Examples of CASValue

Examples of net.spy.memcached.CASValue


  public final <T> T findById(final String id, final Class<T> entityClass) {
    CASValue result = execute(new BucketCallback<CASValue>() {
      public CASValue doInBucket() {
        return client.gets(id);

    if (result == null) {
      return null;

    final CouchbaseDocument converted = new CouchbaseDocument(id);
    Object readEntity = couchbaseConverter.read(entityClass, (CouchbaseDocument) translateDecode(
      (String) result.getValue(), converted));

    final BeanWrapper<Object> beanWrapper = BeanWrapper.create(readEntity, couchbaseConverter.getConversionService());
    CouchbasePersistentEntity<?> persistentEntity = mappingContext.getPersistentEntity(readEntity.getClass());
    if (persistentEntity.hasVersionProperty()) {
      beanWrapper.setProperty(persistentEntity.getVersionProperty(), result.getCas());

    return (T) readEntity;
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Examples of net.spy.memcached.CASValue

      final String key1 = "5";

      // 1. Put with Memcached
      Future<Boolean> f = cacheFactory.getMemcachedClient().set(key1, 0, "v1");
      assertTrue(f.get(60, TimeUnit.SECONDS));
      CASValue oldValue = cacheFactory.getMemcachedClient().gets(key1);

      // 2. Replace with Embedded
      assertTrue(cacheFactory.getEmbeddedCache().replace(key1, "v1", "v2"));

      // 4. Get with Memcached and verify value/CAS
      CASValue newValue = cacheFactory.getMemcachedClient().gets(key1);
      assertEquals("v2", newValue.getValue());
      assertNotSame("The version (CAS) should have changed, " +
            "oldCase=" + oldValue.getCas() + ", newCas=" + newValue.getCas(),
            oldValue.getCas(), newValue.getCas());
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Examples of net.spy.memcached.CASValue

      final String key1 = "6";

      // 1. Put with Memcached
      Future<Boolean> f = cacheFactory.getMemcachedClient().set(key1, 0, "v1");
      assertTrue(f.get(60, TimeUnit.SECONDS));
      CASValue oldValue = cacheFactory.getMemcachedClient().gets(key1);

      // 2. Replace with Hot Rod
      VersionedValue versioned = cacheFactory.getHotRodCache().getVersioned(key1);
      assertTrue(cacheFactory.getHotRodCache().replaceWithVersion(key1, "v2", versioned.getVersion()));

      // 4. Get with Memcached and verify value/CAS
      CASValue newValue = cacheFactory.getMemcachedClient().gets(key1);
      assertEquals("v2", newValue.getValue());
      assertTrue("The version (CAS) should have changed", oldValue.getCas() != newValue.getCas());
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Examples of net.spy.memcached.CASValue

      final String key1 = "7";

      // 1. Put with Memcached
      Future<Boolean> f = cacheFactory.getMemcachedClient().set(key1, 0, "v1");
      assertTrue(f.get(60, TimeUnit.SECONDS));
      CASValue oldValue = cacheFactory.getMemcachedClient().gets(key1);

      // 2. Replace with Hot Rod
      VersionedValue versioned = cacheFactory.getHotRodCache().getVersioned(key1);
      assertTrue(cacheFactory.getHotRodCache().replaceWithVersion(key1, "v2", versioned.getVersion()));

      // 3. Replace with Embedded
      assertTrue(cacheFactory.getEmbeddedCache().replace(key1, "v2", "v3"));

      // 4. Get with Memcached and verify value/CAS
      CASValue newValue = cacheFactory.getMemcachedClient().gets(key1);
      assertEquals("v3", newValue.getValue());
      assertTrue("The version (CAS) should have changed", oldValue.getCas() != newValue.getCas());
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Examples of net.spy.memcached.CASValue

      final String key1 = "5";

      // 1. Put with Memcached
      Future<Boolean> f = cacheFactory.getMemcachedClient().set(key1, 0, "v1");
      assertTrue(f.get(60, TimeUnit.SECONDS));
      CASValue oldValue = cacheFactory.getMemcachedClient().gets(key1);

      // 2. Replace with Embedded
      assertTrue(cacheFactory.getEmbeddedCache().replace(key1, "v1", "v2"));

      // 4. Get with Memcached and verify value/CAS
      CASValue newValue = cacheFactory.getMemcachedClient().gets(key1);
      assertEquals("v2", newValue.getValue());
      assertNotSame("The version (CAS) should have changed, " +
            "oldCase=" + oldValue.getCas() + ", newCas=" + newValue.getCas(),
            oldValue.getCas(), newValue.getCas());
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Examples of net.spy.memcached.CASValue

      final String key1 = "6";

