUtilities.convertClip(e);
if (offsets == null) { // clip:auto
clip = new Rectangle2D.Float(x, y, w, h);
} else { // clip:rect(<x> <y> <w> <h>)
// offsets[0] = top
// offsets[1] = right
// offsets[2] = bottom
// offsets[3] = left
clip = new Rectangle2D.Float(x+offsets[3],
if (clip != null) {
try {
AffineTransform at;
at = cgn.getPositionTransform();
if (at == null) at = new AffineTransform();
else at = new AffineTransform(at);
at = at.createInverse(); // clip in user space
clip = at.createTransformedShape(clip);
Filter filter = cgn.getGraphicsNodeRable(true);
cgn.setClip(new ClipRable8Bit(filter, clip));
} catch (NoninvertibleTransformException ex) {}