Examples of CanalParseException

Examples of com.alibaba.otter.canal.parse.exception.CanalParseException

            } else if (LogEvent.UPDATE_ROWS_EVENT_V1 == type || LogEvent.UPDATE_ROWS_EVENT == type) {
                eventType = EventType.UPDATE;
            } else if (LogEvent.DELETE_ROWS_EVENT_V1 == type || LogEvent.DELETE_ROWS_EVENT == type) {
                eventType = EventType.DELETE;
            } else {
                throw new CanalParseException("unsupport event type :" + event.getHeader().getType());

            Header header = createHeader(binlogFileName, event.getHeader(), table.getDbName(), table.getTableName(),
            RowChange.Builder rowChangeBuider = RowChange.newBuilder();

            RowsLogBuffer buffer = event.getRowsBuf(charset.name());
            BitSet columns = event.getColumns();
            BitSet changeColumns = event.getColumns();
            TableMeta tableMeta = null;
            if (tableMetaCache != null) {// 入错存在table meta cache
                tableMeta = tableMetaCache.getTableMeta(fullname);
                if (tableMeta == null) {
                    throw new CanalParseException("not found [" + fullname + "] in db , pls check!");

            while (buffer.nextOneRow(columns)) {
                // 处理row记录
                RowData.Builder rowDataBuilder = RowData.newBuilder();
                if (EventType.INSERT == eventType) {
                    // insert的记录放在before字段中
                    parseOneRow(rowDataBuilder, event, buffer, columns, true, tableMeta);
                } else if (EventType.DELETE == eventType) {
                    // delete的记录放在before字段中
                    parseOneRow(rowDataBuilder, event, buffer, columns, false, tableMeta);
                } else {
                    // update需要处理before/after
                    parseOneRow(rowDataBuilder, event, buffer, columns, false, tableMeta);
                    if (!buffer.nextOneRow(changeColumns)) {

                    parseOneRow(rowDataBuilder, event, buffer, event.getChangeColumns(), true, tableMeta);

            return createEntry(header, EntryType.ROWDATA, rowChangeBuider.build().toByteString());
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new CanalParseException("parse row data failed.", e);
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Examples of com.alibaba.otter.canal.parse.exception.CanalParseException

            // 尝试做一次reload,可能因为ddl没有正确解析,或者使用了类似online ddl的操作
            // 因为online ddl没有对应表名的alter语法,所以不会有clear cache的操作
            String fullname = getSchemaNameAndTableName(event.getTable());
            tableMeta = tableMetaCache.getTableMeta(fullname, false);// 强制重新获取一次
            if (tableMeta == null) {
                throw new CanalParseException("not found [" + fullname + "] in db , pls check!");

            // 在做一次判断
            if (tableMeta != null && columnInfo.length > tableMeta.getFileds().size()) {
                throw new CanalParseException("column size is not match for table:" + tableMeta.getFullName() + ","
                                              + columnInfo.length + " vs " + tableMeta.getFileds().size());

        for (int i = 0; i < columnCnt; i++) {
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Examples of com.alibaba.otter.canal.parse.exception.CanalParseException

        return headerBuilder.build();

    private boolean isUpdate(List<Column> bfColumns, String newValue, int index) {
        if (bfColumns == null) {
            throw new CanalParseException("ERROR ## the bfColumns is null");

        if (index < 0) {
            return false;
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Examples of com.alibaba.otter.canal.parse.exception.CanalParseException

                if (!running) {

                if (!successed) {
                    throw new CanalParseException("consume failed!");

                LogPosition position = buildLastTranasctionPosition(transaction);
                if (position != null) { // 可能position为空
                    logPositionManager.persistLogPosition(AbstractEventParser.this.destination, position);
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Examples of com.alibaba.otter.canal.parse.exception.CanalParseException

                        erosaConnection = buildErosaConnection();
                        erosaConnection.connect();// 链接
                        // 2. 获取最后的位置信息
                        final EntryPosition startPosition = findStartPosition(erosaConnection);
                        if (startPosition == null) {
                            throw new CanalParseException("can't find start position for " + destination);
                        logger.info("find start position : {}", startPosition.toString());
                        // 重新链接,因为在找position过程中可能有状态,需要断开后重建
                        // 3. 执行dump前的准备工作

                        final SinkFunction sinkHandler = new SinkFunction<EVENT>() {

                            private LogPosition lastPosition;

                            public boolean sink(EVENT event) {
                                try {
                                    CanalEntry.Entry entry = parseAndProfilingIfNecessary(event);

                                    if (!running) {
                                        return false;

                                    if (entry != null) {
                                        // 记录一下对应的positions
                                        this.lastPosition = buildLastPosition(entry);
                                    return running;
                                } catch (TableIdNotFoundException e) {
                                    throw e;
                                } catch (Exception e) {
                                    processError(e, this.lastPosition, startPosition.getJournalName(),
                                    // 走到这一步,说明出错了
                                    return false;


