The bundle wiring for a bundle is the {@link #isCurrent() current} bundlewiring if it is the most recent bundle wiring for the current bundle revision. A bundle wiring is {@link #isInUse() in use} if it is the currentbundle wiring or if some other in use bundle wiring is dependent upon it. For example, another bundle wiring is wired to a capability provided by the bundle wiring. An in use bundle wiring for a non-fragment bundle has a class loader. All bundles with non-current, in use bundle wirings are considered removal pending. Once a bundle wiring is no longer in use, it is considered stale and is discarded by the framework.
The current bundle wiring for a bundle can be obtained by calling {@link Bundle#adapt(Class) bundle.adapt}(BundleWiring.class). A bundle in the INSTALLED or UNINSTALLED state does not have a current wiring, adapting such a bundle returns {@code null}. @ThreadSafe @author $Id: 367499c4b37683c52e622f479242a9caf7e59b0f $