      // 1. Put with Memcached
      Future<Boolean> f = cacheFactory.getMemcachedClient().set(key1, 0, "v1");
      assertTrue(f.get(60, TimeUnit.SECONDS));
      CASValue oldValue = cacheFactory.getMemcachedClient().gets(key1);

      // 2. Replace with Hot Rod
      VersionedValue versioned = cacheFactory.getHotRodCache().getVersioned(key1);
      assertTrue(cacheFactory.getHotRodCache().replaceWithVersion(key1, "v2", versioned.getVersion()));

      // 4. Get with Memcached and verify value/CAS
      CASValue newValue = cacheFactory.getMemcachedClient().gets(key1);
      assertEquals("v2", newValue.getValue());
      assertTrue("The version (CAS) should have changed", oldValue.getCas() != newValue.getCas());
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Examples of net.spy.memcached.CASValue

      final String key1 = "7";

      // 1. Put with Memcached
      Future<Boolean> f = cacheFactory.getMemcachedClient().set(key1, 0, "v1");
      assertTrue(f.get(60, TimeUnit.SECONDS));
      CASValue oldValue = cacheFactory.getMemcachedClient().gets(key1);

      // 2. Replace with Hot Rod
      VersionedValue versioned = cacheFactory.getHotRodCache().getVersioned(key1);
      assertTrue(cacheFactory.getHotRodCache().replaceWithVersion(key1, "v2", versioned.getVersion()));

      // 3. Replace with Embedded
      assertTrue(cacheFactory.getEmbeddedCache().replace(key1, "v2", "v3"));

      // 4. Get with Memcached and verify value/CAS
      CASValue newValue = cacheFactory.getMemcachedClient().gets(key1);
      assertEquals("v3", newValue.getValue());
      assertTrue("The version (CAS) should have changed", oldValue.getCas() != newValue.getCas());
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Examples of net.spy.memcached.CASValue

      final String key1 = "5";

      // 1. Put with Memcached
      Future<Boolean> f = cacheFactory.getMemcachedClient().set(key1, 0, "v1");
      assertTrue(f.get(60, TimeUnit.SECONDS));
      CASValue oldValue = cacheFactory.getMemcachedClient().gets(key1);

      // 2. Replace with Embedded
      assertTrue(cacheFactory.getEmbeddedCache().replace(key1, "v1", "v2"));

      // 4. Get with Memcached and verify value/CAS
      CASValue newValue = cacheFactory.getMemcachedClient().gets(key1);
      assertEquals("v2", newValue.getValue());
      assertNotSame("The version (CAS) should have changed, " +
            "oldCase=" + oldValue.getCas() + ", newCas=" + newValue.getCas(),
            oldValue.getCas(), newValue.getCas());
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Examples of net.spy.memcached.CASValue

      final String key1 = "6";

      // 1. Put with Memcached
      Future<Boolean> f = cacheFactory.getMemcachedClient().set(key1, 0, "v1");
      assertTrue(f.get(60, TimeUnit.SECONDS));
      CASValue oldValue = cacheFactory.getMemcachedClient().gets(key1);

      // 2. Replace with Hot Rod
      VersionedValue versioned = cacheFactory.getHotRodCache().getVersioned(key1);
      assertTrue(cacheFactory.getHotRodCache().replaceWithVersion(key1, "v2", versioned.getVersion()));

      // 4. Get with Memcached and verify value/CAS
      CASValue newValue = cacheFactory.getMemcachedClient().gets(key1);
      assertEquals("v2", newValue.getValue());
      assertTrue("The version (CAS) should have changed", oldValue.getCas() != newValue.getCas());
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Examples of net.spy.memcached.CASValue

      final String key1 = "7";

      // 1. Put with Memcached
      Future<Boolean> f = cacheFactory.getMemcachedClient().set(key1, 0, "v1");
      assertTrue(f.get(60, TimeUnit.SECONDS));
      CASValue oldValue = cacheFactory.getMemcachedClient().gets(key1);

      // 2. Replace with Hot Rod
      VersionedValue versioned = cacheFactory.getHotRodCache().getVersioned(key1);
      assertTrue(cacheFactory.getHotRodCache().replaceWithVersion(key1, "v2", versioned.getVersion()));

      // 3. Replace with Embedded
      assertTrue(cacheFactory.getEmbeddedCache().replace(key1, "v2", "v3"));

      // 4. Get with Memcached and verify value/CAS
      CASValue newValue = cacheFactory.getMemcachedClient().gets(key1);
      assertEquals("v3", newValue.getValue());
      assertTrue("The version (CAS) should have changed", oldValue.getCas() != newValue.getCas());
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