RemoteIterator<CacheDirectiveEntry> dit
= dfs.listCacheDirectives(null);
for (int i=0; i<numEntries; i++) {
assertTrue("Unexpected # of cache entries: " + i, dit.hasNext());
CacheDirectiveInfo cd = dit.next().getInfo();
assertEquals(i+1, cd.getId().longValue());
assertEquals(entryPrefix + i, cd.getPath().toUri().getPath());
assertEquals(pool, cd.getPool());
assertFalse("Unexpected # of cache directives found", dit.hasNext());
// Checkpoint once to set some cache pools and directives on 2NN side
// Add some more CacheManager state
final String imagePool = "imagePool";
dfs.addCachePool(new CachePoolInfo(imagePool));
prevId = dfs.addCacheDirective(new CacheDirectiveInfo.Builder()
.setPath(new Path("/image")).setPool(imagePool).build());
// Save a new image to force a fresh fsimage download
// Checkpoint again forcing a reload of FSN state
boolean fetchImage = secondary.doCheckpoint();
assertTrue("Secondary should have fetched a new fsimage from NameNode",
// Remove temp pool and directive
// Restart namenode
// Check that state came back up
pit = dfs.listCachePools();
assertTrue("No cache pools found", pit.hasNext());
info = pit.next().getInfo();
assertEquals(pool, info.getPoolName());
assertEquals(pool, info.getPoolName());
assertEquals(groupName, info.getGroupName());
assertEquals(mode, info.getMode());
assertEquals(limit, (long)info.getLimit());
assertFalse("Unexpected # of cache pools found", pit.hasNext());
dit = dfs.listCacheDirectives(null);
for (int i=0; i<numEntries; i++) {
assertTrue("Unexpected # of cache entries: " + i, dit.hasNext());
CacheDirectiveInfo cd = dit.next().getInfo();
assertEquals(i+1, cd.getId().longValue());
assertEquals(entryPrefix + i, cd.getPath().toUri().getPath());
assertEquals(pool, cd.getPool());
assertEquals(expiry.getTime(), cd.getExpiration().getMillis());
assertFalse("Unexpected # of cache directives found", dit.hasNext());
long nextId = dfs.addCacheDirective(
new CacheDirectiveInfo.Builder().