TokenStreamToAutomaton ts2a = getTokenStreamToAutomaton();
boolean success = false;
byte buffer[] = new byte[8];
try {
ByteArrayDataOutput output = new ByteArrayDataOutput(buffer);
BytesRef surfaceForm;
while ((surfaceForm = != null) {
Set<IntsRef> paths = toFiniteStrings(surfaceForm, ts2a);
maxAnalyzedPathsForOneInput = Math.max(maxAnalyzedPathsForOneInput, paths.size());
for (IntsRef path : paths) {
Util.toBytesRef(path, scratch);
// length of the analyzed text (FST input)
if (scratch.length > Short.MAX_VALUE-2) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("cannot handle analyzed forms > " + (Short.MAX_VALUE-2) + " in length (got " + scratch.length + ")");
short analyzedLength = (short) scratch.length;
// compute the required length:
// analyzed sequence + weight (4) + surface + analyzedLength (short)
int requiredLength = analyzedLength + 4 + surfaceForm.length + 2;
BytesRef payload;
if (hasPayloads) {
if (surfaceForm.length > (Short.MAX_VALUE-2)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("cannot handle surface form > " + (Short.MAX_VALUE-2) + " in length (got " + surfaceForm.length + ")");
payload = payloads.payload();
// payload + surfaceLength (short)
requiredLength += payload.length + 2;
} else {
payload = null;
buffer = ArrayUtil.grow(buffer, requiredLength);
output.writeBytes(scratch.bytes, scratch.offset, scratch.length);
if (hasPayloads) {
for(int i=0;i<surfaceForm.length;i++) {
if (surfaceForm.bytes[i] == PAYLOAD_SEP) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("surface form cannot contain unit separator character U+001F; this character is reserved");
output.writeShort((short) surfaceForm.length);
output.writeBytes(surfaceForm.bytes, surfaceForm.offset, surfaceForm.length);
output.writeBytes(payload.bytes, payload.offset, payload.length);
} else {
output.writeBytes(surfaceForm.bytes, surfaceForm.offset, surfaceForm.length);
assert output.getPosition() == requiredLength: output.getPosition() + " vs " + requiredLength;
writer.write(buffer, 0, output.getPosition());
// Sort all input/output pairs (required by FST.Builder):