. Under the hood, this class use a temporary Selector pool to for reading bytes when the client ask for more and the current Selector is not yet ready.
@author Jeanfrancois Arcand
Please note that the reads will cause position movement on wrapped ByteBuffer.
L'implementazione e' thread safe.
Il comportamento puo' essere bloccante (default) ovvero quando il buffer e' vuoto letture dallo stream provocano il blocco del thread che legge, oppure non bloccante (read ritorna 0 quando lo stream e' vuoto). @author Nicola De Nisco
This input stream serves as a bridging inbound I/O component between a blocking upper I/O layer and an underlying non-blocking I/O layer. In addition to the blocking {@code} operations,this input stream provides the non-blocking {@code tryRead} counterparts.
@author Marek Potociar (marek.potociar at