public void handleOp(JSONObject opPayload, Cache<Object, Object> cache, ChannelHandlerContext ctx) throws JSONException {
String opCode = (String) opPayload.get(OpHandler.OP_CODE);
String key = (String) opPayload.opt(OpHandler.KEY);
String[] onEvents = (String[]) opPayload.opt("onEvents");
CacheListener listener = listeners.get(cache);
if(key == null) {
// If key not specified... notify on all...
key = "*";
if(listener == null) {
synchronized (this) {
listener = listeners.get(cache);
if(listener == null) {
listener = new CacheListener();
listeners.put(cache, listener);
String[] keyTokens = key.split(",");
for(String keyToken : keyTokens) {
ChannelNotifyParams notifyParams = new ChannelNotifyParams(ctx.getChannel(), keyToken, onEvents);
if(opCode.equals("notify")) {
// And push the value to the channel (if it's not wildcard)...
if(!keyToken.equals("*")) {
ChannelUtils.pushCacheValue(keyToken, cache, ctx);
} else if(opCode.equals("unnotify")) {