                        // 4. 开始dump数据
                        if (StringUtils.isEmpty(startPosition.getJournalName()) && startPosition.getTimestamp() != null) {
                            erosaConnection.dump(startPosition.getTimestamp(), sinkHandler);
                        } else {
                            erosaConnection.dump(startPosition.getJournalName(), startPosition.getPosition(),

                    } catch (TableIdNotFoundException e) {
                        // 特殊处理TableIdNotFound异常,出现这样的异常,一种可能就是起始的position是一个事务当中,导致tablemap Event时间没解析过
                        needTransactionPosition.compareAndSet(false, true);
                        logger.error(String.format("dump address %s has an error, retrying. caused by ",
                                                   runningInfo.getAddress().toString()), e);
                    } catch (Throwable e) {
                        if (!running) {
                            if (!(e instanceof java.nio.channels.ClosedByInterruptException || e.getCause() instanceof java.nio.channels.ClosedByInterruptException)) {
                                throw new CanalParseException(String.format("dump address %s has an error, retrying. ",
                                                                            runningInfo.getAddress().toString()), e);
                        } else {
                            logger.error(String.format("dump address %s has an error, retrying. caused by ",
                                                       runningInfo.getAddress().toString()), e);
                            sendAlarm(destination, ExceptionUtils.getFullStackTrace(e));
                    } finally {
                        // 关闭一下链接
                        try {
                            if (erosaConnection != null) {
                        } catch (IOException e1) {
                            if (!running) {
                                throw new CanalParseException(
                                                                            "disconnect address %s has an error, retrying. ",
                                                                            runningInfo.getAddress().toString()), e1);
                            } else {
                                logger.error("disconnect address {} has an error, retrying., caused by ",
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Examples of com.alibaba.otter.canal.parse.exception.CanalParseException

            } else if (LogEvent.UPDATE_ROWS_EVENT == event.getHeader().getType()) {
                eventType = EventType.UPDATE;
            } else if (LogEvent.DELETE_ROWS_EVENT == event.getHeader().getType()) {
                eventType = EventType.DELETE;
            } else {
                throw new CanalParseException("unsupport event type :" + event.getHeader().getType());

            RowsLogBuffer buffer = event.getRowsBuf(charset.name());
            BitSet columns = event.getColumns();
            BitSet changeColumns = event.getColumns();
            TableMeta tableMeta = null;
            if (tableMetaCache != null) {// 入错存在table meta cache
                tableMeta = tableMetaCache.getTableMeta(fullname);
                if (tableMeta == null) {
                    throw new CanalParseException("not found [" + fullname + "] in db , pls check!");

            while (buffer.nextOneRow(columns)) {
                // 处理row记录
                RowData.Builder rowDataBuilder = RowData.newBuilder();
                if (EventType.INSERT == eventType) {
                    // insert的记录放在before字段中
                    parseOneRow(rowDataBuilder, event, buffer, columns, true, tableMeta);
                } else if (EventType.DELETE == eventType) {
                    // delete的记录放在before字段中
                    parseOneRow(rowDataBuilder, event, buffer, columns, false, tableMeta);
                } else {
                    // update需要处理before/after
                    parseOneRow(rowDataBuilder, event, buffer, columns, false, tableMeta);
                    if (!buffer.nextOneRow(changeColumns)) {

                    parseOneRow(rowDataBuilder, event, buffer, event.getChangeColumns(), true, tableMeta);

            return createEntry(header, EntryType.ROWDATA, rowChangeBuider.build().toByteString());
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new CanalParseException("parse row data failed.", e);
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Examples of com.alibaba.otter.canal.parse.exception.CanalParseException

        final int columnCnt = event.getTable().getColumnCnt();
        final ColumnInfo[] columnInfo = event.getTable().getColumnInfo();

        // check table fileds count,只能处理加字段
        if (tableMeta != null && columnInfo.length > tableMeta.getFileds().size()) {
            throw new CanalParseException("column size is not match for table:" + tableMeta.getFullName());

        for (int i = 0; i < columnCnt; i++) {
            ColumnInfo info = columnInfo[i];
            buffer.nextValue(info.type, info.meta);
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Examples of com.alibaba.otter.canal.parse.exception.CanalParseException

        while (fetcher.fetch()) {
            LogEvent event = null;
            event = decoder.decode(fetcher, context);

            if (event == null) {
                throw new CanalParseException("parse failed");

            if (!func.sink(event)) {
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Examples of com.alibaba.otter.canal.parse.exception.CanalParseException

        while (fetcher.fetch()) {
            LogEvent event = null;
            event = decoder.decode(fetcher, context);

            if (event == null) {
                throw new CanalParseException("parse failed");

            if (!func.sink(event)) {
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Examples of com.alibaba.otter.canal.parse.exception.CanalParseException

            while (running) {
                boolean needContinue = true;
                while (fetcher.fetch()) {
                    LogEvent event = decoder.decode(fetcher, context);
                    if (event == null) {
                        throw new CanalParseException("parse failed");
                    if (!func.sink(event)) {
                        needContinue = false;
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